Would you take 100k with a promise to pay back 220k next year?

Would you take 100k with a promise to pay back 220k next year?

I'm thinking about maxing out on loans from banks / credit cards / loan sharks etc for crypto.
Then pay back in 2020 with the amount of money that i earned through crypto. Good idea? Bad Idea? Whats your input

Attached: DEBT.jpg (300x200, 34K)

no thats gambling you degenerate

best idea

It's gambling yes. But life is a RISK and i wanna play the odds instead of wagecucking like a bitch through my 20s. FUCK THAT SHIT.

Thanks bud.

Nothing can go wrong!

terrible idea, the meme about "not investing more into crypto than you can afford to loose" is actually pretty solid advice.

Even if you are a hundred percent certain that you will see x100 gains, you can't be certain about the timeframe. Next year the entire market could hibernate, it is a possibility, and then you will be bagholding overpriced coins while paying of interest rates.

he was being sarcastic, it's a stupid idea. the biggest rule of investing is not to invest what you can't afford to lose. taking out a loan for crypto is maximum retard. but if u wanna gamble go for it


Well if i lose it all , The loan shark will just kill me. Death is the only thing certain in life. I could die enslaved to the system or die chained to a chair. I like the odds of making it big with 100k. Besides all i need really is 200% gains to pay off the debts anyways....

Gonna go for the gamble fuck it!

good luck you crazy bastard i hope it pays off for you

Thats a real Chad speaking! Get rich or die trying!

i dont. we dont need shitters like this making it, cause they'll end up wasting all their money on stupid shit like drugs and lambos.

Dude just wait one more year. I know it's hard but 2018-2019 is not the year of crypto. When btc will be at 3-4k and the only guy you see talking about bitcoin says it's dead, then max your credit card.
You probably want to feel the adrenaline, feel alive but it's a trap. Wait at least 1 more year

Thanks bud. I'll make sure to post back here in the future if all goes well. If not , I'll live stream waiting for the loan shark to come kill me , and i'll do whatever it takes to kill him. It'll be funny.


Nah I'm not into drugs and lambos. I'd rather have tons of land and guns.

you think so? I was thinking of buying as much BTC as possible personally. Then buy the coins which i have done heavy research on and go all in.

>I'd rather have tons of land and guns
I complain about virgins on this board... but... I have never fired a gun... how does it feel user?

Depends on the caliber and type of firearm. I personally like glocks as they are simple and they are reliable. The feeling of being able to take anothers life is a VERY powerful feeling. Yet of course , It's better to abstain from violence when you can.
The feeling of shooting of a gun is like sex. The moment you have it in your hands... feeling the metal on your thumbs. Feeling the safety as it clicks and cocking back the slide to reveal a chamber. Oh the sound of the slide sliding back into place... Absolutely magnificent , As you rise your hands and point it at the target. The small amount of recoil as gunpowder and gunshot residue cover your hands and body. The flashing burst of the bullet coming out of the gun and the satisfaction of seeing your bullet hit the mark.
It's a beautiful and wonderful feeling user. You should definitely try.

A lot of credit card companies don't let you buy crypto anymore

I wasn't going to use it to buy Crypto. I was gonna turn it into fiat and buy it like that.

OK I posted in the other thread about how I wasn't in favor of debtor's prisons but for people like OP I make an exception

Yeah , I'm using the (((BANKS))) money to make more money that they print to us. "Quantitative Easing" is a scam. If you and i were to do that , It's called "COUNTERFEITING" WTF?

What are you gonna do? Throw me in jail for participating in a scam because the monetary system is a scam? You should throw everyone in jail for participating in the scam.

you are gambling plain and simple.

At the moment those 220k are only numbers to you. You don't really understand what it means.

Even if the market stagnates without dropping further you would still owe 120k. That is impossible to ever pay back with interest rates.

Don't do it.