Blockfolio Thread: If this portfolio doesn’t make me rich I’m going to kms edition
Blockfolio Thread: If this portfolio doesn’t make me rich I’m going to kms edition
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sell neo ark ada
buy more chainlink when it dumps
ETH XMR good
The rest are fucking shit and sky is a literal scam if youre unironically holding half a btc of that I dunno what to tell you.
How could you possibly not own ANY HOT
You need more btc op.
This completely.
That's a surprisingly well rounded portfolio besides for SKY and maybe NEO? I would keep everything the same but trade out SKY for ICX or XLM. You'll probably make it with every other coin in your portfolio though gl
>selling NEO
Brainlets detected
>10k LINK
>50K Req
Jesus I remember when these guys were 1:1.
>sky is a literal scam if youre unironically holding half a btc of that I dunno what to tell you.
theyre autistic and dont know how to run a business, but its not a scam. im just a bagholder for ideological reasons
i had fucking btc but i bought a fucking skyminer and got stuck bagholding shitcoins while praying for one last pump
SKY will x10 at least and NEO has comfy GAS so im holding forever.
take me back
What's your ideology?
Permissioned networks where you receive a single copy of a two year old ledger from the CEO and heavily censoring all chats and subreddits?
Or does it align more with lining the pockets of a moron that market sold on you already the second that the price pumped because he held the single keys to everything and lied about a "kidnapping"
> tfw alt season and you own all the alts
Maybe you like the arbitrary emissions controlled by one person who still controls 90% of the supply that he could decide to 10x at any time because there is no consensus
It is a scam, a real bitconnect tier scam. But of course if you dont know that now there is no way to convince you.
Whatever, the rest of your shitcoins might do ok. Diversification saves the day.
You are really smart and you are going to make it user
You shouldn't diversify that much
I'm satisfied, at the same time angry because I lost 4k link on dero...
who hurt you user?
Looks like I need to pick up some Sky
>mfw this whole thread was a skycoin shill that backfired
>rent free
get rid of those and increase the rest, you'll be good
man, you're rich, nothing to worry about
My portfolio is unironically 100% AMB
I am very poor :( only gonna make it if it's gonna go above 150$
lmao. i literally spent more on my sushi and drinks yesterday.
I like your portfolio, I'm def jelly of some of those stacks
Yea kinda sucks that this is the amount of money i make in a week. And it's considered good in my country.
how? don't tell me you sold now lol
>only showing 24hr % return
>24hr % return all comes from one asset in portfolio
What you've posted literally means nothing.
Based and red pilled
Imagine dont holding MFT, what a Kek
Lol, this faggot used to be a mod in the Skycoin community. He just started banning people from the Skycoin Canada group and has been crying for months about the price dip.
>no Holo
>must be a Skycoin shill thread!
Holocucks showing just how mentally ill and desperate they are, jumping at shadows. Laughing triumphantly at faces painted on their own fingertips.
> rate it
is nkn still worth to hold it ?
Imagine not holding SNGLS, what are you fucking doing? DO UR OWN CONSPIRACY KEKS
>biggest holding is ETH
What is this memery? I'll send flowers to your funeral
my portfolio used to have ADA and REQ in common with yours, of course i hodl LINK. i'd get out of those bags desu.
>LINK 15k
>RLX 550k
>UBEX 100k
>ETH 56
>0xBTC 5k
>0xLTC 11k
>0xGOLD 1k
sell the NKN immediately for RLX, its the better investment desu. i'm working on building up to at least 5m RLX - comfiest hodl right now i got besides LINK. they literally have no competitors.
Sell all into Bitcoin
Could you anons rate my meme shit?
I have 1M HOT also.
pretty shitty.
Urs is overdiversified and with terrible picks, sell all except xmr.
800k nimiq
50k jse
35k trx
15k xvg
15k sia
15k bcn
2,5k spacecash
500 exy
Sell that fucking skycoin scam for more link, that's what I would do op.
dude you hold OMG
I know mate, bought those bags at 0.5
Should sell before, i know but now would be stupid as fuck
What should I buy with all this btc and bnb ??
>sell low, buy high
Wow u got that right big insight goes right between buy high and sell low.
buy high ( sell low, buy high), sell low. Seee it goes right in the middle, wow.
I post link fud everyday
Why the fuck wouldn't you own one full Bitcoin?
I cannot understand you...BTC and XMR are the only cryptos that matter, the rest are either scams or shit projects
No BTC = fail desu
>What should I buy with all this btc and bnb ?
>BTC and XMR are the only cryptos that matter
They are dinosaurs, none of them is capable of x10-x100 gains unlike sone alts.
A noose would be a better investment
my blockfolio holdings just got randomly removed. wtf is this shit
the only token that matters
Wrong. Absolutely wrong
he doesn't have any CHX
my holdings:
Chainlink 4022
Request network 9282
Life is shit, be poor is shit
I hope i make it with link at least
Just HODL long enough and you will.
OP, get rid of Eth... we don’t need dapps in the future. They’re slow and shit and the network is already struggling. ICOs are dead and we don’t need to have 100% decentralization. Buy Eth classic instead... it doesn’t focus on dapps like cuck vitalik. It will get flooded when people figure out dapps are shit and Eths main use case is unnecessary.
Acually main focus of eth is VM NFT and Smartcontracts...
Daps are focus of scammy ico-s, wich are startups and most startups/icos fail anyway.
ETH will have few more bubbles nad most of you gonna kys because you missed train again.
>have 0 eth but thinking it found bottom and to start stacking it.
>you poorfags and newfags getting hyped by ETH dead narative are fucking dumb
Inshallah habibi
NKN flatlined
tiny market cap
will go up massively eventually
definitely worth it
but there are probably better buys/holds right now
still a very good hold long term