Why does everyone hate me
Why does everyone hate me
Still buying
I got pajeeted on this and bought a bunch at 3.00
maybe you're just retarded
got spammed here with pajeety tactics. You get what you deserve 0xfags, for listening to biz retards
nobody does any research and the poor souls still think it's a scam.
if RAVENCOIN can get listed on binance what makes people think 0xbtc won't? it's only a matter of time, and it's going to be glorious
Don't bother, no one can actually give any reasons beyond rambling about some imaginary pajeets.
looks like we were right regardless
rvn isn't a erc20 token though
RVC is Overstock's coin, hence why it has the money to buy listings
Different scenario desu
It's the OG minable token so first mover advantage.
Nabbed this and an equal amount of eBTC what with it being the first premined tokenized Bitcoin. Hoping one of these will be worth a fair bit more in my mindeyes future.
The price dumping doesn't mean it's a scam, it's just supply and demand in effect. The difficulty adjusted down some time ago, which has caused the supply to outpace demand. Also, the chart that you posted starts off at the largest pump 0xBTC has had, go to livecoinwatch for a better overview.
I agree on the first mineable token part, but nigga, what are you doing holding eBTC? Just read your own post - "the first premined tokenized Bitcoin". How much would Bitcoin be worth if all of it had been premined by Satoshi? Probably jack shit, eBTC is literally a blank ERC20 with no redeeming features whatsoever.
Once minable Tokens like Cryptopepe fload the Market ... 0xBTC will be 100$
Because you're complete baby.
this coin is going to $.05 this month
Not likely. The miners who flooded in when the difficulty dropped last month don't seem to be willing to dump at 25 cents, or they would have sold into the 25k buywall that's been up for a few days now. The only thing bad about this token is that it's still illiquid enough that 25k is a substantial wall. But it's still early days
the only thing bad about this token is that it does nothing and can purchase nothing. It is currently over valued by $.27 for what it actually does.
>difficulty affects supply
what kind of mining goes on with this shitcoin? wtf?
If you want your token to "do something", buy a utility token. Currencies aren't supposed to do things. I bought a small stack to speculate on the possibility that it'll get used and people will buy things with it in the future. If it were already used it would be much more expensive.
It's fun to hate useless things
>I know you are but what am I
everybody hates u coz u just like btc in the beginning phases
It has to act like a currency in order to be considered a currency token. I can buy shit with ETH I can buy shit with BTC etc... I dont want to buy shit with them but i want to have the ability to one day. Currently there is no reason to use 0xbtc over the other coins, nor is there enough development currently for websites to even be able to do such a thing. This coin should be around .05 -.01 cents but the shill campaigns are keeping it artificially inflated. Again, this coin, at its current state, adds nothing to the space other than novelty.
No one hates 0xBTC, they hate Rakesh for shilling it nonstop when it's a pointless ERC20 experiment. We are all completely ambivalent to the token itself.
Yeah it's useless now, but I'm willing to bet on the chance that a mined currency ends up being useful in the Ethereum ecosystem. You might think the coin is only worth 1 to 5 cents, but there's no reason to think it's suddenly going to fall 92-96% in a month on top of already falling 50% recently.
yea you are right. however considering the lack of organization of the project as well as the discords "my token" mentality I think I have plenty of time before anything serious happens.
0xBTC was too clever to win
It needed to be stupid, like Bitcoin Diamond
The legitimacy of it means nobody is wash trading it up into the top 100 or shilling it everywhere.
because every time you pathetic discord faggots post about your shit token you evade post filters by not including 0xBTC in your OP
eat shit and die
Dude sometimes i take shits that look brown, green, yellow and black and i can shit it out continuously and in circles to make it look like the typical cartoon poop. I think thats pretty rare and im sure there arent many like it around. You want to buy one? Its pretty rare, the same type of useless worthless rare that your favourite shitcoin is. I will sell you one for $100 if you are interested