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man's not hot


Must feel nice getting scammed by a fat autistic philosophy grad

looks shady as hell tbqh

I have never met a fat guy who is autistic enough to take a company from scam to succes. Because if he was he wouldnt have time to think about food

Is he wearing a hospital bracelet?

He's talking to Jonny Huxtable of Linkpool.io

does he ever take that shirt off?

why would he

what shoes are these


If I took that shirt off, would he die?

Yes, it's the only thing keeping his torso held together. It's constantly trying to explode.

thx, found them brooksrunning.com/fr_fr/brooks-adrenaline-gts-18-homme-chaussure-de-running/110271.html

pick one:

>not disciplined enough to keep a healthy diet
>going to change the way we use money

same shirt, same trousers...I've been scammed by a hobo.

Thanks. Just purchased a pair. The Official Shoe of Decentralized Oracles!

Attached: officialshoeofSC.jpg (802x456, 31K)

Kek same they’ll be sold out soon

its an inside joke with sergey and his team that his shirt matches the chainlink logo and if he wears it around san francisco enough before chainlink announces their partnerships people will already have become accustomed to the elusive blue and white cube.


blaze it nigga

no one cared who he was until he put on the shirt

holy shit he's a big boy

Does anyone have the recording of Sergey's talk? I missed it, plus I want to make some fresh memes out of it. Maybe some videos.

I'm about to. These shoes are also going to unironically become my smoking shoes.
$420 EOM

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My first thought was - is this a scene from Bumfights?

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It would be extremely painful

They're going to increase the price of these soon.

Yea, that's why I wanted to get my order in immediately, lol. I should've ordered 2 pairs


no one cares about this occult bullshit. were talking about the mans shoes

>color: 420

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Looks shopped desu


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Damn, I want some money belly to-go with a side a fries and barbecue sauce.

Only one user pointing that out


I’m excited for your sergey cosplay fren

The creases in the pants smooth out a bit where it looks shopped. That and it’s become common practice to slightly shop Sergey to be fatter than he is. Don’t get me wrong, you could fit two Vitaliks in a Sergey but he’s not THAT fat.

did someone upload his talk already?????

We are talking about his weight, kindly leave the discussion

Are you faggots so far up sirgay's ass that you obsess about what he wears so you could buy it? Someday this poor man will have a random autist come up to him and start being sniffed on.

If Bill Gates made you a millionaire you’d probably wear khakis and a polo for the rest of your life

that's fucking johnny from linkpool kek
sorry johnny for not investing in it. im legit dissapointed.

has he been wearing same shirt over a year ?

What a fucking Chad.

Is it the same though?

Feels like...winning.

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