100% of winners took their chance and invested. Will you miss it?


>You could buy the Willis Tower, worth $1.3 billion, then rename it whatever you would want.


>The Buffalo Bills - Believe it or not, even that kind of cash couldn't buy you most NFL teams, according to Forbes. The winnings, however, are exactly equal to the estimated value of the Buffalo Bills.
>Four Boeing 747s - Who needs one jumbo jet, when they could have four? At a price of $376.8 million, the jackpot is equal to the price of four of these with a little left over.

>3,830 Lamborghinis - Want to get a brand new Lamborghini for all of your closest friends? With that much money, you could do that and still have Lamborghinis to spare.

And at last :

>For Anthony McCollough, winning $1 million means his family—primarily his 5-year-old daughter—will be taken care of no matter what happens to him. “This gives me peace of mind,” said Anthony, a 51-year-old construction worker who lives in Middleton.

All of this could be between your hands. You may be wondering : how do I make this investment?
>find the nearest gas station
>ask for one or several megamillions tickets with the multiplier option
>either choose your numbers or let the quick pick do it's thing
And voilà, you're done.

>m-m-muh it's only available for US citizens! I'm a yuropoor and I feel abandon-

You can buy tickets from any lottery in the world. But be careful to read everything at least twice before buying, so that you don't enroll in a sort of one year subscription or something.

I've given you everything. Now it's only up to you to make the choice of trying to win, or being delusional about your crypto or shitcoins. I know what I'll do.

Attached: MEGAMILLIONS.jpg (560x420, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>It's an idiot tax

Attached: 1536768101962.png (416x435, 114K)

Great post. It shows how retarded and out of reality those NPC's are. Unable to think by themselves, they're unfortunately unable to grasp money and happiness when it's available. Really sad and unfortunate...

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First off, the megaplier doesnt apply to the jackpot, you're just spending extra money

Second, you won't receive 1.6 billion. If taking the lump sum, and after taxes, the amount you will receive will be under 700 million

never gonna win dude. Some boomer on her deathbed will win

Also this. This shit is clearly preselected. The winners are exclusively 55+ years old. If you want an actual chance, buy tickets in retirement areas

>You can buy tickets from any lottery in the world
This is completely false.

I'm just buying a ticket because why not, but if you're buying 10-20 tickets then you're losing your mind. The worst thing that can happen is you actually winning. Nobody can go from ~100k net worth to 1 bil. If you aren't killed then you'll be sued by everyone you know, your family will hate you, and nothing you give will ever be enough. "Come on bro you only gave me 1 million, what the fuck is wrong with you? I used to think you were the man."


It’s literally a state sponsored numbers racket
Try 400 million


What is wrong with Florida user? No state income tax is great if you win the lottery.

>You could buy the Willis Tower, worth $1.3 billion, then rename it whatever you would want
>The Buffalo Bills - Believe it or not, even that kind of cash couldn't buy you most NFL teams, according to Forbes. The winnings, however, are exactly equal to the estimated value of the Buffalo Bills.
>Four Boeing 747s - Who needs one jumbo jet, when they could have four? At a price of $376.8 million, the jackpot is equal to the price of four of these with a little left over.
>3,830 Lamborghinis - Want to get a brand new Lamborghini for all of your closest friends? With that much money, you could do that and still have Lamborghinis to spare.

Who write's this dumb shit?

I cashed out of crypto and put it all into it tonight, do or die. If I don’t win hopefully I’ll get some back to buy rope

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That's one exception. Doesn't matter. 95%+ are boomers and old faggots. If you figured it out, boomers run the lottery and they fucking hate the young and think they deserve nothing.

>Saying you could buy things price at 1.3 billion when the winning is 1.6 billion.
>Implying that if you take the lump sum you'd be able to afford anything more than 600 million
>Implying that if you didn't take the lump sum that the cost of the items would remain the same in 30 years

Jesus fucking Christ look at this brainlet thread. I agree that investing $2 for a potential to win 1.6 billion is too good to not take the chance but the fucking stupidity of OP is making me rethink my stance.

they always say it's a 55 yo because it's their most profitable group
you really think winner always disclose who their are

>t. NPC

I bought 2 tickets and doubled my odds!

They don't always disclaim, sure, but the ones who do are 95%+ boomers and other old undesirables

I bought $200 dollars worth of ticket bros. Give me your energy. If I win I will single handedly start the greatest bullrun in crypto's history and I will share some with my /biz bros and /pol lacks.

Reminder that someone who literally works for the government is making lottery shill threads on Jow Forums on a daily basis all of the sudden. Makes me fucking kek every time I see this thread, imagining that big fat lardass sitting at his desk showing his boss the "hard work" he's doing with an excel spreadsheet with archived links to all the lotto threads he's posting on Jow Forums. "Am I doing good boss?" He says with a shit-eating smile, scratching his ass unconsciously as he shows his boss the latest "Jow Forums lotto posting archive" spreadsheet with a pie chart showing the number of unique posters he potentially got to buy lotto tickets.

see this is the retard who think spending 20x more will somewhat increase the odds

Decent pasta, needs some work.
I've noticed this as well, but I think it's less rigging and more that boomers tend to be the primary age range for buying a shitload of tickets. They have the spare money to go buy a bunch while most people Jow Forums-aged are gambling on shitcoins or NEETing around instead.

>t. NPC

I mean, it will, but the odds are so low that it's ordinarily not worth it beyond the initial impossible->possible gap that buying one ticket brings.

>calling someone who's against buying lotto tickets an NPC

Looks like I found out OP is posting using a proxy to bump his own threads too. Can't wait until your boss finds out you're using proxies to create unique posts on Jow Forums! I know he's going to read this thread, you fat fuck.

OP? What's wrong? Are you on your 2nd lunch break? Mmmm, those chips and soda from the company vending machines are yummy aren't they?

At least I can afford chips, soda and a lotto ticket you bum.

Literally throwing money away.

There's no chance.

Wrong. There is a chance, but its small

OP opened another proxy. He's sweating from how many strokes on his keyboard it took to connect to this new IP, its quite a lot of work!

Leaf here , where do I buy a ticket?

Literally throwing money away.

because only boomers are dumb enough to waste money on the lottery

Alot of younger people bought lotto tickets this time.

yeah this time they manage to hype it up enough that enough the non-core-demographic got involved

Can't wait to win. Here are my grids :

10 25 27 38 69 15
09 13 24 31 36 09

You have to play the lottery, too!

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>$16 billion
You probably can't buy a can of beer with that money next year. Hope they spent all of it buying property outside the US. Good luck with inflation.


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I actually would buy up land.
I'd buy large swaths of land outside of Tulsa (becoming a tech hub) and Memphis (becoming a medical hub). I'd then commission homes be built with the latest in stone construction methods to have building lifespans in the 1,000 year range. I'd offer lifetime leases on properties for less than rent or buying a home for a similar period of time, soaking up retiree bucks from older people and young professionals who won't damage the home anyway, with a $5,000 buyout on the lease.

>putting the word "invest" next to "loterry"

this board died on january 2018. the absolute state of this shit board

I'd give money to my family and then buy Jow Forums, fuck lambos or private jets.

It's such an absurd amount of money I literally don't see the point of even risking the actual pie. So just for simplicity assume the $900mn cash prize gets totally taxed at 37%. You get close to $600mn, something like $566mn. Imagine you just put all of that into 30 year treasuries. You can buy those directly from the government right now with something like a 4.25% yearly return. The safest shit you could possible do. You'd get $24mn a year on that. Throw half of it back into your account to keep up with inflation. You're getting $12mn a year.

Try to spend $12mn a year. You could start multiple businesses with $12mn a year and still buy a big house annually at the same time. It's just such a stupid amount of money that I don't know how you could fuck it up. You can have no risk appetite whatsoever and still be rich as hell.

>business and finance
>most popular thread is about the lottery

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>t. NPC

>t. NPC


Attached: 1508720685460.png (490x586, 44K)

>t. NPC

>t. NPC

>I don't know how you could fuck it up

With enough resolve you can in fact fuck it up. Ask the CEO of UVXY

Nooo way hahaha

Based on the Tale of Lucky Jack (a man who won what was at the time the world record lottery for about $300,000,000), the following is how you fuck it up:
>Give away too much to charity without properly being informed of how to donate it.
>Spoil your family
>Become a celebrity at your old hangouts

Not only will you get robbed and go broke, you might lose relatives.

>I don't know how you could fuck it up.
Don't ever underestimate the stupidity of people. They will blow you away every time.

what about sports betting? how to find rigged matches?

Winners are announced senpai

y-you too?

Attached: 1540083387555.jpg (1456x881, 694K)

Rolling for numbers

Buy a ticket buy an old folks home if you think that, then.
You end up with around $500 million, depending on the state.

how the fuck would that even work
are you saying that when you buy a ticket from 7/11, the clerk inputs your age into the fucking computer

To all of the fags complaining that the lottery is muh tax, I read this in another thread andit makes sense.
>you are cheap and poor
> you refuse to play the lottery and support (((government))) and ((((public school system))))
>you still want a chance of striking it rich if divine luck is on your side
>buy ONE ticket on special occasions such as these (record breaking jackpots and so on).
>Buy ONE ticket a week/month and put it away somewhere.
>Collect them and in the mean time fantasize about all he wonderful things you will do with the money of one of your winning tickets

By doing this you reap all of the mental rewards of playing the lottery (the enjoyment of thinking you got the winning ticket, mood, self-esteem) without getting IQ'ed by the government. AND, as small as it may be, you will statistically have a better chance of striking it rich from the lotto than someone that does not play at all

Attached: 545432.jpg (400x400, 19K)

nobody actually wins the big lottery, newfag

its bread and circus for the masses

I understand buying a single ticket if the money is better than the odds, but every single week? I guess if the tiny occasional adrenaline rush is worth the explicit penalty...

I would market buy REQ

It's for scenarios like this that I pray for someone here to actually win the jackpot. Imagine the shit storm if someone suddenly invest 100M in Link in one day

If any of you faggots end up actually winning, ffs don't put all of that shit into crypto.

Load up on a decent amount of BTC and put the rest into other investments. T-bills, real estate, the stock market, gold, etc.

Don't fucking try to gamble it away by thinking 'I'm gonna triple my gains on Chainlink!' or margin trading on Mex or some stupid shit like that.

I said I'd put $5m into BTC and $1m into Chainlink to save all our fallen bagholders

Meh, I personally would only buy if it’s over 400 million, because the odds are 1/300 million. Just isn’t going to happen, and I’d rather only dream if it’s dreaming big.

Shouldn't there have been a jackpot upgrade?

Yeah they'll probably wait to announce it at 6 when people are leaving work

I'm hyped as fuck I need the money

The fuck do you NEED $600,000,000 for?
I WANT the money tho, ngl.

bought one ticket for two bucks what are the odds?

2 bucks in a lottery pool
why not

No. It’s capped at 1.6 billion, just like the Powerball. They changed it so that the pot can get bigger than it used to (like it did this time) but the odds of actually winning are worse than before.

1/300 million, AND each ticket is $2. The efficient purchase is only after the $600 million mark.

one ticket isn't gonna hurt me is it?

imagine being so poor you have to rationalize a $2 purchase...

OP here, it's a different IP I know but for the anons wondering if there was a lottery shilling going on, it's partly true. I've been doing it for fun since 10 days

19 31 43 47 67 + 7


Not with those digits

>not buying boomer crypto
>missing the moon launch
gotta be in it to win it frens

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AnyOne else think about how strained family relationships would get if you won?

Mine would be a shitshow and I already had to put a contingency in plan together just in case because I know at least one relative that might try to do a hostage thing

any chance nobody wins tonight again?

I'm gonna win and pump link to 10k by eoy
Check em

7 better not come out again

do you people really exist? thanks for the cheap crypto and tax money projects donation

If I win, I'm gonna invite all three of my past real crushes to my mansion for a hot foursome.

I don’t even really talk to them (my family), so me giving them any money is literally out of pity more than obligation.

Somebody will almost certainly win tonight. The jackpot went from 1b to 1.6b after the last drawing. They sold 600m worth of tickets. IF by some chance nobody wins tonight the jackpot will absolutely soar, could be as much as 2.5b.

Check'em I'm taking this bitch down and buying all the fucking linkes....... Ur bags will be saved

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what about eurofag players? We can have all our winnings because we're not cucked

do you think the state will be around or stay good on its promise to pay 50 million per year for 30 years. fuck that. if i win i'm buying Jow Forums, crypto, land in a rural area, gold/silver/platinum/palladium/other metals and minerals, property, and other good investments. i'll keep a good amount of cash distributed in banks all over the world and ignore every scumbag asking me to invest in their bullshit.

>Will you miss it?

Oh I can't wait to miss it.

Attached: gotta miss this sh1t.jpg (580x388, 36K)

>It's just such a stupid amount of money that I don't know how you could fuck it up.
reminder that over half of america is sub-100 iq and think again

>I'm taking this bitch down and buying all the fucking linkes
i'll do the same just for the lmao value

Wait what?
A single Boeing 747 costs fucking $376,800,000?