I just wanna say to all swing traders sublty fuding link right now that it's going to form a bull flag and pump to...

I just wanna say to all swing traders sublty fuding link right now that it's going to form a bull flag and pump to 8500-9000 sats

so you can either buy back in now or wait for a small dip, or you can cry later how you sold right before the "real" pump

that's it

Attached: índice.jpg (225x225, 4K)

also, did anyone notice we mooned on a full moon?

Can you paint the flag on a chart?

Attached: 31c76cdb7ddae78f10b161d613bac44b.jpg (505x567, 37K)

Attached: itscoming.gif (320x180, 508K)

Unironically a bullflag on the 3m and 5m. Not buying it, though. This isn't going up 75 pct in a matter of hours. Call me when the bullflag can be spotted on the daily or at least the 4H or something.

>Subtly FUDing after a 25% pump in the deep bowels of a bear market
Yeah ok there kiddo

Breakout starting, visible on 5 minute chart. This is your last chance swing linkers!

Attached: 1539704828253.jpg (713x696, 86K)

Buy now or forever hold your peace.

nah i'll just buy back when btc drops below 6k