Completely ignore accusations they used investor funds for coke and gambling

>completely ignore accusations they used investor funds for coke and gambling
suspicious as fuck. stay away from this at all costs.

Attached: IMG_3165.jpg (327x154, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>crypto backed by gambling and cocaine
Locked in

There is no gambling or Coke fud, that was made up by the team themselves to discredit the actual fud about the CEO day trading investor funds for a big loss. You can see in the archives it was team members and bag holders piling that on so they can claim there are lots of fake allegations and they don't have time to answer them all.
Lol so pathetic, just answer the fud or get rekt

please post me the source of this knowledge that the CEO day traded investor funds.

These are daggots trying to save their coin by saying it was only gambling. Constellation team are well known in Silicon Valley for buying prostitutes and doing drugs. Anyway a simple announcement on this would clear everything up, but yet they refuse.

I went to the Constellation testnet function and there was coke everywhere. Its funny investors are trying to say its just gambling.

They could clear it up with a simple announcement, we didn't gamble away the funds, but they won't.

The NYC function? I almost went. Glad I market dumped instead.
very active github, excellent code, tons of conferences attended, huge networking opportunities. look through the fud, this is a good buy rn, easy x10.

Dayum these guys will stop at nothing to try and cover up the day trading shit and their missing CEO. Fake fudding their own project to cover up real fud.
>That won't backfire kek

Again then why don't they make an announcement about it? It would be very easy to clear up 'we didn't use the funds to gamble and buy drugs with'

This is hilarious I've seen them do it in other threads.

>When the team of your coin is spreading fake rumors about their own missing CEO being a Coke head to cover for huge trading losses...

You might be a dag bagholder lol

You're arguing with daggots desperately trying to save their bag. Its already sub100 sat. The coke and gambling FUD was never addressed or debunked. Theyve had six weeks. Suspicious as fuck.

Because 100 of their investors haven't asked them that yet and it's not killing their token price by 40%

How do you not understand that, are you in 3rd grade?

Again address the topic at hand. If it's so outrageous they used funds to gamble and do drugs, why won't they release a statement debunking it?

I was at the NYC function and saw them doing coke. Would be pretty easy to make an announcement and clear up they didnt use funds to gamble and do drugs.

Love how daggots ITT are trying to lay on a way lighter accusation to try and salvage their coin at all costs.

The difference is I met them in person. I saw the coke spread out everywhere.

You're the daggot here. STFU with this coke and gambling nonsense. The issue is the CEO and the project's funding, and you can't bury that under fake FUD that nobody believes.

When your team is actively fudding their own project with obvious made up fud to cover for the actual fud that's killing their token price

> Going to zero for certain and somebody is getting sued

Fake FUD no one believes? The rumors they gambled and used investor funds for drugs is very easy to debunk yet all we get is total silence. Is that not suspicious as fuck to you?

>When daggots are so desperate they try to claim actual concerns are fake 'don't worry guys they only gambled the money away there was no drugs involved.' Yeah you don't know how stupid you sound right now.

Hilarious how paranoid and delusional you sound.

>coke and gambling
just went all in

ITT: daggies trying to save their bags

They know if word gets out they gambled funds and did coke their project is finished. They're sending their team members ITT to flood the topic with FUD but the fact stand if they didn't use money to gamble and do coke they could release a statement denying it.

Dunno man companies answering to trolls is bad optics. Life rule. Better to just ignore haters. They mightve gambled and done coke but we'll never know the truth.

>We'll ignore the FUD and screw all our investors as it dumps down to zero out of pride.

Best if they just bring out a statement to debunk investor concerns . how hard is it to say we didnt use funds to gamble and buy drugs. Would be so easy.

Nobody is falling for this.

CEO daytrading away funds and vanishing. This is the issue and this is what DAG has avoided answering to for over a month. You can't hide this under stupid fake FUD and concern trolling. Maybe if you tried this in the first week after word got out, it might'be worked. Way, way too late now.

>daggot trying to bury the real FUD with lesser FUD to try and save the diving price.

really feel bad for you but this is going to 10 sat until they address their gamblng and drug use.

Somebody screenshot this shit. It's going to be in the news at some point. Dagfags fudding their own fud for cover. A new low in crypto.

huh? you're completely delusional. I just want my concerns answered by the team. you're just a scared bagholder. they could end the FUD in seconds and put my concerns to rest but they don't. why is that?

the rumor is the CEO was fired after gambled investor funds away and blowing it on coke. anything other than that is daggots trying to spin it to save their bags.

>Somebody screenshot this shit. It's going to be in the news at some point. Dagfags fudding their own fud for cover. A new low in crypto.

Such daggotry.

This is so amazing

source for rumor?

it is amazing indeed seeing the mental gymnastics you daggots go through to try to protect your failing shitcoin

the worst mistake both the DAG community and DAG marketing made was thinking they could push their shitty coin to Jow Forums, pretend they are oldfag posters; one of us. Love how it backfired, they wouldn't have to care about so much "fud" right now, neither the invasion on their telegram and the tremendous dump on the price. Lovely.... DAG is going to Wharton as a case study in Msc. on how not to viral market your product.

The worst mistake is the tokenomics.

Also dont believe this fud. I think everyone itt is one person trying to shit on the project however they can. Q1 couple major exchanges and watch the fireworks. Attributing bear market crash to this one troll when everything is down 10x naw

I'm not the same person as these daggots. The team had six weeks to address the FUD but they chose to ignore it? Why? All we want to know is the funds are safe and they didn't gamble it away and blow it on coke.

God why did i buy into this.

CEO missing after pissing away funds daytrading = legitimate, yet to be addressed FUD.

Other stupid shit you read in these threads (eg. coke and gambling) = Constellation team or bagholders larping to discredit the legit FUD by association with dumb FUD (ie. UqAUjF+o).

I can fully guarantee you that its more than 1 person. It's not even about DAG. Its about how fucking annoying forced shilling is. You attract people to "FUD" your product due to sheer annoyance. There are very few projects which get as much flack as DAG, it is quite an achievement from both sides.

neither was put forth with any evidence so both are equally valid and absurd. I agree never promote to biz you run into paranoid schizophrenics with nothing to lose who will dedicate their life to get revenge or turn $200 into $400

>I agree never promote to biz you run into paranoid schizophrenics with nothing to lose who will dedicate their life to get revenge or turn $200 into $400

Very easy to arrive at such conclusion if you don't understand Jow Forums. Have shilled so many people on good projects over the past few years, but DAG was special. You guys don't get a pass because some paranoid schizophrenics want to have their way with you. You don't get one because your project is riddled with holes, inconsistencies and issues. Usually, other projects counter FUD by dispelling it, in DAG's case the FUD just gets ignored and never cleared up. People come on telegram and get banned, any remotely critical question gets immediately deleted, some fag keeps spamming stickers so the questions gets pushed out of view until a mod comes to delete it. I can go on......I even tried to help Al Brown on his marketing approach with some pointers, but no, you guys want to do it your way. The result is a dumpster fire, could have been different.

Attached: 34567.jpg (259x194, 9K)

FUD is just hurting fellow Jow Forums holders. The team already raised $30 mill theyre set for life. This is just harming us NEETs

No they actually lost most of it day trading, they have about 12-18 months of capital

what did you suggest to brown?

Show evidence or join the DAG are cokehead pedophile train.

They will ignore any request for evidence, meanwhile we have people in this very thread who saw them doing coke in the NYC meetup.

Hey you wanna go w theyre pedos fine but either of you shiw evidence. Shit is hitting a dollar pegged to $20k btc guaranteed. You faggots cant touch this project no matter what bullshit you make up.