/entg/ Entepeneurship General

Getting the hang of it edition!
I'm not young poorfag or the original user but I like to bump these threads to keep them alive.
IMPORTANT: the original user who made these threads isn't here anymore. Some of the stuff on the list you won't get answers too. Sorry in advance

In this thread, I'm going to compile the best passive income streams ordered by investment required, including both online and offline options
Little to no Investment($100-$1k)
>Social Media Marketing
>Digital Media or Marketing of any kind
>Web Development
>Freelance software development
>Affiliate Marketing
>Making Online Courses
>Self publishing Ebook(comprehensive guide:kindlepreneur.com/book-marketing-101/)
>product arbitrage

Some Investment Required($1k-10k)
>POS Systems
>P2P Lending
>Authoring or Online publishing
>Vending Machines
>Automated News sites or any kind of automated blog
>Automated online Arbitrage with the help of a buybot

Large Investment Required, but still very passive(10k+)
>Parking Garages or lots
>Batting Cages
>Rental Properties
>Buying Royalty rights on music, media, etc

I'm sure there are dozens of others that are out there but that's what I can think of off the top of my head.

if you have any comprehensive guide. Post them and ill add them here

Feel free to add more and share your knowledge, experience, advice with others, but I think that's a lot of value that you won't find in most threads here.
previous thread:

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To the product user in the last thread: thanks so much for the info! I will look into the free 3D modeling software you listed. And thanks for the info on the prosthetics. I know that mainly kids need it, when I was looking into most people wanted a free arm from the website I visited. I thought if there's a market, I could make them and sell for cheap. It seems people in the UK really need them. The only hard part would be making one as the kid grows older. They had kits and stuff for specific arms you could make I guess one size fits all type of gig. But I think okay just begin with learning it as a hobby and then renting it out to others that need to print something. I am happy that I could at least offer some helpful advice. Seriously good luck on all your endeavors and I know you'll make it!
Replying to young poorfag: I really just randomly got hit with the idea of 3D printing at work. I have always loved robots and wanted to build a robotic hand. When I found out you can do it even if brainlet, I just had to figure out how and became really interested. I also found out that a lot of cool designs are free and open source. I don't know why but I just have a really strong feeling this is the business I am supposed to run.

I always get dubs in these threads

Oops wrong screenshot

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how do i make extra money in the uk. amazon fba viable here?

If anyone has info on getting more followers on instagram if appreciate some input. I have a decent page with lots of likes on my pics. But even pages with 2 posts have like 400 followers. I'm at 50. I want to start a store with some t-shirts and hats. An user in the last thread gave me some good info on how to start the store. Just need to build up more followers I think. TIA

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Lemme see I think I have a few screenshots about Amazon on here. Not sure about UK stuff tho.

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Obsessed watch user here.

I created a new design in cad and will have it 3d printed soon. I plan on making a tangible prototype then launching a kickstarter.

What are some incentives to offer my backers?

Watch probably cost me a few grand to MAKE. Spending a lot on the quality. It will feel expensive in your hand.

I'm distancing myself from all those cheap Chinese startups.

Movement will be a swiss eta variant. I want it personal, but it looks like that will cost tens of thousands of dollars. I have yet to find the dial cost (intricate) and a new style strap (attached unique)

I'm going to need a large investment and I don't want my idea stolen..

Any tips would be appreciated.

Do I make everyone signs ndas?

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I can sell you followers and post likes.

Brainlet here know nothing about watches but I can offer my opinion only. You know your audience and who's going to buy it right? Maybe see if you can get big YouTubers or approach watch channels to review your watch design and get them to help promote? Like make your amazing kickstarter video and send to YouTubers who love watches to see what they think. Maybe you guys could work out some tradeoff to promote your kickstarter. Not sure what you can offer backers. Something customizable might be too expensive. Like an extra strap idk.
If you don't want your idea stolen my guess would be get a patent lawyer or specialized lawyer so you don't get fucked over by anyone. Wish I could be more help. Maybe someone will pop up in the thread with some more advice.

Hmm id have to think about it. I was hoping to grow it more organically. I also don't know their policy onnfake followers and likes. Don't know if I want to risk it.

They aint fake followers.

Its intra specific SEO that will get you some followers, but you bored me.

Good luck

Are you even favelanon?
He always seemed polite not dickish
Please don't come back

I'm sad dude, I got banned because I posted a photo to help an user, now I cant use Jow Forums pass and have to bypass these captcha.

Also, I got some bills to pay and I'm really stressed, sorry.

If you want send me a email and I'll guide you on that for free.

I'm just into a bad day.

What kind of ways to make it personal are you thinking about ? I work with a startup on on-demand sapphire and gold pattern etching for watches. I guess we could exchange a bit on that.

Okay how about I make you a deal. Do you have paypal? I'm a no coiner so I can only use paypal. I'll pay you for a guide on how to do it. What seems fair like 15 bucks? That way I can share it with this general and other anons can benefit. I am waging so it'll take a bit to make a throwaway email.

Anyone else buying the Caleb Jones business course before it closes this Thursday forever?
I can't believe that I spent 650€ in this with how much of a poorfag I am, but it's just fucking worth it.

[email protected]
It'll be up for 48hrs the website said. I never use these. Hopefully it works

Who dat? Is he like a famous guy or are you just shilling lol.

He's a kind of famous lifestyle coach that has been a business consultant for several decades, making hundreds of small and mid-sized business owners rich. He's also the owner of Blackdragon blog.
He teaches how to make location independent & diversified income with minimum work hours. Kinda like Tim Ferriss but with far more experience and success teaching it to others.

I bought his course and I think it's a massive value, that's why I mention it, just in case someone decides to check it out.

Nah, I wont sell a guide that will be spreaded to everyone, they will saturate the weak spot I founded.

Sent you a email, I'll give you many tips and help. Pay me after if you thought it was worth.

Interesting thanks for the info. I'm always wary if the guys who sell courses though. I'll look into his blog. Hopefully it helps other anons too. How poorfag are you? I hope you budget your money okay. Spending quite a bit on something like that you have to be careful but if it's an investment to you and has value I'm sure it's worth it.

Alright then here is the protonmail thanks for the tip.
[email protected]
I'll promise not to share the info, but it's just kind of lame because of like to help other anons here. Most people who come here are very open about stuff.

You can find him at calebjonesblog.com or blackdragonblog.com . Yeah I too am wary about people that look like they're advertising stuff. But if you look at some of his content you'll see he's the real deal and his content is some serious stuff.
>How poorfag are you?
Southern European millenial poorfag tier. This course more than doubled this month's expenses for me, but he warned a couple months before he would release it so I prepared accordingly.

I've been keeping track of my expenses for almost half a year with a nice little Excel spreadsheet template I made myself. There's so many adults out there that don't do this and it weirds me out now that I've been doing it for a while.

Information is something, niche exploiting is another.

pls answer, I'm pretty interested as it can kickstart another idea of mine.

In short, I can help you a lot with the dial.

And good on you user! Yeah I don't know why people don't watch their expenses especially younger people. You never know when you might need that money. Man I've heard Europe has insane taxes i feel for you, but you'll make it if you plan! Keep us updated on any biz you start with this new course.


can you also send that guide to me? [email protected]

Sorry user he said he'd help but I can't give away the info.


thanks I tried haha
Stick around. What have you been up to? Waging?

Don't even bother, I did this after working with every Richemont watch brand under the sun alongside Rolex and various swatch group brands.

Production costs were heavy, getting my hands onnselita movements was a pain and eventually you will get a lawsuit by one of the group's if your sales exceed most other startups ( meaning when actually profitable) .

You need to reduce costs and work off larger MOQ to remain profitable. Propper dial manufacturing costs a tonne as do the turning machines required.

Unless you have the cash to start up, or access with a low interest loan / convertible ownership option.

Do not do it...

box presentation is one of the best way to make it unique

oh shit bro you gonna use real money for this autism love ya broo

cant you just make a partial one and then put your contact info in the "trial one"? so if people want more they can contact you and you can actually reach others, not on Jow Forums, you know what I mean?

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Extra fun tip... I'm a law /IP student and even my lecturers were shocked at the incoming lawsuits based on case and dial design ...

lmao nah just school and been trying to learn all I can practically finding so ways to make passve income, but im just trading shitecoins and losing money in stocks lmao. been working on a SAAS product so im exicted to see how it goes if im a competent programmer. WBU broo

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oh lmao im making pepes for fun now so that's new
pic related is my first shitty one

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Thanks for reccing printful. I feel really motivated to do something with it

I would spend the money on it to share, but so far we've been in cotnact. Gotta wait to see if it works. I guess giving away his method is not worth the money. Def a way to make some on here you had a good idea. He's get clients at least from 4chin and they could tell others about his method.
Nice happy you have projects going. Not nice about losing money on shitcoins and stocks though. What are you going to school for? I'm just waging and wasting . About to go on lunch. Going to maybe make some designs for my Instameme clothes or start those ebooks.
Cute pepe. Why not trace one?

Dude im so happy that user dropped printful on here. I'm also hoping to use it. Good luck!

yeah favelanon better enjoy this/entg/ wisdom bro and make even more bank.
fucking bear markets, butt shitcoin tradin is actually going good, some nice user,named dylan, helped me out. Just the basics for now lol. lunch is unironically the best part of the day

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>Why not trace one?
i want to hand draw it i guess.their only so many pepe so i want to get used to the facials design and then make my own original ones and hopefully one that gets pammed on biz like the npc one kek

Good to hear you're actually making money on shitcoins haha I was just in a thread where some retard got JUSTed because he's not good with his money. Hope you see some success.
Well it may make it easier if tointrace over the pepe until you can get the shapes and face down. Then it'll be like second nature. I have mad respect for people who make oc on Jow Forums. It takes creativity and dedication. It's brought me serious joy over the years.

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same here bro if my pepe can make somebody smile its all worth it.

have experience in the following:
SMM, digital marketing
dev shop/agency
affiliate marketing
pos systems
flipping websites / services
and others


Even if people don't like it, it has potential to become a widely used meme. I mean nujak was super hated in the original thread that user posted it in. But people in the thread immediately started editing it and posting their oc. Now it's a staple new biz meme.
Anything can happen.

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Does anyone build ecom sites and take a percentage of ongoing sales for keeping the engine running?

How do you come up with sites to make and flip?

did you have a parking garage under partial ownership too?

Me and my friend were thinking of opening a business in China for a very unknown and emerging market, any tips for starting the company, getting investors, and overall obtaining the product? We think manufacturing the product would be too expensive at first so we would buy it from alibaba, brand it, and then sell it. Does this pose any legal issues and is it a smart thing to do?

fuck no I actually get angry when people offer revenue share in return for work

profitable audience, good niche and functional website or app. build revenue and flip.

nah i was here for all of those threads but i pretty much just lurk. posting today

Opening a business with
>no product
>no investors lined up
>no knowledge
>in China
Just a brianlets opinion but it all sounds bad. You are just picking a random product to brand for a small niche that hasn't taken off in scammy chinktown? You're going to get JUSTed my dude. The Chinese will undercut you and do it cheaper after they fuck you over. Do your due diligence you're basically asking for all the answers here. Sounds like you're still on the idea phase with no actual plan. Sorry to be harsh but it doesn't sound good.

forgot to add in that we arent opening it now, we are thinking in maybe 4 years or so when we actually have some capital, also you didnt provide any advice. Yes it sounds like shit right now but it can sound like less shit

Thanks for your reply. It's difficult enough finding a niche but a profitable audience? For multiple sites? I wouldn't know where to begin looking. Like trolling social media? I'm not going to ask you to hold my hand it just seems super difficult just to get one of those things haha.

Yeah I didn't provide any advice because what your asking for is very vague. I have nothing to go on short of doing the research for you. You have no product, I don't know the niche, literally no jumping off point for me to brainstorm dude.

its really not difficult. if you are referring to dropshipping its super saturated so if you don't have a fat sack of cash for ads your SOL

Not dropshippiing just making websites in general. I figured you basically come up with an idea for a site, build it and then sell once it takes off. Like for cooking, hobbies, or some fandom, like basically picking a subject and building a site around that idea. I've never built one before.

im asking for generic advice on starting a company, things we should look out for, im not asking for specific advice about my specific market, i did not state that. And the one thing i said about my market is that we think creating it is expensive

What would y'all think about a product with AI in it? I'm currently building a new type of AI architecture and thinking of training it on chess and have people play against it for money ($1 to play, get $100 if you win). Also thinking of doing some other things like seeing if I can rig something up to my lawnmower and have a completely autonomous lawnmowing robot.

depends on a majority of factors. i generally just see what already works and try to enter that market

>fuck no
Seems fair. What's the going rate on a custom ecom site that is set up to rank well in google for local sales? Shopify is annoying, and I'm currently using pattern by etsy which isn't customizable in any way.


upwards of $10k as little as $2k through an agency

i wouldn't hire a pajeet to set up an ecom solution. but thats an option too.

Yow! We only do like $117k in all venues combined. Too rich for my blood.

For $10k I'll take a swing at it myself. Just have to brush the dust off my wysiwyg open-source webbuilding app skills and remember how to set up PayPal buttons. Been years since I fucked with that stuff.

lol good luck with that

there is a reason that shops charge $10k for a custom ecom solution. soft investment for increased conversions. classic "business" owner though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Well maybe another user can help then because you can basically just Google generic advice.
Here's my advice
Don't work with them. I've lurked here for a long ass time and tons of anons have shared horror stories working with them directly or indirectly. Whether it be for their job or personal business. Take that if you want, leave it if not. Peace

Thanks ill have to do a little research myself. Just want to have an option to make some extra income.

Oh yeah, me and my friend know how bad chinks are, we have both attended international schools, my most recent one was with koreans, and they are 10x better than chinks, im hoping to find a westernized chink that i can befriend so he can help us in dealing with other chinks.

you spelled Entreprenuership wrong you mother fucker. I ended up making another thread. I deleted it.

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Don't take it personal. Just a budgetary issue. $10k is a big investment, for a small time operator, when you've already got a working system going.

I got this shit! Is comic sans on really dark backgrounds and music you can't turn off still cool with the kids?

i said $2k-10k

make the small investment for a usable website. but if not pay a skilled pajeet and clean it up after.

make sure your website resembles the space jam website and has at least 15 upsell popups.

anyone got any bootstrapping ideas for shy people? I'm convinced shy people aren't allowed to make money.

i wanted to try window cleaning, i bought the supplies i tried practicing, it was terrible, then the anxiety flooded in and i returned everything like a faggot.

Brah! Swear on my mom, I just looked up the spacejam site based on our back and forth.

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i took 3 months to isolate myself this year. generally a hermit. never met my neighbors in a building of 600 people. operate 100% remote. it is possible (i have social anxiety)

never met neighbors? 600 people? holy shit man, i must admit that is next level shyness/anxiety. I mean I do have some anxiety but i can wave/say hi. I want to be remote too.

Don’t get into window cleaning. I did it for a short while and all u get are customers low balling you and inconsistent work year round. To clarify this is for residential. I imagine commercial contracts are a bit better in most cases.

Break it with brute force. Get a job as a telemarketer for a few months. When you're cool as shit with being told to fuck off by strangers, you're ready.

I broke my social anxiety as a recruiter. You've got to step on it before you can get out there and sell shit.

How exactly do you even earn contracts/work for self employment? Literally just call businesses and knock on doors?

You mad another thread without checking the catalogue? I guess we are both brainlets. Although I think I was just missing an r in the op

I sell my shit direct to consumers through etsy, fb groups/my page, a few other app things, and my own shitty website.

As a service provider, you can advertise on the same (minus etsy of course).

never met a neighbor. i think i have waved at a few and seen a few in the hall. no idea who lives across from me.

also haven't used the pool since i moved in lol. i like my privacy but have a decent social life.

knocking on doors is cold calling and digital marketing now a days. use contactout and linkedin to do B2B sales


For a college? Because that's what I'm doing atm and making cold calls is stressful

there is not the slightest doubt that you will fail

i'm doing tech recruiting under an umbrella company. very lucrative. 10% of their salaries and 20% when i cut out middle man. salaries pay upwards of $150k for top devs

Idk, but when you figure it out, let me know. I build most off my stuff by hand, or have 1099 dudes doing it, and I'm getting tired as shit.

My up changed, but I'm that guy.

I was a technical recruiter for embedded software and mechanical engineers. It was a pressure cooker keeping my numbers up during the obamacare years so i split and started my own unrelated business.

Why will I fail

Do you guys have any books that you would recommend?

Getting a part time wagie job has made it so much better for me anxiety wise. It took a year but I can talk to people pretty well, the nervous sweating still happens tho haha. Met a guy who washes windows in the mall at my wagie job, he worked for a company and bought the route when his boss retired. Now he works doing that route. I would assume the other user is right go for commercial buildings preferably malls and stripmalls. The S method is what they teach you with the squeegee that's all I know. They pay 15 and hour hear in LA but all looking for experience.
You could look into technical writing, I was told that it's good for remote work. I would work on your anxiety. The only cure is controlled exposure. That's how I made progress. I quit every job after 5 months die to anxiety and stress spending most times as neet. Let me know if there's any questions I can help with.

I've got a copy of the 4 hour work week, it's pretty good. Although my personal recommendation is 'The Richest Man in Babylon'

ATM sounds like a decent idea in a very busy city, how would I go about doing this?
>parking lots
lmao try £50k+

Not him, but you're looking for no work/ investment with high return. The market is built to grind those inefficiencies that some people can briefly capitalize on into dust. The second you find a niche, if you actually do, 10 other guys like you will enter driving your profitability down; then, in 6 months an overseas factory will enter directly retailing for what your cost is.

iirc, the original entg user spoke to a strip club owner, bought an atm from a manufacturer, filled it with his own cash for withdrawals/exchanges, and then just gave a small cut of fees earned to the strip owner.

>how do i make money without doing proper research and development

is what you are really asking. kys. all you guys try dropshipping and fail.

and no, $1-2k is not a sufficient marketing budget. good luck

Pretty much this

I hope you die a slow and painful death, perhaps in a housefire or years after being paralyzed in a car crash

is it at all important to style email with html elements and whatnot? does that make a difference than just plain text if you're reaching out to provide services?

>wishing your potential customers a painful death
never gonna /make it/ user