When will people come back, this place is dead
I hate all 5 of you
Like crypto prices themselves, the biz population was largely artificial, and driven by a handful of hypemen with grand plans to scam vulnerable idiots.
wtf wat did i do to u i dont even own any crypto bruh tf stop hatin nibba
But I'll never forget you user
I guess you're alright
yeah well user you're gonna miss us when the normies flood in mid bullrun
deal with it . we are the last bagholders
they all got trapped in the wage cages.
they'll be back to buy the top off of us.
The fuck are you on about? Join a Telegram crypto group if you want to expose yourself to the cancer that is normie crypto crowd.
That said, they'll return before Chistmas. Enjoy this while it lasts.
This text made my life 5% better. Thank you!
>implying you'd actually want to talk to 3/4 of the people here 6 to 9 months ago
There will never be another bullrun.
*all 6 of you
I'm back, faggots
>When will people come back, this place is dead
That's the mystery of it all. You have explored. You have met rock. Rock would kill you under many conditions. Rock has not killed you... yet? You have met pig. Pig has not killled you yet pig would kill you under many conditions... yet?
I'll come back when I'm done spending all your money. Thanks for holding my bags, i'll buy them back from you at a discount before the next bullrun starts
ur such a wolf of cryptostreet, let me know when ur back from reddit ok? fuck off man.
There's at least 20 of us who post often. Luv you my bagholding brudahs
number 6 checkin in
"I wonder what those faggots on Jow Forums are up to now?" Whenever I decide to visit this desolate shitshow of a board.
Moon kiddies are gone which is great.
You know we're getting close to a bullrun when the euphoria is gone.
All that needs to happen now before the golden bullrun proceeds is for Chink scams like NEO and Vechain to die off, and for a big announcement with either BTC or ETH in their development.
We reached ath in content quality last weeks with the npc meme. Now the normies will be attracted again by the content ruining the board again. They will pump your shitcoins though
Hey I'm here. I'm the guy that been in XRP since $0.006 and barely posts anything. I just lurk and have a sensible chuckle at the irreverent posts here.
My friend feels like investing 1000 into crypto, what do I tell him
Yeah, this. Have you forgotten what it was like OP? I'm really enjoying the lack of constant shilling. OK, so it's still fairly constant - but it's definitely improved. Remember those Lambden pajeets who couldn't even tell you what it did? Ah, I'm actually getting nostalgic.
Tell him to go fuck himself.
make it 7!
i am here to stay. Like it or not!
I know not whether to be proud or ashamed.
8 still lurking. December buyer breaking even.
Tell him buying NIMIQ now is not as good as it was when it was at 17 sats, but its still better than buying it at 100 sats. Also 100k NIMIQ only cost a bit more than 100 and it would be foolish not to buy it.