Brazil's new President - Bolsonaro - swears he will kill all jews of the World

Brazil's new President - Bolsonaro - swears he will kill all jews of the World.

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based and redpilled

its all so tiresome

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what you mean?

u agree? yeah... ok....


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what's up cat? what's wrong? don't you know the language portuguese? -_-

Finally someone says it

Hell Yeah

>Majority of the world can't stand Jews
>Quarter of the world would eradicate them if they could
>its everyone else that is the problem

whats mismogynist?

I'm serious, I don't know if it's a new word or if they misspelled misogynist.

it's a new word.

>>its everyone else that is the problem
every human is the problem actually

yes of course i want him to fash out and make a paradise out of brazil. why would i not, im not a jew

>>Quarter of the world would eradicate them if they could
the whole world would erradicate the jews

>im not a jew
It's good to read this. =)

Become Nazi man. let's erase the Jews from the face of The Earth.



Dude this time its real. Maybe you dont know portuguese, but ive heard some factually racist and homophobic quotes come straight out of his mouth. This guy aint some wannabe tough guy faggot like trump, this dude will literally install a military dictatorship and will kill people people by the thousands

so what’s the best way to long Brazil?

Idk but shorting the favelas will also work

Deixa de ser burro,seu imbecil! Deve ser mais um socialista de iPhone espalhando mentiras. Este homem salvará o Brasil da esquerda por um momento.

Por causa de pessoas assim que o Brasil não tem credibilidade. Já votei na esquerda. Depois que estudei nunca mais voto. Há dois tipos de pessoas que gostam de comunistas. Os desinformados e os mal caráter.

so what, the majority of you smelly shitskins live in run-down favelas anyway. Time to beat Pinochet's record and start throwing leftists out of helicopters. WIth any luck it will spread to the US and Europe too.

O único perigo de ditadura no Brasil é se o candidato da esquerda vencer. Está no seu plano de governo... Censura da mídia e internet, interferência no supremo tribunal federal e uma nova constituinte. Querem fazer do Brasil uma nova Venezuela. Esta semana tentaram censura o WhatsApp. Isso mesmo, tirar do ar!

why are right wingers so violent?

>Puts on Antifa mask and beats an old white woman
God damn right wingers being so fucking violent.

indeed, antifa is the most terrorizing menace the world over. the US military, the fascist bolsonaro, and the extremist state of israel pale in comparison to the terror enacted by these soros-funded belligerents

well, that's still less brutal than killing 30 million

No it's not. I'd rather live in an autocratic regime where the right-wing dictator systematically murders, kidnaps, tortures, and disappears millions of people than see a single mask-clad anarchist on my city streets

nice i hope he will we should start cleaning this planet from socialist

He literally is a facist. But at least he doesn't lie!

That's all people care about now. The absolute state of the world

hopefully he’ll silence the opposition and kill all the commies and leftists. we approve strongly.
you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

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primarily it’s because of testosterone, the evil hetmale cishormone

have you fucking seen brazil ?
the time for calm considerate reform is well passed

now is the time to clean with fire that's the only thing these monkey understand

Vcs não conhecem o caos no Brasil. Junte tudo que vocês sabem e multiplica por dez. O governo de esquerda nos roubou muito. Os demais nem sabe o que significa fascista