I'm 20 living with my parents going to uni for an engineering degree. I hate living with my family, they make me too angry because of how uninspiring and depressing they all are and how they did nothing to stop me from becoming a suicidal depressed neet. I managed to recover from my depression but only as long as I believe that I am capable of getting the hell out of this house and solving my problems. However I'm pretty trapped living here going to class due to money problems. I can't stand it here, I get too angry and everytime I try to leave the house to visit friends or travel I'm interrogated or told I can't go at all. Where should I begin?
I'm 20 living with my parents going to uni for an engineering degree. I hate living with my family...
drop out of college and work at mcdonalds so you actually have money retard neet
If anything would want to make me kill myself it's dropping out college and working at mcdonalds.
why get an engineering degree? just do an apprenticeship. no business cares about degrees anymore, just experience.
don't waste the first half of your 20s on worthless pieces of paper. 4 years experience will pay way more.
are your parents white by any chance? white parents hardly have the most problems overall.
alot of the times, parents dont coach their children correctly because its likely the parents never really went through much trouble aside from money problems, benign family problems or the bad day.
this is why outcasts who make it or the weirdos who make it that have kids end up being the better parents because theyve been there themselves.
I guess you hate money then, You seem to think college and anime will make you money, but actually its a job and stocks
> in school
user you're not a neet
And then their kids with the good upbringing end up being spoiled trash while can maybe breed the next good kids who can survive.
What's the point of even having a family anymore?
this OP you fucking NET
You know what an engineering degree is dude? I'm not just doing this for the money, I want to work in aerospace. But I also want to move out.
Why do you think I started this thread?
>you seem to think anime will make you money
How the hell would I be passing my classes if I was that braindead retarded?
My dads white but my moms a foreigner that babies me all the time. It was kind of a mail order bride type thing
>How the hell would I be passing my classes if I was that braindead retarded?
the fact that you are young yet going to college instead of having a starting job and makig money shows me youre retarded
you better get a seriously high paying job after school to make up for these wasted years
>I want to work in aerospace
Consider the following: literally every single engineer alive on planet earth would rather be working in aerospace. What implications might that have for the aerospace job market?
>work at mcdonalds
>have money
i kekd
he lives with his parents, where do you think that money is going?
Working at mcdonalds + investing that money in the stock market will make you retire before 99% of the population
>and how they did nothing to stop me from becoming a suicidal depressed neet
That's your job you whiny faggot.
Not where I'm going to college.(OU) The capstone class had around 30 members. It's not an easy field.
But yeah bro I wanna work at spacex!!! Lets make total recall but IRL!!
I'm sorry that I didn't have the mental fortitude and awareness that my actions will have repercussions when I was 14
This is the real redpill
But adding on to that I totally agree that it's my responsibility now that I'm aware of of it.
Wtf are you me ? Ever single thing that you described in this thread applies to me. With the only exception that I am not into aero Space engineering - I am more into automotive engineering
In all honesty I'm just a whiny, but completely average college student
Some of the NEETs here don't get that engineering is cool as fuck.