So Jow Forums how’s the job search going?

So Jow Forums how’s the job search going?

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>job search
Not much drive to it since I don't have to work. I know I should just not to decompose.

I'm not looking, too busy with playing games.

Im just going to wait it out until universal basic income

Had to turn down a headhunter again this week. Good pay but working on military projects is horribly depressing from all the red tape.

Calls from headhunters are funny when you don't give a shit about the job they offer.

Yeah, I always try to find out how high they will go before they start sweating and have to check back with their client.

Bad, might start looking for jobs out of state, been lying on resume as last ditch effort; hopefully it works

First few months I did pretty bad on all my interviews but now I'm starting to do really good on almost every single one. Still haven't got a single offer yet though. I think I still have like 5 months left of unemployment benefits though so I'll be fine probably.

If you work you lose

Fuck this shitty job market

if you cant find a job you must be literally the worst kind of lazy retard

Ive watched literal autistic people do job interviews earlier this year, they failed miserably and still got basic jobs

Finally got an ass-tier HVAC job through a friend after being jobless for a year and a half after graduating. I install thermostats in elementary schools, but technically my job title is still 6"controls engineer." $62k a year in Seattle, so the pay isn't very good either. I really regret studying mechanical engineering.

this is the best the job market has been in my life by far.

are you the guy that always posts this image?

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I have a minimum wage job

Nice try, not giving away all my work to the point where I feel joy for not being productive on company time.

>25 y/o
>no experience in something useful
>haven't stuck up with a job for more than 10 months in a row
>receive autism bux
>probably gonna have to settle for min. wage job again

a-at least I will make it through crypto r-right?

God I was fortunate for my job. I need to do well at it and not fuck this up or I'll be posting in these threads about wanting to kms.
I also need to get away from the last of my family. Fuck these people they're toxic trash.

Keep working mates. We're all gonna make it.

At least you have a job, and yeah I regret doing mechanical engineering also

I had a really great interview for a 70k starting salary. Second interview in a week, but my GPA is 2.1 so I don’t know if I’ll get it. Job is comfy as fuck, it’s in a really overlooked field and I’d spend a lot of my time outdoors and travelling but no manual labour involved. Salary tops out at 120k though so I don’t know how long I’d want to stay in the job for.

You sound like me, what is the job?

I graduated last year with an English degree. Really clueless about what to do apart from teaching. I might go back and study CS.

I gave up. It's too hard when they keep me busy 80+ hours a week. I used to plop down the newspapers and read through the classifieds right in front of them, they didn't give a fuck, they know and I know I'm stuck there

Wagecucking for low pay. But I can listen to podcasts at work and don't have to sit all day.

I have a $200k STEM degree plus coding skills from an accredited boot camp and I work a shitty $12/hour job at some retail store. Gotta do "stuff" on the side if I want any extra money for stuff, crypto etc.

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He fell for the biology meme

Nope, did Accounting with a Finance minor. Plus I learned how to code doing Javascript, React, Python etc. I get interviews but literally no one will hire me because I'm not a fucking pajeet or some trust fund baby that will work for just experience and no pay.

i dont care anymore. just going to lodge lead into my skull after I run out of money

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first day on monday

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Thinking of doing a 2 month gd course and work from home freelancing

Software developer here. I did a quick programming interview with a company. I thought I did subpar but they still opted for a 2nd interview. The job market is insanely easily right now.

Found a pretty comfy chart correcting job. Only pays $10 an hour but I can wait for the next moon and then retire.

>My company put out applications for the exact same thing that I'm already doing, but two pay grades higher
>I applied
>They clearly didn't want to give it to me
>But they lost 1/4 of their engineering staff in 6 months
>Nobody wants to move here (small regional city) and pay sucks so they cant find new employees either
>Eventually get approached after 2+ months saying that they're "Happy to progress it"
>I know they're only going to offer it to me as a promotion up one pay grade rather than two
>But I'm coming to the end of a "grad program" and I'm going to get a promotion at the end of the year regardless
>But little do they know I've already applied somewhere else and will probably get it
>If they don't offer me the full promotion I'll quit

>My company put out applications for the exact same thing that I'm already doing, but two pay grades higher
>I applied
>They clearly didn't want to give it to me


Finished my second day yesterday. I barely have any hours but I guess that's what I get for being a NEET for 10 years, with 0 work experience. At least I don't work with anyone under 25.

I already have a job

Got the job I wanted 2 months ago
About to lose said job due to downsizin'

Not doing it much yet. A year from graduation if all goes well and employed in pizza with good coworkers.

Still figuring out the next move. Sticking with 3D chess level thinking and it's still hard.

I didn't get a minimum wage 7/11 job because they wanted someone with experience.

pretty fucking good goyims. Got a job at a datacenter, seems like they will just lock me up in a room full of hardware every day for 8 hours with 2 other nerds to fix stuff and then pay me for it. I don't mind this, pay is also decent.

It sucks. No large police department will hire me because I’ve done psychedelics and I was honest about it on my first job so I have to stick with it and can’t even try lying

I got one that asked me if I knew about blockchain (not my field, just a hobby). It turned out it was for nChain. I was gonna say that shit is run by a scammer, but I didn't bother.

>he doesnt resume fraud

this is definitely where your going wrong

23, nurse in switzer after 1month of working they offer me a post in the cardiologic bloc. Pretty nice, also waiting for a raise.
50.700$/year every taxe paid reporting in.

Working jobs that you don't like are for NPC's, being an entrepreneur and/or working a job that is in your interests while trading crypto and stocks are for PC's

which is literally nothing in Switzerland

Pretty shitty.
Got a good resume.

Get called for interviews.

Few places I went for got hiring freeze.

Can get a job north, but fuck winter.

Expat in Asia, online work went bad.

Crypto arbitrage went bad, scammed of 6k. Bank says crypto is money laundering, disagree - accounts frozen.

Luckily have multiple accounts.

Need to write hostile letters and FedEx because it's a Stonewall to call or go into a branch.

I fucking have to fly back to the USA to write angry letters and cc the CFTC, FDIC state sinurance board and misc bank regulatory agency that selling crypto for profit is not a money laundering scheme.

Tl;Dr fuck Chase and fuck Venezuelans.

Middle class tiers.
Just below engineering.
Also I don't plan buying a 700.000 apartment or a 1.5M house here so I know what to do with my money to retire early.

Pretty alright thank you OP. I'm up to 11 hours per week now! It's enough to live on, but I keep having to look for more cover work which is time consuming as well.

I quit my job next week, will I make it?

€18k in the bank
€5k in crypto
€0 debt

you plan to retire on THAT>?

>boomers retiring in 2020 when the recession kicks in
>huge labor shortage
>companies will continue with their current hiring practices

in uganda it might work

Lol I got like 140k and still worried about making ends meet. That is not enough man, it will be gone like in a year in Europe.