What QNT did is nothing compared to what CHX is gonna do on IDEX.
Quick peer comparisons:
- RVN 60m,unreleased platform - POLY $70m,relies on ethereum - Harbour raised $65m,mainly a primary issuer - TZERO raised $134m, a primary issuer & exchange much later - OFN raised $50m - CHX MCAP $2.8m and the furthest advanced across the board. Got NASDAQ greenlight, and everything is ready to go.
This is literally THE MOST UNDERVALUED project in entire crypto. Everything is there. Next cycle will be security tokens and platforms for them. CHX is the most advanced one and is sitting at 5% valuation compared to competitors.
They already have their platform up and running and businesses lined up. Got a prime minister and a head of PwC from Asia as advisors A ceo that was CIO of a tech company in charge of 400+ people in multiple countries.
Tweet storm is starting out. More and more eyes on it. I don't care whether or not you get into it, but don't regret that you didn't buy in when it goes 15x next month. Good luck.
Global Equity market is $70+ trillion. CHX is first platform launched, further than RVN or POLY. CEO spent last 17 years working as CIO of world's largest global share registry, managing 421 staff across multiple countries. They have a former prime minister and Executive Director of PwC on board as Advisors. The virus is spreading.