This is it:

I attempted to cash out my 340k crypto. I thought the IRS wouldn't give a crap if simply did not report my 4850 trades and just reported what I withdrew as profit. Seems like it was the worst idea ever.
I was contacted by IRS a few days ago stating that I owe them fucking 180k in taxes due to all the trades and that I have violated federal law. They said they will come today along with fed agents to my house to take me into federal custody for tax evasion.

And here they are here right now. They have been at my poach for 15min knocking on the door demanding me to come out, and I overheard they are considering calling the local cops. I have my S&W M&P-15 cocked and loaded and I am ready. See ya at the other side guys. It was fun knowing you. Prepare for happening in Eugene

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Says the IRS worker shitposting at his desk instead of catching tax evaders

there's no way this is true

Eugene Oregon? Also post more


10/10 larp

Godson user

IRS is already losing money left and right. If only they just switched to bitcoin to track taxes.

Can you send me your bitcoins quick?

kek. of course you have to send them your trades, it's literally a print out just staple it on. you don't have to list trades individually on their actual form though I don't think. but look into tax free exchanges and how the law changed in 2018 if this isn't a larp as well as holding period basis as it relates to tax free exchanges. more importantly lawyer up, that's too much money to deal with this shit on your own (as fucking stupid as that is that it's so hard and takes so much time and work just to pay someone) especially if this isnt a larp and they are already on your case

Doing God’s work OP, remember to take as many with you as you can.

its not too late to work something out
get those kneepads on op

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Livesteam it for us user

You rack an AR not cock it OP.
Go eat your tendies, they are getting cold and Mom will be home from work at 530. No more computer today kiddo.

Obvious LARP the IRS probably doesn't have shit to track individual trades yet. Probably only coinbase shit




fpbp and /thread

stupid statist fuck

Kill them all OP

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>paying taxes on every trade
>paying taxes on crypto

thats a retarded country senpai

erm have you ever thought of uh... maybe just converting it to BTC and paying your shit with BTC?

Cant tax an investment if the investment is never taken out nomsayin

when you pull the charging handle back you are cocking the hammer

Nobody says that .. it's rack and charge.. potato potāto I guess