Wagecuck General

Let me tell you the story of my wage cuck life user and you decide if I'm currently happy or not:

15yo first job at grocery store for 2 years working for a car
17yo first job at a fast food place - hated it more than life itself - 1yr employment or less
18yo first job at a factory working 12hr shifts - worked so hard muscles hurt every night but got physically much much stronger - did this for 3 years (tried college but hated the faggots there so much decided fuck that shit)
22yo decided to travel around, get job as bar tender - hated dealing with drunks, quit
23yo work more fast food jobs bc cant find anything better for a couple years
25yo become a Certified Nursing Assistant - help old ppl at nursing homes, wipe asses, shower old ancient fags, dress ppl, talk to the ancient ones for 4 years of 12hr shifts and more than 60hrs a week
30yo discovered crypto, tired of the pre-corpse nursing home club, went all in on ETH sub $1
33yo currently a cryptocurrency consultant and mining farm technician - im my own boss now and the king of crypto in the 3 cities around me

what i learned about wage cucking is that you will NEVER be happy until you are working for yourself.

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I unironically don't mind my grocery store job. It's lighthearted and I've met a lot of decent people through it. Am I a cuck?

i will admit that working at a grocery store is a simple kind of chill experience. not very rewarding monetarily, yet not taxing physically or mentally. i agree that you can meet good down to earth ppl working at those jobs but you are a slave to the time clock and the time you spend in them is time you lose forever. there is no greater long term reward other than the value of your wages and time on the clock. while this might not make a big difference to some autists, it is torture for others.

>different strokes for different folks

everyone starts out as a wage cuck, mostly

so how do I get started working for myself? I have an econ degree and working a dead end job in mortgage accounting

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the only way to do it is save up some capital, make the right investments in dividend stocks, then use the dividends to buy more stock. eventually living off the dividends. the only real way i found to be financially independent was thru calculated trading. bot trading, etc. the real money is made in the markets and if you make your job being a pro trader then you are your own boss from that point on. $25k is what i started with so just save up to that point and never stop investing. just literally stop feeding the kike and buying useless garbage. discipline yourself when it comes to spending and make investing your top priority. thats how i did it. hope this helps you break the chains

I want to take the next step but I'm not sure what to do. I've got a few ideas but I feel like it's a long shot that it'll ever work out. It's either that or taking a class at the local community college.

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cool, i am not even close to having 25k

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college is a kike meme. remember what aaron schwartz said about college "what point is there in going to college when i can learn anything i want to know on the internet?" he wasnt wrong. its a kike scam to get your shekels. college is NPC training - invest your learning into the knowledge of the markets because thats all that really matters if you ever want to make it.

>help old ppl at nursing homes, wipe asses, shower old ancient fags, dress ppl, talk to the ancient ones for 4 years of 12hr shifts and more than 60hrs a week

How do you see your life when you'll get old? Would you want to return to your old workplace as a client?

>make the right investments in dividend stocks, then use the dividends to buy more stock. eventually living off the dividends
i have no idea how to do this. please help!! i'm a complete dummy

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Nursing homes are literal prisons for old people. Often their kids force the sell of their houses and never visit them. Once you are elderly and you check into a nursing home, the only way out is in a body bag. I've seen some real horror show stuff in nursing homes dude. Watching old ppl lose their minds, constantly trying to escape, suicide attempts, the list goes on. Theres a high risk ward at every nursing home for combative patients - it isn't pretty. While I was there I tried to treat the patients I took care of like they were part of my extended family - mainly because they had no one. It makes you lose a lot of faith/hope in humanity seeing what the later years of life are like for ppl - its terrifying. As a man, I worked with exclusively women and that in itself was a horrible experience. They often use the excuse of you being a man to throw on extra work to your load. Women in the medical field take advantage of men from a work perspective and it goes unnoticed by facility admins.

Would I ever let myself be admitted into a nursing home? Absolutely not, I'd probably kill myself first. The pre-corpse club isnt something you ever want to hold membership at.


ask you in /smg/ Stock Market General - they will help you get set user. it isnt that difficult but lurk those threads for a couple months and you'll be an expert, i promise. also use TD Ameritrade for all your stock activities, thinkorswim is the true chad of chart systems.

Real shit my niqqa, search for “south park rap”

0-18yo Mummy pays for everything and anything I want. No job.
18-23yo Mummy let's me live rent free while I study computers and even pays for my uni. Still have not worked a day in my life
23yo Get my first job as a software engineer making 80k. Do literally nothing all day and still live at home rent free

Damn the wagecuck life is rough. You NEETs sure know how to balance your lives.

which video? give the link to it please?

youre also a kissless virgin, are paranoid of life on your own, and at 23yo are still a child. the nice thing about wage cucking is that it forces you to be an adult. you meet sometimes interesting ppl at work, future girlfriends, etc. the main purpose of the hard wage cuck life is to eventually become enlightened from a financial perspective on how to break the loop of clock in clock out.

although you have had an easy life, most ppl cant say the same. not everyones parents pampered them, so you are truly a minority when it comes to this. you had it easy, next step is moving out of moms basement and cooking your own tendies for a change.

>excellent bait tho i literally dodged it just to btfo you

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>telling people you own crypto

>meeting someone in person to do a shady business deal

user, it's almost like survival of the fittest isn't just a theory, it's actually the way life is.
It's almost like nature weeds out the idiots by cutting their lives short or something.

actually all my real life friends are from the country club and its private with high membership fees. when you have money you dont hang around with poorfag criminals who will rob you, kidnap you, and kill you for your money. everything changes when you go over 1m networth

can I ask you something
what do gain from LARPing this hard?

sounds about right for 23 y/o, youre on track for a midlife crisis at 35. good luck.

>17 y/o, got into college and doing manual labour job on the side
>19 y/o, drop out from lack of motivation. Start short term trading in stocks. >Saw crypto early on from silkroad etc but had no knowledge of how to mine BTC. (it was really early on, there were no well established software or networks so you'd have to understood the tech and maths behind it really well to mine it)
>Eventually forget about crypto alltogether
>20 y/o, give up stock trading due to the constant stress and paranoia it was causing on my mind
>21 y/o, cannot find employment beyond hard labour due to lack of experience on CV. Survived on NEETbux.
>22 y/o (current year), gone back to college, currently doing a Bachlor of Science in Maths and graduating next year.

In five years I see myself either
1. wagecucking at a deadend code monkey job
2. going into academia spending 5 hours per day writing grant applicaitons
3. back to NEETbux

Anyway out of these options? I can't be bothered with trading anything anymore since I constantly worry and panic about minor fluctuations.

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Where did you begin learning how markets work

one day you'll be a country club member too user. you are going to make it if you hodl LINK and RLX

bitcointalk forums, and Jow Forums when it was crypto talk then Jow Forums - been a long time channer. also read some books on the normie stock market, getting into trading on TD isnt that difficult, im not a total autist. it isnt that hard to get into the markets when you utilize immersive learning techniques. what worked the best for me was replacing my entertainment time with market related things. also paying attention to what oldfag investors had to say. buffet was my main source to mimic - main reason i went in on dividend stocks starting out. then novagratz is mr current market guru now

yeah if you brag about it driving a ferrari and tell everyone that you live in a gigantic mansion then yes. If you just dress casually live in a normal flat you still can choose with which clientel you want to hang out. even a $50k-$90k car will still bring no attention to you. everyone will just assume you lease it or that your some corporate fag that just used every single penny you have to show off to thots and relive his youth

i literally drive a new corvette and a new prius prime. im in the prime most of the time, huge gas saver. i do live in a gated community with security niggers on duty 24/7 and live in an area with less than 5% nigger population. i think i'm gonna be okay, user.

if you're not a basedboy type and have some grit it's pretty easy to start your own business in a trade-related field like construction, painting, drywall, etc. and scale it up to where you have enough employees that the cut you take from them means you don't even have to do the physical part of the job yourself anymore.

That's how I made it (currently making it) and had no formal training or education.

Basically bought some tools and an old pickup truck (total cost me like $4k) and talked to some friends, and my brother, asked if they wanted to try drywalling. Brother and one friend said yes. We drove around, stopping at job sites, walked up "Can I talk to the site foreman", get directed to him, "Do you need anymore drywallers at this job site?", he says yes, "how much do you pay?", he says the price per square foot. "Okay sounds good. Can we start right now? We have our gear with us", says yes, gives us 30 minute safety orientation (liability) and points us to the section that needs work.

We have no idea what we're doing outside of a few youtube videos we watched. Do it anyway. Turns out to be easy as fuck putting up drywall properly/cleanly. We get faster and faster after a few days/weeks. None of us do drugs or drink, so supremely reliable and consistently in attendance at job site. Foreman eventually realizes this, we become to "go to" guys, always getting the extra bonus work, fixing other peoples work (for extra $/hour), get recommended to other job sites, etc.

That was like 6-7 years ago, have done well for myself since. Have about 15-20 guys out working at any given time, I pay them all hourly but I get flat rates for the sites, have had a couple contractors give me major sites as well, did an entire shopping mall, did a hospital, did a 20-floor apartment complex, as in I had 100% of the drywall work in those places.

Same sort of thing can be done with painting, flooring, roofing, framing, etc.

based and chadpilled

>nursing homes
Remember anons, if you are ever diagonsed with dementia, unironically prepare a suicide plan while you're still cognitively intact. It's not just your mind but your ability to move, eat and breathe progressively deteriorates as your brain wastes away. There are fates worse then death and dementia is one of them.

Imagine being a prisoner in your own body, unable to move, but yet still have people tending to your every need and even force feeding you. Eventually you stop eating so doctors put you on a feeding tube and your tongue never tastes food again, though you are still alive via the nutrition that is pumped into your stomach. This is considered "good quality of life" and you stay alive like this for years and years, trapped in a bed. Your feet atrophy, so do your arms, they become stiff as boards, and you - some trace of you left screaming behind eyes filled with rage, only want one single thing, to finally die. You can't talk, you can't move, all you can do is feel, and while every second of the day is a passing torture all you contemplate is one day waking up not alive.

This is a reality for hundreds of thousands of old people literally right now.

Nice user. That's pretty based. So how hard is it to find good workers?

Buy shares of VIG or NOBL and turn on dividend reinvestment. They're index funds that target large capital dividend stocks.

Guys what am I supposed to be doing in my free time? I thought that when I got a job I would cherish my free time, because I didn't when I was a neet. But now I do the same shit I've been doing for years, just sitting on Jow Forums all day. 27 btw

dementia/alzheimer vaccines will be on sale within next decade luckily

and they will be at least $1k/pill


Did you need to get a contractor's licesnse?

Me and my dad just built a dock at his house and we've already had people ask us to build docks for them. I looked into starting a business but I'd need a contractors license, and for that I have to have 4 years of education or 4 years of experience. It's fun work and you can easily clear 6 figures, but I'm not gonna go back to college to learn something that I already know how to do. I fucking hate the government so much.

As long as you don't have a shit boss, or work in a place where everyone is entitled like a restaurant, theme park, or sports arena, then minimum wage service jobs are actually god tier. The people you meet are great, pretty much everyone who works there is chill as fuck and are just trying to get through the boring monotonous work just like you.

Thank you brother. I will start saving for the 25k. I am 25 atm. Currently doing my CPA, but I have made a few mistakes with crypto and the market so far. Hoping to learn.

first job working for my uncle, a carpenter, over the summer
second summer job was in landscaping - by the end of the summer I had graduated to the tractor-esque lawnmower because I was the only one on the crew that spoke english
Met and started dating current girlfriend
started working part time at Publix
Also started coding here, got REALLY fat
launched first software and started doing (((wordpress web development)))
graduated high school, started university, quit publix and could support myself on my own
girlfriend followed me to college as well
three software products out doing a combined MRR of just under 10,000.Of course most of that goes right back in or towards my education
lost 90+ pounds in the span of a year
turned 20 just under a month ago.

I think life is breddy gud

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>everyone will just assume you lease it or that your some corporate fag that just used every single penny you have to show off to thots and relive his youth
Nah people are retarded user they actually believe people own those fancy cars that they leased half the time. Kek.