Whats the best way to get loans when you are in debt...

Whats the best way to get loans when you are in debt? I'd like to use the money to buy crypto and then pay off the 6% whatever fee for the next year or so , and pay back the full amount later.

How do i get started?

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>I've been scammed, and/or made top tier biz/ness decisions.
>I want to borrow money, so I can invest in yet more scams, and hopefully cash out and pay off all my debt.

>Realize monetary system is a scam.
>Realize (((THEY))) print money and distribute to us at interest.
>Realize that Crypto is universal Basic income
>Get more crypto with loans because fuck the banks.

There is a way to get a loan while already in debt, it's called a mafia loanshark and it's definitely not 6%

Wagecuck for half a year and do like oatmeal bro while you're doing it.

Haven't tried my local mafia loan shark. I've dealt with one guy before but he died and ended up in a concrete barrel. Too bad i paid him off before he died.

This is why poor people remain poor. Shame my taxes go to people who spend money that isn't theirs with such frivolity


Earn money and lend it to yourself

>The face when you literally can see the place you live in on Jow Forums

I work a job , But this pay isn't enough. I'd rather just eat beans now , and then eat steak later when BTC has gone to 100k.

I do. I have enough money to pay off the debt while dealing with the minimum payment. But i'd rather have more capital in my accounts to accumulate profits and be able to sell later and pay back all the debts in full.

I think it's a solid plan.

Market Wharf Condos at 3 Market st.

Let me know if you find out OP. In the same situation. I'd go to a mafia loanshark, but I don't know any..

You in Toronto? I know one , But i can't vouch for you. Just called him , He wants 100% return on investment though for a year. I think it's doable if we do 100x. He's not a joke though. I know for a fact if i fuck up , he'll kill my ass.

do you think Drake fucked this girl

I'm in Ausfalia unfortunately.

You can easily get pay him back AND make a serious profit right now. When you're in a shit situation and it's either making some money or getting a rope, I think those odds are pretty decent, user.

Too bad. You could find loan sharks with the Chinese. I know a couple like that. But they're mostly based in Canada. That's why i'm looking for a way to get more loans. I'm looking to get bank loans / company loans to achieve more than 100x . Then pay them back afterwards.


Perhaps the loansharking is a thing amongst the Asians here too. Heaps of Chinese here, but it's usually the Viets who do the illegal shit. Hmm...

You're right!

> They beat americans
> They beat french
> They beat japanese
> They beat Chinese
> They beat cambodians.

Vietnamese people are a resilient people. But yes. Vietnamese people in Canada do a majority of the illegal shit too. (Grow weed)

Is there anything stopping someone from maxxing out debt, buying crypto, and declaring bankruptcy?

Nothing really. You can totally do that. But just be prepared for 7 years of "Bankruptcy"

Viets are based af.

They're usually good peoples too. Honestly get along with them way better than the Chinese.

Oh and yeah they pretty much run the street level weed scene here. There was a warehouse that was literally in the middle of a super busy suburb that recently caught fire and burned down because it was actually a gigantic grow house inside. Hilarious stuff lol.. right in the open too.

I like the vietnamese people better than the Chinese. The chinks are very superficial and think they're better than everyone else cuz they're "Whiter"