>it's a bitcoin has to get to $50k per coin for me to break even episode
I just want my fucking money back
It's a bitcoin has to get to $50k per coin for me to break even episode
lol, how did this happen
bought high. held. and here we are.
Nope. If you bought high and held the highest possible number you could need to be to break even would be $20,089.00/coin
OP most likely got JUST'd holding alts
nah he specified bitcoin he's just a retard shilling bullshit
you fucking retard some of us bought ATH on several coins at once, and the only way to get our money back from all of them is if bitcoin reaches a very high ammount
gg i bought at 300
Or if those alts re-moon. Did you sell them for btc or are you just stupid?
probably bought high and sold back into btc at ATL so hit btc holdings are like 1/4 of what they originally were
>t. also in that position
hit -> his
cant type for shit. another reason to an hero
>Calling retard others
Buy more now. Arbitage.
did you look at the charts or anything first or just go in dry?
Feels good knowing you are being miserable partly because I emptied my bags onto you
I just bought the real bitcoin at $455
>I just want my fucking money back
I'm sure if the price reaches 50k you will NOT sell. You are holding just for the 100k, and then even more, seeing yourself already as a millionaire made it.
>bought shitcoins at ATH
>calls other people retards
lmao absolutely seething
Or he traded few times Jow Forums style
Buy high, sell low
If you wait long enough you will have your money.
this, once the stock market collapses and USD goes down enough we will all have millions of it