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Low energy meme. SAD!
>posts reddit memes
the absolute state
BCH is a garbage altcoin.
Anyone holding BCH that isn't just short-term swing trading it should sell immediately. In fact they shouldn't be investing in crypto at all. They should withdraw all their money and put it in a low-fee index fund before they hurt themselves.
shitty bait.
BCH > BTC in everyway, if you have the braincells to do the research and not be ignorant and accept the truth.
I once was a Buttcoin core supporter like you.
Not long ago I joined in on hating on Bitcoin cash. Untill I learned the truth.
Bitcoin cash is the real bitcoin.
Are you from Jow Forums?
Lil Windex - Bitcoin Ca$h (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
>not gonna lie, former bcash hater here. it's fucking hilarious watching core crash and burn but in all seriousness we can't let core get the nuclear codes.
Cut the heads off of the "men" and let's hollow out the vaginas and anuses of the women, then behead them too.
>made money selling crypto bags in late 2017
>thinks this proves anything about BCH fundamentals
>ignores that fucking everything went up late 2017
Good job making money in a bull market user. You must be a genius.
Bitcoin Cash is our only hope.
>BCH among the top 10 best performing cryptos of 2017
>somehow tries to shill this as a bad thing
Yeah you got me. Why would someone ever hold BTC when they could hold BCH instead and make less money. Good point.
Stop using the meme wrong.
>hindsight is 20/20
BCH didn’t even exist until 2/3 of the way through the year. Pretty good return for 4 months versus the full year for bitcoin.
the fact that no one on Jow Forums is talking about bitdb, or even building with it, tells me all i need to know about this place