My dad is getting $250,000 because he worked at ground zero and has terminal lung cancer now...

My dad is getting $250,000 because he worked at ground zero and has terminal lung cancer now. I'm his caregiver and he said he wants me to use the money to build an amazing life. Should I bother with altcoins or all bitcoin?

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A mere $1000 in Link is an excellent bet.

You could live off that money by investing in stocks/bonds but you want to risk all of it on a ponzi?

I know not much about the business and finance world, I'm very open to suggestions.

pic related

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you dont 'invest' in crypto, its a scam
Just put all that money into dividend paying bonds and stocks and use your dividends to practice trading real financial markets
you should get 10k per year on bonds alone

This is the kind of person who wants to use you to dump his bags on user
This is the type of person who is giving you good advice

My advice is also the same, mutual finds stocks, bonds, whatever. This ain't 2016 anymore, the party is over, make some real money like a smart person, don't get jew'd by this greedy cynical board.

Personally wouldn't blow entire load on "investments". Take a chunk & start a business that you can work on while you wait for your "investments" to "moon"

lol, no.
Find something your really passionate about, make a 5 year plan and pursue that.
Grow something that provides value to you and others rather than trying to make more neetbucks, unless what you are most interested in is investing.
Basically, find something that you care about more than money.

Then maybe spend a small portion to have someone manage it for you or actually spend a good amount of learning about where to invest. Please don't autistically put it all in crypto bc an anonymous frog poster tells you to.

You can fuck up that money really quick. Don't buy stocks and bonds right now, the market is gonna crash. Don't invest in real estate unless you know what you are doing, if you do start small. Christ whatever you do don't buy crypto. 250k is not enough to be retired, nor is it nearly enough to have passive that can support you on interest bearing stuff. Pretend you are broke. Learn how to plan to support yourself, then when you absolutely know where some capital would expand your ability to generate income utilize it.

buy a 4 plex live in one and rent out the others. it will be work but it will mostly support you and literally free you from wageslaving for the rest of your life.

i assume you probably live in mastic or some shithole so this should be easy

Don't listen to these fags. Interest rates are going up, bondholders are dumping their bags as fast as they can, and everyone knows the stock market if fixing to shit the bed as well. Institutional investors are exiting and leaving the retail (Robinhood woooo!) idiots holding the bag. Maybe crypto will survive the coming bond/stock bear market, maybe not. I'm about 70/30 crypto/cash with my liquid assets.

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Woah relax guys. Hes giving it all to me I'm only investing 10% though

I'd probably say do like 225k in actual stocks/bonds/etfs/etc and then use 25k to fucking around in the crypto market. Probably 20k in BTC and 5k in alts that tickle your fancy. That should give you a get basis for a great life. If crypto moons then great if not then you still have actual investments that you can utilize to get out of poverty.

Spend as much time with your pops, that's gonna be the shit you really regret later. Give him a salute for me, if he was at Ground Zero he's a fucking hero and saint.

These guys fuck.

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This board is so retarded. Literally almost at a market bottom and everyone's saying to stay away from crypto now. Fucking idiots you always get it wrong.

I live in a nice place 3 bed 2 bath in NJ

Thank you so much for this post

Oh yeah, 1 more thing.
Funny part is that you end up making more money this way rather than doing something just for the money. Reason is because your not going to pull out when shit gets hard if its something you love, which is important knowing anything you choose will get really hard at one point or another.
Also, remember that the longer you stick with the same thing the more 'dividends' you get out of the skills you develop in that field. It's an exponential growth thing. Every time you flip flop to a different industry you start back at 0.

Did hitler really say that? That quote actually makes a lot of sense

Dont listen to these boomers. Its always been 10k link to make it with,enough time passed to get some. that's 3/250.
>He's dumping on you

20k in crypto right now (link, req, eth, whatever floats your boat)
The remainder keep liquid until stocks and property market crash or stabilise

This guys not wrong, you can't possibly go the "skim the interest" route on only 250k. Also given current "everything bubble" that EVERYTHING is in I wouldn't fall for the "stocks & bonds are the only safe investments" meme either, shits been on a 10 year run, real estate has been insane too, you're barely safer in those than you are investing at the bottom of crypto right now. Long story short, it's a rough time for investment decisions right now, everythings way over extended. Starting a business though, never bad.

>just sell the bottom of the stock market correction goy

Also, While some bonds go down because of higher interest rates, you still have plenty of options like Target dates, sovereign debt, and other stable rising funds

You should use that money to do something amazing for your dad you ungrateful cretin.

I want to use some of the money to get back into being a twitch streamer. I had 2000 viewers at my peak in 2013 and there are sooo many more people watching twitch now I haven't had cash for a new gaming PC/desk since we were recently illegally evicted.

you dont seem to realize how hardcore stocks have crashed since 2015. You look at the Sp500 and think thats relevant to income investing

There hasnt been a '10 year bullrun' either, theres been a 'normal recovery from 2 major crashes' full of corrections the past 10 years

Look at VIT(vanguard stock)
It has an annual increase of %10+ and pays out dividends of +2% so every quarter of the year you'll get $1250 which you can reinvest or pocket. If you just keep reinvesting by the holy Gods of compound interest you'll be a millionaire in less the 10 years.
Too lazy to do the math but yeah don't fucking touch crypto with that money. Its a beautiful gift so don't squander it

the irony
literal "buy my boomer bags at the peak of this market cycle"

actual good advice

Disgusting. But atleast that's a cost effective dream to follow.

>Did hitler really say that? That quote actually makes a lot of sense
Of course. Hitler was an extremely reasonable bloke.

>buying stocks at literally the top is good advice
>buying crypto close to bottom is bad advice

Ok bro.

I know I hate it but its amazing money

if not larping, you have the change to never work another day in your life.

put all that shit in CDs, high dividend stocks, blue chip stocks, and maybe 1k in crypto to gamble with.

sorry you arent old enough to make a brokerage account

Crypto should be good practice for you though :)

Don't waste the tiny amount that they gave you for your dad's life.

Just put it into a high divi ETF and then use your personal money for wasting/gambling.

Wow. This board is seriously becoming toxic. Like where the fuck are the mods even at right now? This is a fucking blue board, and you need to be banned.

People like him are why I hate coming to Jow Forums, and why this place can never be a thriving community.

you're absolutely a piece of shit

you clearly haven't been here long enough then. oldfags are (((wise)))

what does your dad think about you being a nazi?

I'm not a moron. I know what those triple parentheses mean.

Consider yourself banned, asshole.

Reddit is that away

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Literally dump TEN PERCENT of that into Link and you will be a multi-millionaire for life.

if your larping, youre a cunt.
if not dont even think about putting that kind of money into shitcoins. pay your tuition ( in something decent!). take 20k to shitcoin with 8k in alts and 2 bitcoins, put them in a cold wallet and forget about them for a few years. after tutiton invest in something sensible, like amazon. and put some in a pension fund, don't be a chump kid.

What the fuck is wrong with Reddit? I understand that's supposed to be an insult, but makes no sense and just reveals you to be a bigoted idiot.

Reddit has a welcoming atmosphere unlike this cesspool. Users show respect toward one enough and follow the community guidelines.

Stop baiting.

Lol. Babby bought his first stocks and thinks he's an adult now aaaww so cute.

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