Would you invest in France?

Would you invest in France?

Attached: Migrants-Paris-3.jpg (937x528, 393K)

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i would invest in nuking france

Only if it involved buying a Bulldozer

Attached: 124942-004-4075277B.jpg (545x450, 49K)

>one of the most visited/famous cities in the world
>huge demand for luxurious aparments
of course I would

I would invest in a 2nd Inquisition to purge Europe


don't respond with facts. They're trying to act like france is collapsing because they took in some immigrants.

>some immigrants.

You've never been to Paris.

>They're trying to act like france is collapsing because they took in some immigrants.
no one gives a shit whether they are collapsing or not.
france is the most hypocrite country of the world and most of the EU immigration problem was caused by them (see libya) and they act as if they are not responsible for that.
they act as if they were the most humanitarian country in the world and in reality they are the most selfish scums there ever will be.


look at that shit they are discarding "france speaking immigrants trying to reach their families in france" in italian territory and they are accusing other countries to be populist and shit. hypocrisy at his best.
nuke them i say.

nuke every inch of the world

Oh my god is paris is gross and overrun with immigrants.
Shut up. Go back to pol and let adults talk about finance

no it’s clearly peaked. destroyed from within, sad

I live in france and a lot of people think that paris is representative of the whole country, that makes them look stupid

Would still nuke france though because the baby boomers there are probably the most stupid of their kind on planet earth

italian fag


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buy the dip
surplus labor is value added.

fuck france

Paris smells like piss, and the shitty suburbs are having a bad influence on the city. The tourism industry is living on a meme and the jet-set people are retarded.

Lefties are generally not good at finance.

when the blacks destroy paris they will spread into the countryside

Frenchies are litteral niggers. That place was fucked after Napoleon went away.

This, frogs need to suffer.

of course! look how good it is! those people will sleep in the street just because of how excited they are about it! it's going to be great!