Attached: Mega+Millions.jpg (2564x3000, 584K)

Cool. I believed in you user.

Q: How do you play the lottery and win?
A: Trick question. You're already a winner if you DON'T play.

Seems legit

$10 tho

Nice, the government is gonna take 75% of that

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my store sold 4500$ in mega millions tickets today.

that was about 500 times just today i alone tricked someone out of $2+. many of which paid an extra dollar for a multiplier on winnings they never stood a chance to win.

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inb4 wagecucking

all my money goes into budgeted savings and i have capital for multiple startups. i live off about 15-20% of my income and get full time benefits at 32 hrs/wk and spend my off time creating digital marketing content for my future startups. im only 21 but both my parents are entrepreneurs ill be ok yall



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Way to go man!

just make sure you include the part about the money and connections that your parents gave you that 99%+ other people won’t get


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At least you only spent $4.
Some people out there spend hundreds and get massively burned because they think they're The One.

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oh i didnt say they were good entrepreneurs, i mean shit we were renting a house my sophomore to senior year of highschool. also my dad drank a 30 pack a day 5 days a week until i was 18 and called me a worthless loser since i was 5 and my mom would agree with him but hey the dna was there man. only working at a gas station now because my dad tried to kill me on my 3rd year of construction with him. "forgot" to bolt a patio cover and told me to sweep under it more and more as i loaded more shingles up to him. he fully intended to kill me and i walked out from underneath less than 1 second after it collapsed. it scraped the back of my legs as it came down.

tl;dr dad was a drunk left me no money mom only made enough to support her spending

How ya holding up?

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1 second before it collapsed *

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DESU I am more upset that this chick just cucked me

>$2 is a meaningful part of his budget
I have literally spent more than that to prove a point in a Jow Forums post

what the actual fuck. that's some cosmic coincidence shit right there

>hat was about 500 times just today i alone tricked someone out of $2+.

So did you profit from this or does your pajeet boss or is it only the state?

At least im hodling BAT and HOT... I am going to make it right?

Are you for real? Could you please post a time stamp for us? You will go down as the most JUST'd bizlet in history.

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On closer inspection its shopped. kys faggot

and no you won't make anything with those tokens

yes. Cypher sent us to a hell but we are going even deeper. Take back everything that we have lost.

Attached: whooo.png (1026x613, 757K)

Check the time stamp on the ticket...I am in bed crying currently...might watch some porn to cheer me up might cry my self to sleep

larping faggot.

>some numbers have red backgrounds for no reason
I believed in you
Bogged, twice in a row. Smile and optimism: gone

Don't you still win a prize

well ofcourse the store profits off of it and i work at a chain that was only recently bought by a hajib but he was cool af i met him the other day. by and far its the state though, they profit off both the sales and the insane amount of money they tax off of the winnings which is like taking money from a baby 5 times in a row and its all poor baby money lol.

>implying one old lady didnt buy $500 of paper from my coworker
>implying 99% didnt buy 20-30$ worth of paper with a multiplier making it 33% more expensive paper

the only thing lottery is good for is giving my sorry ass a reason to laugh at and feel superior to people all day at work lol


Attached: winnerdinner.jpg (768x1024, 106K)

So you're bragging about tricking people into losing thier money on purpose but you don't gain materially in any way from it?

You sound like a faggot and a loser that works for a fucking immigrant at 21 years old. You're a pathetic piece of shit and deserve everything bad that happens to you.

you need to go back


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Future Famous post here. Put me in the S Cap

In the gambling industry you're called "free money." Better luck next time, schmendrick.

Nah it’s even funnier because they’re paying the state and complaining about sales tax in the same breath lol. I feel superior because I minimize my tax exposure and they are crippled by it. To each their own tho

That actually, yeah.

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Include me in cap

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Off by one on each of the first row

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this is so fucking unlikely
some really grade-A absurdist fuckery going on there

i would be incredulous

Attached: 1290569737.pisceskelp_ec_major_sketch_small2.jpg (798x1280, 133K)

there no way this real

Please let me in the screencap

Ride the luck you have - load up on XRP


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it's shopped

why would you do this
i was incredulous for you and everything

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I don't get it his numbers aren't even close?

Whoa I’d be JUST’ing if that were me.

each number is one off
The first set of numbers are anyway

WHy dont they just take the pot and make 1000 people millionaires?

would be more exciting desu

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quantum JUSTing

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Z o o m e d W o r d s

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This is the same feeling linkies will have when sergey exit scams x1000