All he suggests is 10% of your portfolio as gold, and you dont listen to him!

All he suggests is 10% of your portfolio as gold, and you dont listen to him!

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Other urls found in this thread:

He suggested 10%? Fuck I went all in.. should I sell?

>gold on the verge of mass production in labs



I guess someone is trying to slow this down for a long time

>fusion power

How jews even let this happen? It means that only them will possess this tech

>muh science
>muh asteroids
>muh digital gold

Not going to make it.

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Well he's right so...

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>grug buy shiny rock
>shiny rock real
>grug can touch

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You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

the problem with owning gold is you need guns to protect the gold

I wouldnt even put 0.01%

5%ter here.

I am sure you could get some fairly cheap guns to protect $1 mil worth or more of gold.

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literally this. how the fuck can you justify buying a shiny rock in this day and age? talk about a faith-based economy.

wtf u talkin about?? sources?? Newton boss was trying to do magix like that.

There are no sources, he's retarded. One can use a particle collider to make a handful of (mostly radioactive) gold isotopes, at a ridiculously prohibitively expensive cost.

because it's been the best store of value for the past 5,000 years.

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Dont listen to this moron. Goldbugs are fucking stupid

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except with unlimited (free) energy (fusion), it is bound to happen

Russia, china and Hungary among othere have all massively increased their gold reserves over the last year. If it was useless why are countries continually stockpiling it in times of uncertainty?

>implying money of any kind will have value if we have unlimited energy

Energy is plentiful, but it is not unlimited.

Fusion is not unlimited nor free. Stop reading popsci. You can't even comprehend the energies required to create gold in any meaningful quantity. Let me know once we're Type II civilization.

if we accomplish that, you no longer need to worry about investing anything, or money at all for that matter

>in which Dave Ramsey sages every single gold fag ever

>add x energy

>get 10x in return

i dont see how this is not unlimited?

I don't know user. Maybe try actually studying a little about the topic before talking nonsense. Or go make a thread on /sci/, perhaps they'll kindly explain why you're retarded.

With free energy and fusion, you no longer need to worry about money, you pic related

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well it is happening, why are you worrying then?

>Because fusion just magically happens in vacuum and creates all this energy straight in to the power lines.

Not like you need maintenance or anything, it's unlimited and free!

>gold on the verge of mass production in labs
Not like thats chemically impossible unless you add an proton to a platin atom( which btw is more expensive than gold )

Not like adding a proton to just a hand full of atoms costs tens of millions of dollars and is only possible at kilometer huge scientific facilities

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>not just buying gold company stocks and make money even if gold goes down because good companies are supposed to make money in bad times
>not just making 37%+ in last month by buying barrick gold stocks

so you know that it has already happened but you still don't understand that we are, in fact, on the verge. could be 100 years, 50 years, 5 years but for sure gold isn't 100% futureproof anymore. even if it's 500 years until we can mass produce it we certainly will be importing it from space until then.

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even if that was possible on an industrial scale (it isn't), the cost of one ounce would be several magnitudes of what it is now.
you are fucking retarded bro.

embarrassing how grug is smarter than you, isn't it

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i have a Gold Money holding. Why this cunt (Shiff the broken clock) joined them I don't know.

I fucking hate the top 10% of society ganging the system. I lived in a country where a 10'r would become a 100 note every 10 years as the central bank changed the notes out to new ones with better security. Scumbags making money out of thin air then cutting all social services.

The shiny rock can be made extremely thin and doesn't corrode brainlet.

If engineers could they would make everything from non-corrosive noble metals. It's just that they are prohibitively expensive DOE TO THEIR PRACTICAL PROPERTIES so only say connectors are gold-plated.

No, there will be no fucking asteroid mining like there will be no trip to Mars. They have been wiggling this sausage in-front of people's noses long enough.

If you're an oligarch you want things to be expensive so you get more money for less work. Look at Samsung price fixing memory. Shit, we're a fucking cartel = monopoly = we dictate the price and everyone else needs to suck it if they don't like it. Artificial scarcity. Competition is for idiots. Everyone tries to have a monopoly and when they do it's straight gauging.

>if that was possible
>the cost of one ounce would be
i sure wish i also had a crystal ball

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He probably means gold as an alternative to bonds/CD's which isn't the worst idea but zoomers under 30 shouldn't even think about getting out of equities if they have

They are fucked by the IMF. They can't just print shitty dollars to pay for things.

Every sane country stockpiles gold.

BTW you know a shithole country is about to go down when they pull out the gold reserves from it. And guess what - Germans repatriated all of their gold from New York.

you can deduce that from the amounts of energy necessary to overcome physical laws and the general cost of certain amounts of energy.
unless you hypothesize that the energy required to fuse nuclei will somehow magically fall by a factor the size of several dozen digits, you will not produce masses of gold in a laboratory from cheap elements.
don't be this dense.

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I bought physical silver and a little bit of ETF silver, did I fuck up?

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>you are fucking retarded bro.
>embarrassing how grug is smarter than you, isn't it
>don't be this dense.
you couldn't communicate properly with another person if your life depended on it, let alone convince him to see things from your perspective

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they can already create gold just not enough for it to be economically viable

this faggot is a Vols fan. Tells me everything I need to know.