hello asspained wagie

Yes you are because your not a lazy faggot.

I'm a wagecuck after years of being a NEET. I fucking hate it because literally the only point of life is to have gf and pass genes on. I'm way too ugly and socially weird for that. So I just go to work every day then come home, and there's no real point to it all. Suicide is so much cooler, I'm jelly of people who have the balls for that

As a wagekek, that's exactly what I ponder and I believe that "productive member of society" is a shitty meme on today's world, which only serves for you to work harder in order to benefit your socio-economic overlords, not your fellow friends and loved ones.

That's something to be done outside work. And even than, that's also a fucking meme. I've been burned too many times by helping someone else. Now I'm really restrict about who to help.

That's right NEETies. Success is an illness! Big is beautiful!

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I think that's because you have a really soul sucking job. All jobs are soul sucking at the end, but some are less than others. Examples of jobs that are less soul sucking are those where you are your own boss.

I’m self employed and I make more money with 1 hour of work a day than you do with 8 suck me

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I have felt the same way, especially when I was neet. Getting a part time job where you do a meaningless task like stock shelves or being a janitor gives you a lot of time to think and come up with ideas for stuff. Which gives you motivation to get out of the wagie job and work for yourself. Get something with minimal stress, it may take a few jobs before you find it. You'll spend time thinking about what you want to do, you'll keep yourself busy, maybe socialize, and at least be making some money for things you want or to save. Try it OP you'll find something that may lift you up. Good luck.