I read that Germany and Denmark are crypto tax free heavens. I happen to be Italian...

I read that Germany and Denmark are crypto tax free heavens. I happen to be Italian, and here I believe BTC is taxed 26% on cashing out.
How do I cash out in Germany? Do I need to be a Deutsch citizen in order to get a bank account on which to transfer the BTC gains, or it's enough to be european? I need to cash out 400,000€, I don't cannot get only 300k

Attached: i_hate_travelling_by_bus_by_antonirysuje-d8wnha1.png (979x731, 38K)

for this to work you need to pay your taxes in the concerned country
which means 6+ months of living in Germany, and you would be able to cash out next year

im italian too, is btc only taxed 26% ? or after paying that tax are you taxed again as if it was money you made with partita iva?

I'm German bro, send me your monies and I'll cash out for you

grande mortadella ragazzo

In Germany, its only free if you hold for more than a year. Otherwise, the taxes will rape you. Mutti Merkel needs that money to feed Mohammed.

Gains on crypto is taxed in Denmark on the same level as stocks - there was a verdict on it last year

"Easiest" way would you become German and wait for a year. Alternative would be to open up a business which is mainly located in Germany (with you as the owner).

Otherwise, Spanish tax rates automatically apply.

Tl;dr: nope. And one advice from someone who is maried to a tax professional: go to an expert, explain that you want to lower your tax burden the legal way and simply do it. It wont be as much as you imagine it.

after 51.600 EUR you must fuck with agenzia delle entrate with the same rules that apply to foreign currencies. 26% is not ONLY
its a motherfucking scam yo

I will crash many altcoins dont worry- 400K is only what I need this year. I bought the tether dip ;)

thats double taxation,
>goy give us your 70% of your shekels, go back to work goy

What's the best EU country to live in for Jow Forums purposes?

Not just crypto, but the whole package: low tax rates, ease of doing business, growth potential, etc.

Attached: François Schuiten.jpg (1000x1140, 1.39M)

Italy or France ;)

>for Jow Forums purposes
Depends ony what business you want to open.

Anyone recommending a general country talks out of his ass, if this information is not know.



think van gogh, picasso and leonardo da vinci.
Italia, Francia, Spagna.
The rest is shit tier imitation.

I pay directly from my btc wallet and when I need to do bankwire stuff I use bitstamp

it's taxed in Denmark.

Switzerland is not part of the EU

van gogh is dutch retard

Germany is taxed with up to 60% income tax, obviously depending on your yearly incoming.
If you hodl 1 year after buying whatever coin, you are tax free on the profit you made in that 1 year of hodling. Everything before is still taxed like usually.

Since you don't live in germany yet, you won't be able to benefit from the rule. Furthermore, after 6months of living there, then the 1year hodl period will start. So in the end, this whole shit doesn't matter for you.

spagna is shit, would never live there, actually wouldnt even live in france except the southern part

aren't btc gains counted as guadagno capitale? I'm not sure they're counted as money made with partita iva

Friendly reminder that there's not just regular taxes in most EU cunt trees, but also social security which can be insane (an additional 20-30% or so tax basically). For whatever reason nobody ever mentions this so the random burger thinks that the 30-40% income tax includes everything. It doesn't.

tfw from germany

Attached: back.jpg (211x287, 73K)

A great deal of his artistic output was produced while living in France. My personal favorite a painting of a cafe in the evening is a French one.

Spain would be a good place to to go when you made it. You only pay taxes on purchase of a piece of land or house. Not yearly.

You should come to Canada. If you need to cash out quickly , Contact me and i can make it happen for you. Own a store in Toronto which will buy your Bitcoins for whatever denomination. It'll be up to you afterwards to deposit the funds in your account

I take 5% fee for the transaction. Let me know.

[email protected]

means you can only hold euro pairs else you trigger a trade no?


I once had 30 currencies using an arbitrage bot. As long as I don't cash out I haven't earned anything on paper