The foundation just sold a stake in ICON for 65 million ICX (as seen in their tracker). Get ready for some insane news. This is only the beginning. You heard it here first.
ICON Massive Partnership Announcement Coming
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dumb nigger.
this junk partnered officially with samsung and the korean gov and nobody gives a shit. when will you icx and vechink faggots realise the partnership meme died last year. is -94% ath not enough already? cant wait for you insects to dump under 700 sats once papa corn shits the bed
I hope you are right user. I'm still holding this and expecting something from it eventually
>sell a stake in icon for $65 Million
Are you implying that that's a good thing?
t. poorfag
This is my only hold, and every day is just suffering, but only those who suffer and never give up deserve to make it.
We would you just larp like that..
We been trough so much
We lost so much
And you larp for fun after we got assblasted by gooks
DAYLI Financial group is top5 fintech in SK, they are basically ICON -and DAYLI is founded by Formation Group, which are biggest names in SK. PPL do not understand this company AT ALL. ICONLOOP is securing the entire freakin tech sector and all of this will ultimately be powered by ICON public chain. Don't even get me started on LINE and others involved. I will accumulate this as long as possible.
donald trump could make ICX legal tender of america and this shitcoin wouldnt moon
I sitll have to do this fucking dumb token swap fuck this piece of shit
me too. i wish i could just dump it on binance but i have to do the swap. fuck my life
fuck these gooks seriously
its not enough that they lost me thousands of dollars. to add insult to injury they make me perform this gay token swap.
>t. shitcoiner -95% bagholder cope
i dumped on your ass at after bithumb listing at 4$. HAHAHAHAAHAHHAAVVAAVAVVVAVAVVA
user, i...
>Dayli (ICON’s parent company) is suspected of multiple securities frauds and embezzlements and seems to be declaring bankruptcy due to not being able to pay taxes
Well sometimes they just deserve to continue suffering... Best of luck user
Umm guys.. the deadline for token swap was almost month ago. You can't transfer ICX ERC20 tokens to ICX anymore.
they pushed the deadline back you faggot
this is fake news everyone, nothing like that happened.
hi iconbro, good to see you still around.
good news is that icx seems to have bottomed out and 700 sats was infact the low but ONLY if btc stays above 5,8k$
did you visit the office in sk? are you dcaing more with your usd stack? what is your plan?
props for remembering that, yes I visited the offices and had a 2 hour meeting with an icon foundation council member and a team member who was doing the translation, asked them a bunch of questions.
Also had meetings with 2 of icon dapps teams
The most important part for me was seeing how their offices look and if the project is very serious.
You will be happy to know that ICON occupies 2 whole floors of a central Seoul office building, I couldnt see the 2nd cause its R&D and privileged information but the one where we had the meeting had 50 people working at the moment.
So yeah its all good, fwiw they told me that part 3 yellowpaper releases this month, so lets see if they keep their word
Yeah it seems.. only two days left though.
>yes I visited the offices and had a 2 hour meeting with an icon foundation council member
who did you email/contact to do that? did you reveal how much you have invested?
im thinking to do the same when im in sk
do you think the dapp/ico adoption is more important than the interoperability feature exchanging value? i think the 2nd is alot more relevant because eth showed the world that most dapps are infact a meme in search for a problem.
when do you think staking will be available?
did you see the "competing" korean blockchain icos and shilled as icon killers by ico influencers yggdrash and edenchain? both at 0.2x usd ico so icon really has a monopoly in sk now.
its unfudabble in most regards, the only thing which has me worried is the valuation of plattforms in general. im worried only p2p currencies have any value in form of offshore money laundering
how have you not offed yourself yet?
that 1,5 mill is worth what now.. 500 bucks?
cant believe I fell for this shitcoin I lost 5 grand and Im pissed. no idea how you cope with this situation user
>they have a really nice office
well that makes it a lot better I guess!
>500 bucks
he has more like 350k$ you pajeet. you realise its play money for him because unlike you he bought the ico at .1$
dumb niggers only buy the fomo instead of putting in research, people like you make people like me rich. thanks
If you believe this kike chart you have a sub 80 IQ
>losing over a million buckaroos
>its only play money
youd have to be absolutely retarded to not sell this shitcoin for BTC
>the korean ethereum
Yeah I'm glad I didn't get gooked by this shitcoin
as soon as this pumps everyone will sell his bags and get out of this ride of chinks
>that spacing
You need to go back. Also shame on you for defending this gook scam.
me personally? i would have sold.
but you dont know his state of mind user, can you imagine the euphoria? you fall in love with a coin who made you such gains, i mean he went and visited the office after all, lol
maybe he will have the last laugh, if this hits its ath he will be sitting at 6M$
>he fell for leddit spacing meme
spotted the newfag. kys you parasite and go back.
im having a discussion with an user above single digit iq who is dealing with money a pajeet like you will never see.
LOL says the faggot who still thinks ICX is anything more than a Pyongyang hustle. You deserve to lose everything you fucking brainlet.
If SK plan to use/adopt blockchain tech, how will icx not make huge gains from here????
Let me spell this out for you, Rakesh.
>Icon stalled on their token swap as long as humanly possible until that retarded typo in their code left them no other option
>they copypasta'd their Ledger instructions from Particl
>they still have Ledger App bugs to this day
>They are entirely hype and have shit tech
>No one cares about Icon outside of retail investor brainlets on Reddit and apparently Jow Forums as well
>This shitcoin already mooned and dumped, leaving countless desperate bagholders in its wake
I guarantee many people are just waiting to break even before they dump this shit. My friend is a blockchain dev in Silicon Valley and I promise you that know one gives a fuck about this gook shitcoin.
>zero arguments, only insults
this is how a low iq and poor nigger acts. why is it a scam in your eyes you fucking monkey
try to use your brain and talk like a normal person you insect
i dont even have a position in icx and stated why im skeptical, yet you emotional parasite chimped out.
my sides.
>spotted the newfag. kys you parasite and go back.
>im having a discussion with an user above single digit iq who is dealing with money a pajeet like you will never see.
Let me count the ad hominems in this. I see at least four.
Please see my above arguments and then promptly kill yourself.
>low iq
>poor nigger acts.
>fucking monkey
>emotional parasite
Im on mobile but let me write up what i can.
1. I had to reveal whose strategic allocations i had because thats how i got the meeting. Its not easy but doable.
2. I think dapp usage is way more important than interoperability and i think that its more easy to achieve, the meetings i had with mecacoin and webloc proved that icon dapps are way more ambitious than eth ones. Its gonna take time as always
3. Dont expect staking in the next few months. There is still 1 step left, choosing the C and P reps. After that the staking is live.
Fun fact, one of the founders of hycon the ripoff project is a guy who made that bug in icx erc20 smart contract. He got fired and butthurt so he started hycon.
I would have sold mine at 10$ range if i had the choice at the time, but i didnt. I received my coins when it was already 5$. Sold 100k$ worth and kept the rest. Havent sold a single one since then
So at what price are my fellow bag holders selling? My buy in is around 2.50 JUST
>bought at 8
>even more at 2.5
>yet more at 0.8
I’m not buying anymore of this fucking gook scam I just need a fucking selling point to buy more BTC
Gooked hard but not selling.
Its 3k and only 20% of my folio fuck it.
im dumping this garbage as soon as it hits 4 dorrah
Pretty sure staking is coming out in like 2 or 3 days but thats about it idk anything about muh massive partnership
Also ICO ban is about to be lifted which is good as well, so we'll see
how many icx for staking guys?
>tells someone to go back
>types "LOL" unironically
What did he mean by this
No info.
Rumor was 1-5k.
That was alot druing 2017 and its dirt cheep now kys
>Tfw payed 360$ for my baby bags that someone once bought for 7200$
I dont see a transaction for 65 million ICX anywhere, and on top of that, nobody holds exactly 65 million ICX anyway.
Went balls deep on this coin back in December. Watched my portfolio go all the way up to 300K and fucking held through all the delays and watched it drop down to its lowest of 12.5K
Even if literally the Korean government says they will replace the won with ICX, nobody will give a shit anymore.
this is what happened to me. fell in love with this coin because it made me the most gains (even though all 2017 I was just trading shitcoin to shitcoin without a care about the project). worst mistake ever.
> got gooked