XRN has risen. Ground floor. 50K cap, low supply with an 3.8 Million circulating. No in-fighting. Very first healthy discussion on biz yesterday, and if that's not a buy signal to you, ya just cannot be helped.
You're welcome.
I know there's been a lot of shilling of privacy coins, but this one is a keeper, and it has not taken off remotely relative to what it will do. Coinmarketcap should happen soon, and twit-fags / biz bros have no idea yet.
Ignore this like the others and you will be quite unhappy in a week or two. Service nodes roll out in less than 2 weeks. Twit-fags aren't in, judging by the volume so far, and most of biz didn't listen yesterday.
So this is the pajeets paid flavor for the next few days ehhh
Carter Morales
Try next 6-12 months.
If you think this will stay under a 1-2M market-cap (20x) you have another thing coming.
Matthew White
I don't normally try to buy into shills, but you sold me on this last night. Really excited about this one. And did you see the new website? We've got a quite a way to go.
Grayson Murphy
This faggot is pathetic with his shilling. He even says the same thing every time. >just the beginning >You're welcome >Don't fuck this one up
Luis Nguyen
Literally every shill post here say that. Its a biz thing you dumbfuck
Michael Wright
Can i get a rundown?
William Murphy
The new website looks great, comparatively. I'm a web designer for fun, and I'm into it.
Aiden Carter
Lol you brainlet, it's the same guy and most of these coins are from the same exchange.
Jackson Green
? Read the OP
Oliver Evans
These things are true. If you don't like my writing, that's fine, but these are facts.
You can watch this from the sidelines, but today is probably your last chance before we test the 1,000 sat wall for good. Look at the books for yourself.
Isaiah Butler
Im talking about literally EVERY shill post. Not just the Tradeogre ones
Carter Green
I gave you a rundown, and the site, and all the things. If you have questions, that is what Discord is for, which by the way, is extremely helpful.
This might just be the last 50x of 2018.
Brayden Gonzalez
I appreciate your enthusiasm for these micro caps user, just switch things up a bit sometimes.
Noah King
xrn moon soon. miners dump are getting eaten
Cooper Gutierrez
Why so many sells
Hunter King
just miners, sending some btc
Caleb Hernandez
I do, and will continue to do. Things go in phases, and you have to ride these waves, or some other indian bastard will. Trust me. I've seen this all before.
Dominic Smith
Lol dont offend indians! thank you come again!
Gavin Reyes
Ya know this coin reminds a lot of XHV, which has about a $12mil marketcap. Would be at least a 100x from here but I think that's a reasonable target if the hype starts to pick up.
William Lewis
400 about to go bye bye. Hope yall got in
Thomas Garcia
Even at one million marketcap, it would be 20x. Apparently thats not enough for biz to get in
Blake Wilson
Wew, lad. 30K volume. Road to 1000 sats begins.
Logan Robinson
Holy shit.
David Russell
We heading to at least 800 sats today.
Jose Miller
wonder at what price pump would end
Brandon Hernandez
Oh wow this coin is really good thank you for telling me about it I will immediately
Jason Jones
I made so much money off this coin in the past week you guys should buy immediately
Colton Williams
Get in before 400 ends. There is literally no sell walls until 800
Carter Miller
1000 sats wall would build if it gets there today.
Cameron Morgan
miners dumping a bit now
Aaron Wilson
Haha this dude is dumping right now on everyone
Caleb Miller
maybe lol. good project though. will keep at it
Jaxon Rogers
Incorrect. Whine all you want as this breaks towards 1,000.
Andrew Hernandez
SO. THIN. holy shit.
James Ross
Top 5 volume. -20%. Kek! The absolute state of biztards who still aren't buying.
Isaac Cooper
This is amazing.
Jacob Price
Volume certainly is. Price action will come sooner than later.
Owen Martinez
obvious cup and handle on the chart
Kevin Reyes
You 5 guys must love talking to eachother. I bet you're all in the same room IRL eating cheetos and drinking mountain dew.
Aiden Morgan
this shit can never move past 400
Levi James
wtf are u talking about, you're brainlet if you not flipping ogre shitcoins for gainz
Caleb James
this is the best coin on in human history, monero will get btfod