Shill me your shittiest of shitcoins. Bottom of the barrel chaff; I wanna gamble. Sub-$1MM marketcap preferred.
Shill me your shittiest of shitcoins. Bottom of the barrel chaff; I wanna gamble. Sub-$1MM marketcap preferred
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juts go play roulette or something user, it's a lot more fun than watching some shit no volume coin on a dex do nothing
Well Zippie (ZIPT) just did a rebrand and launched an actually breddy gud product. No effect yet so you'd be early to the game. That would be my 2cents.
The REAL tron.
TRTL - Turtle Coin
....and who was president in 2009
Sorry lads, fellow Ex-PAT living in Honduras.
The coup that was supported was actually done to oust a leftist wing government who had ties with Hugo Chavez and the leftist bolivarian regime.
The US actually helped us get out of that shitstorm.
The poverty generated comes from the drug trade being abolished, and there not being enough circulating money in the economy (derived from drug smuggling) to feed the middle class.
The rich got richer and the middle class dissappeared.
its not sub 1mm mc, but its definitely the shittiest of the shitcoins: LINK
And it happened again last year when the US legitimized the illegal reelection of the of the current president. We are just fuckin puppets for the american drug traffiking game
Easy gains for those short term
>400 countries in the world
>1 country destabilizes you
>let's emigrate to that one country
leftist logic is such shit
as if a stronger power would bow down to you because you were sufficiently angry when you ask for reparushuns
fact is if the very same people who destabilized Honduras didn't have a vested interest in using this caravan to destabilize the US as well, every single one of these immigrants would be shot and forgotten
in truth this boils down to "you fucked over my people, now let me help you fuck over a lot of other people for the sake of the few scraps you throw my way"
or WOULD, if the people involved had the cognitive ability to form that argument and didn't just emigrate for gibs and gibs alone
u want some otc shit
I gots some of dat real fo reals, davorcoin
SUQA on OTC, unlisted
it's good for being so small market cap
go fukn south estupidos
why dont central americans go south if they want USD currency so bad
Actualy has a working product unlike 99% of other cryptos
Man up and take responsibility for your own country rather than making excuses. Damn third worlders are fucking useless. - $0 market cap, never been on an exchange (yet) ;-)
He said shitcoins, not worthless tokens that have zero development and no future.
Saddam overthrow, - Bush
Taliban overthrow, - Bush
Khaddafi overthrow, - Obama
Honduras overthrow, - Obama
Assad overthrow, - Obama
Top refugees in Europe: Syrian, Iraqi, Afghani and sub saharan africans pooring in from Libya
Top refugees in US: Honduras
Change we can believe in!
SHL and Elix
ohh fuck
we have a leftist fag here. What did u want?
ur not happy with the current regime?
Im an expat and I think I know this shit better than you do.
looool BTFO
Out of the shitstorm and into the toilet bowl am I right?
Id rather eat shit, than starve.
If you like the idea of a leftist/socialist government in Central America, why not go to Vnzla and try to live there for a bit.
Ill sell u sugar, milk and water for a few XMR's deal?
Delusional fuck
If you wanna actually make money
Hey man it is what it is. Honduras is a shithole either way, but the US constantly destabilizing the area surely isn't helping.
I wouldnt call it destabilizing.
We would be chucking spears if it werent for the Banana Republic in the late 1800's, early 1900's.
Most of our wealth comes from exports (including remittances from our wetbacks), our economies are too small to sustain themselves.
The US dictates who and what they want for the presidencies down here, so they can then orchestrate social exodus like this caravan we are witnessing, just to support the GOP's idea of migration control..
just in time for midterms.
But u are absolutely on point.
This place is a shithole, thats why they pay me a lot of cashmoney to be down herrr.
SHL Naturally, the rise has only started.
so... it's Obama's fault?
Mostly Hillary Clinton (who was Secretary of State at the time), but yeah, the complete destruction of Honduras happened during Obama's administration.
Always go with Dogecoin. Market Cap at $484.9M
Honduran here, it saddens me we are only famous for that caravan of people, but answering your question yes, Obama's government fucked us harder than anything done by trump's government
It’s been drifting up. But they need market makers more than anything.
If you are an amerimutt, chances are good your ancestors emigrated "for the gibs".
yeah but Zelaya is a literal commie.
south americans are retarded they keep trying to vote in commies and trying to kill themselves.
we really should just let them. what's the point? they keep growing and growing and then invade the US when it doesn't work out.
Not shit coins but both under 100k market cap
Both good projects
EZW just listed on CMC and Mercatox today
I don’t think it’s a shitcoin, but I do suggest MSR.