Do you care about others?

Do you care about others?

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I like to think I do, but at the core of everything I do is self interest. Earlier today I bought a homeless man a burger. I only did that because I've been in his position before. I did it to make myself feel ok.

I don't think anyone really cares about others.

Not outside of my circle. Sorry fren.

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Only intermediate family, a few acquaintances, and kids. If I saw anyone else hanging off a cliff, I wouldn't lend a hand.

no, I don't. seriously.

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Yes.. but I come first

Similsr situation last night. Neighbor knockdd on my living room window doors at 1am and wanted to come in because two guys had broken into her house.. I really didnt want to let her in because i dont have a gun and didnt want them to follow her over.

we're already massively overpopulated and too many third worlders are destroying the world both economically and environmentally, so no, 90% of people shouldnt even be on this planet

Yes, its why im a socialist.

so what did you do? you just closed the door in her face and left them screaming outside?