So i did the research and this shit isnt a bad investment at all

so i did the research and this shit isnt a bad investment at all.
the platform launched oct 5th and its been getting crazy good 24hr volume since then.

what are realistic price predictions for this by eoy 2019?
i was thinking $.50 - $1

Attached: Relex.png (300x300, 68K)

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They have clearly outlined the institutional money that will eventually flow into Relex. 150 million already guaranteed. There’s no way to confirm that price point especially in a best market but that is definitely possible sometimes next year

yea, can you tell me why this thing is so crazy undervalued tho? ive been struggling to figure it out

It’s sort of inherent in utility tokens. But it has to do with the bear market and them doing no ICO. They just now got the platform going and they said the real marketing starts. It’s just a matter of time before it explodes. I really think it will happen overnight too, there’s just no way to no the timing unless the team gives more information

$150 mil to be held in RLX or to flow through it? Because if the latter, no reason for the market cap to hit that. Not to mention these guys are making a vape token RLXI in parallel..?

It’s a legitimate project, just still has some huge question marks for me. Including how they’re currently insisting that RLX isn’t being sold OTC - going to have to set some records on IDEX volume then..

It’ll both flow through and be held. Imagine 100k, 200k, 500k pumping it daily, then getting more exposure. I could see it blooming after that. I don’t really know about your other questions but the information is definitely all there. People in the telegram are helpful, just don’t come across like you’re fudding

Relex hasn't had exposure to see decent market (and no ico). I was on the fence 6 months ago but am now convinced theyes are teed up for what's coming.

Just go through all the announcements since September and you will see why the community is growing.

I seriously can't think of another project that has so much inside that I'm completely comfortable with on the risk side. At this point I'm parking any extra cash I get in RLX.


Also have seen this project evolve and now at the top of my radar. Very impressive what they've done, laid everything out to see transparently, can easily see it growing a lot more

now entirely different than it looked last year if u seen back then sheesh, now they got their image together and is all sharp and easy to understand, i like it a lot now

I'm guessing, but maybe they mean that they will acquire 150m worth of Relex and then lock the funds

This is my main hold. I have alot of faith in this coin.

You're guessing. Just read the announcement guys....
>medium. com/relex-cryptocurrency/relex-development-and-woodfine-capital-projects-renew-exclusive-terms-over-150-million-usd-c58ca6eab398
it's the latter.

>Investors range from some of the biggest banks, recognizable institutional investors, and some of the wealthiest families in the world.

looks like that user that posted about Relex not too long ago saying that Sheldon Adelson had provided massive funding wasnt a larp.
after i read that shit on the 20th i immediately thought of that thread posted on the 16th oct.

Woodfine Capital is not Relex....try reading the article again as a non-brainlet. That guy was a larp and it was proven in that thread multiple times. Most anons were to dumb to realize it though and kept rolling for trips.

I like RLX...but god damn, most of you investing in it are completely fucking retarded.

blue pilled and rude, user.

Non RLX holder about to be btfo.
I cant wait to see u fomo into this

I'm an RLX holder. You think Sheldon Adelson provided massive funding? Where? $0 has been invested on the platform...not a single RLX spent. The total market cap of this project is only a few million. Where's Sheldon Adelson's massive investment retard?
The absolute state of RLX shills....
you guys really give this project a shit name.

actually should show somewhere but no sign of it yet....or maybe it sits on a bank account and getting ready for what it was separated for

No really....what about the article is confusing for you? Woodfine Capital is not Relex. They have a multi-billion dollar development portfolio and they have granted 150M to Squawk's control.
What this means is that when an investor approaches Woodfine capital about buying into their fund....if they have already raised all the capital they require, Woodfine will point them towards Squawk and let them know that they can still use RLX to buy in. It is a big deal for Relex, but it's still going to be a challenge getting investors to commit during the initial adoption phase.

it was a would feel good to believe it....but it just wasn't true.

come on man, not everything on the chan is a larp

can you explain how any of it makes that we know details about the Mexico deal that was teased in TG. How does anything the larper said relate in any way to the reality of the news drop....??? please explain.
>what is delusion

come on dude u dont have to be like that. of course i know what delusion is, i own 50k Chainlink

Attached: 7777777777.png (1920x1080, 850K)

even if it was a larp which im not 100% sure of they guy said something that was extremely valuable and i just noticed that thing today so that thread was not useless even in case of a larp

now I feel bad. kek. It's a good hold user, I just think that most of the TG needs to adjust their expectations. this project has a lot of potential, but also some real challenges ahead that we haven't gotten to yet. If you trust the teams ability to navigate them, then it's a good investment for you.

I have 500k, will I make it guys?