How do we make crypto a safe space for women and people of color?
How do we make crypto a safe space for women and people of color?
They are perfectly capable of doing it themselves.
sage goes in all fields
Of course they are capable. It is a problem of adoption though. In order for crypto to achieve mass adoption we need to create a community that welcomes diversity.
Crypto was an asian thing, then whiteis took place
As far as I'm aware, takes you to Coinbase regardless of sex or orientation.
how are you bypassing the penis inspection?
But it's run by Chinks.
What point are white males going to fucking chimp out from being the scape goat of every problem in society
Too early, they can buy our BTC at new ATH later on however.
kek, I like the mental image of a blue haired feminist buying BTC at the top, losing 2/3 of her net worth and then writing this article with tears in her eyes.
hey, at least the normie sjws will buy to make it all equal.
Never. We're going to be rich son!
>chimp out
It is language like this that prevents crypto from growing. If this space was less racist and more mature, imagine how many more people would be interested in crypto.
But crypto is diverse.
Chinks makes coins.
Pajeets shills them.
Whites buy and trade them.
Jews create regulations.
And niggers are cannon fodder for scams like bitconnect.
Nigger crypto does not care about your race, gender or sexuality. It could not be more equal. There are a fucking ton of niggers in crypto and one is currently fleecing desperate gamblers.
Women aren't into crypto because they aren't risk takers. They want a perfectly safe environment where they can easily gain wealth from this new thing. Women are always going to be outsiders on new technology and ventures because they fucking refuse to take risks with their money.
that's why there's niggercoin. how many niggers do you have Jow Forums?
But its not even remotely equal as far as optics, people see crypto as a white male space. The world is much larger than the western world and a few east asian countries. Crypto is vitally needed in Africa and Latin America. Being truly diverse and accepting of all cultures is the only way for any crypto to become a true world currency.
Also last I checked women are 50% of the world population, yet the amount of women in crypto is tiny. We need more outreach to women to show that crypto is not risky, its the safe currency of the future. If we soften up the image of the crypto space and make it less testosterone driven then it would do wonders to get women interested.
Yeah we really need crypto in Africa. What will the world do without Africa.
You really are a dumb nigger or a intellectually dishonest faggot
No one is stopping them from getting involved. Femanons could be in this thread right now for all we know. I'm also done trying to help normies because they are retards who will eventually fuck up and lose their money because they have no idea how to use cryptocurrency.
There might not be any women in this thread but I sure see plenty of bitches
more importantly how do we make it more attractive to people of odor?
I wouldn't be at a university if I was dumb and I don't think there is anything dishonest about what I am saying.
Okay you are just trolling and baiting. Got it.
You just cant dismiss opinions you do not like as trolling.
>i wouldn't be at a university if i was dumb
holy dunning kreuger effect this nigga actually thinks you have to be high iq to go to "a university" in 2018. now if you got into stanford as a non-legacy white man w/o the generous help of diversity quotas to grease the wheels, i'd tip my fedora
I see you crying in every thread. It's great.
Sounds like someone who is salty they were not educated enough to get into college.
Whites ruined crypto
Now that mainstream is slamming Bitcoin, I can safely say this is now the time to invest
University of Virginia good enough for you?
>University of Virgins
*fixed that for you
>MuH oPtIcS
Women are interested in people and events. Men in ideas. It was always fucking like that. Remarkable imventors were all males till this day. I am not going to spoon feed thots anything or advise them to get into something. Firstly 90% of them will tell you to fuck off and tell you what a creepy nerd you are. Woman will always have their looks and body to leverage into money, wealth and easy life without doing any jackshit or effort. Men have to use other ways.
That sounds pretty sexist. Honestly the only reason why we think white men are the most common inventors is because that is how we have been taught. Real history is much more inclusive, when we take away the whitewashing, we find that inventors come from diverse background with many women and people of color that have been ignored.
How about you list all those people and inventors instead of just making baseless claims.
>there are people who unironically call men males, and women females.
>there are people who unironically feel that the decentralized, unregulated, trustless, scam infested crypto landscape should be 'more welcoming' to certain groups.
>falling for a bait this obvious
please explain how crypto discriminates against anyone. Even a fucking dog could buy a shitcoin from Binance.
There you go shifting blame onto white males for taking the risk in crypto, where anyone can buy it.
you are a retarded faggot
>hurr I'm in university
>hurr we have to help poc they can't do it themselves
>hurr what is wala?
ideas pass between asia and west and it's always been that way
those in the middle are just chattel
he wouldnt pass kyc
We already know anyone can buy crypto, but the community around crypto is not accepting and inclusive to women and minorities. This drives people away from getting involved in the crypto space.
how can the "oppressed" groups explain this then even a dog can >make it
If you're making a financial decision based on twitter than you deserve to loose money
Women waste their money on hair and nails and have their boyfriends/husbands buy them alcohol and expensive food.
I'm black and bought over 3000 antshares suck it.
Latin American here
Anyone who doesn't know about crypto by this point is a retard and would only serve to degenerate the community
Retarded consumers and technological advancements don't mix well together
Just look at cellphones
how much is that in stolen bicycles?
Also consider the regulations already surrounding crypto
I'm already getting fucked over
If more retards buy in i might as well be a gimp
Crypto by it's decentralized nature doesn't discriminate. Anyone can buy in if they have the know how or inclination.
>commie roasties want to in to crypto
>want it to be a "safe space"
>want it to be "welcoming"
... th-they know crypto is pure capitalism right? Blind currency. That's the fucking point of the whole deal. Yanking currency out of control of the hands of government is a fundamentally conservative ideal.
I don't understand the left anymore. Used to be they were wrong but internally consistent with their wrongness. Now they are both wrong and inconsistently wrong. Preaching diversity and inclusivity meanwhile engaging in prejudicial stereotypical views against a particular group. Peace and love, but demonstrably violent in their public rio- I mean "protesting". Say they want equal opportunity, but also want equal representation. Want to make money but don't want the conditions that must exist for crypto to moon as it historically has.
Financial markets are not about community. They are about mutual struggle to WIN. Nobody gets a helping hand in that. Nobody takes me, hwhite man, aside and gives the extra special inside keys to the kingdom with a hwhite man's wink and a hwhite man's nod.
Am I falling for people pretending to fall for this or are people really falling for this?
I think we've all fallen hard for a troll bread.
I'm an MD you pleb. :'D
Ask the Bitmex CEO
an ooga booga witch doctor. do not curse me!
Monero is a true libertarian coin. Public ledgers are for commies. No gubment has the right to see inside my wallet
>"In order to buy the sometimes wildly expensive currency, Bitcoin users need to be wealthy. And they can afford to put their wealth into a currency that isn’t widely accepted or even recognized," wrote Strasser. "Plus, they move easily through the financial and digital space — the process of 'mining' bitcoins demands it.... The sum total of these things — advanced knowledge of computer science, wealth — are also markings of the young, white male."
>"If women fail to take an active interest in Bitcoin now, when it is still in its infancy and its potential is largely untapped, we will have yet another sector in which the gender is underrepresented and trailing," Simpson wrote.
>Of course, unless and until Bitcoin gets its act together, with more regulation and safeguards for customers, staying far away from Bitcoin might be the smart thing to do. Then again, maybe getting more women involved in Bitcoin is what Bitcoin needs to get its act together.
But we all win when we help each other out and work as a community. Nothing is to be gained by working against each other except for the 1% who want to take everything. This is the fundamental problem with capitalism.
>Its a fucking deluded communist or socialist
What a fucking surprise. Go engage with the Ancaps. They are the only group of people as deluded as you are.
King Cuck
What do you want people to do? Just go shill your favorite shitcoin to your mom and gtfo
Work together in a positive and constructive way. Work on creating inclusive and diverse communities. Create outreach workshops to help educate women on the benefits of crypto. We are all links on a chain, blockchain if you will and if we all pull together we can create a world that is better for humanity through crypto.
we have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people
POCs and WAMONS will use crypto as a currency not as an earner.
i failed HS and never went to college
i made my first million by 24 and it wasn't even crypto related
135 iq checking in. (((public school))) is for the average mind
Everything you just said applies exclusively to North America (even if it were true, which it isn't). Why are you so ignorant of the circumstances of other countries that you project your burger politics and racial drama onto other nations? You seriously think all the Koreans and Japanese trading cryptos are White? Topkek. You literally think only White men have agency, and everyone else is an NPC - literal NatSoc logic, just the morality is reversed.
white males either invent and/or are the first to use anything new and worthwhile
anyway it’s a bait thread, with an article from 2014, from OP who makes a similar thread every few days with the same dumb replies ready to go.
Japanese and Koreans have been indoctrinated into white imperialistic culture.
huffington puffington post doesn't know that
make it buyable throigh venmo
buyable discover card
buyable with cash
we need white men to go all in on crypto. Then we just start ONLY accepting crypto at stores so beaners and women are forced to buy our bags.
banking jews ruined crypto
crypto doesnt need mass adoption in order for it to go up just look at what has happened last year and the past 4 years for example. There is a healthy disrespect of crypto and bitcoin from the left and women for some reason which suits me fine because i dont give a fuck about either of them getting rich too and would much rather they not be included in bitcoins success which is going to happen regardless of their involvment or not. Fuck em i say let them keep fudding it while people here can accumulate and get rich until they realize what they have done but by then it will be too late.
i understand you are trying to help everybody share in the benefits of what crypto will bring and i think you are a caring person for doing that. But quite honestly i couldnt give a fuck about them. peace
When whites chimp out, we cause world wars
What's with this deluded belief that all humans are capable of equal outcome?
Society would collapse in less than 100 years.
Try a couple decades. Look at congo, Rhodesia, South Africa
so happy i'm White. Aryan & Proud.
Well said. People need to realize they aren't special, nobody deserves special treatment, and we all have to make our own way in this world. Sorry, but that's the way it has always been; survival of the fittest makes the world healthier.
3rd worlders in the know already love it.
+90% of all females that has money in crypto, has it because their boyfriend/son told them.
If you want more females investing in bitcoin etc. get more white guys interested who is actually capable of getting a gf.
no fucktard, 'we' most certainly do not. if low IQ minorities are too stupid to get on the crypto train, all the better.
Have you tried registering as a female? It does not work.
>muh whitewashing
>muh oppression
different human races are different stages of human ape evolution
average whites are obviously superior to all other races
women are intellectually inferior
they tend to care about "girl stuff", how can we make them care about science, philosophy, technology, if they are retarded children by nature
deal with it retard
>different human races are at different (...)
I really wonder how someone can be this misled. And I'm not going to argue with you as there's no point in doing so. Hope you will realize sooner than later that things can't be generalized like this and that its a waste of time to hate.
>How can we make them care (...)
Look up the scully-effect, a simple demonstration of how to answer your question. You don't consider the history this planet has, you don't even look at present conditions. Your minstate stems from the dark ages.
It's not inferior, it's different. And not uniformly so.
Testosterone that hits men destroys a bunch of brain cells. Curiously this may be good in some aspects due to the power of information bottlenecks.
but crypto is an ancap wetdream
we should redistribute all the crypto from those evil white patriarchal oppressors and give it to jewish people, women and other minorities
Yummm troll bread, tastes like dorritos and mountain dew
Chairman Mow says Bitcoin isn't for people earning less than $2 a day. With average transaction fees at $60, is Bitcoin even for people earning less than $100 a day?