What is the easiest country to migrate to and get a well paying job in?
What is the easiest country to migrate to and get a well paying job in?
The US if you are from Guatemala or Honduras. Join the party user
I migrated to the US 5 years ago - 3x Salary instantly for doing less daily. American women are fucking ridiculous too, they love my pajeet dick.
Doo doo nigger
said no one every
unironically the US
you can make more as an illegal in the US than through legal migration in european or asian countries
there are of course exceptions, if you went through 4-5 years of collegecuckery and have the proper kiss my ass credentials, EU/Singapore can offer better opportunities. but from a blank state, assuming you're not a normie and have a brain, the US is the best option. limitless hustles
Krishnaspeed Sir
leaving his motherland is cowardness
you are a cancer
also why? if you live in western europe, north america or east asia, coming here is a significant downgrade in pretty much every imaginable way.
go to the US. opportunity is what makes a country, and the states has a shit ton of it.
>they love my pajeet dick
This is the first and, now, second time someone has written this phrase in the history of mankind. Be awed.
I just want to live in the woods and not pay taxes
what country should I move to
>t. fat sissy first worlder
If you want to be a tradie or work whats typically a minimum wage job come to Australia. Gas station attendants get like $30+ an hour.
GET OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEAVE OUR WOMEN ALONE YOU FILTHY POO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING HELL
that picture makes me want to cry. Those poor dogs.
ok buddy
try more like $18-$20. You only get $30+ an hour if you're working the graveyard, at which point you'd wanna kill yourself anyway.
quit larping.