Dark skin "friend's" dad is in the "hospital". Wants to borrow 80k USD for an "emergency surgery'

Dark skin "friend's" dad is in the "hospital". Wants to borrow 80k USD for an "emergency surgery'

>Hasn't spoken to me in 10 years
>Is an alcoholic
>Recently got fired
>I was going to go to his wedding but he CALLED ME and told me not to come because my disability might make his guests "uncomfortable"
>I bought him dinner 3 times and he never bought me even a toothpick
>Give me fucking $80k bro

Literally who do these niggers think they are?

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Sounds like you have a history of being a spineless fucking whimp op

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Deep down they know. That's why they cope by buying flashy shit and throw it in people's faces as a cope.

>my disability
elaborate fren

Tell him to go fuck himself

If you say no, he’ll ask the next sucker

story doesn't even make sense, like how would he even know you're anywhere near a position to donate him $80k? most Americans don't even have like $5k available for emergencies, literally more than 50% of the country is fucked if their car breaks down.

I was in an accident when I was 7, but it's not that bad, just a little prob with one of my legs.

You know you're a racist if you don't let him borrow the money, right? You're even more racist if you suspect he won't pay you back simply because of his skin color.

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just say no

my family is well off and he knows it. Honestly 80k isn't much for me, but he made fun of my disability and treated me like some animal during his wedding and now he thinks I'll give him money, what a joke. And I know he probably borrowed money to drink and his dad is probably fine.

>haven't spoken in ten years
>I was going to go to his wedding
>bought him dinner 3 times

you this shit is incompatible with reality. I think you might be the nigger from this story trying to scam us for tips on how to scam whitey

Dude I was going to his wedding and bought him dinner 10 years ago. I stopped talking to him because he called me a disgusting cripple

If this is real u need to dump these toxic fucks from your life asap.

tell him his alcoholism, joblessness and lack of wealth makes you uncomfortable

be very stern and tell him you feel uncomfortable and will call the police the next time he contacts you

Some people just make assumptions about your character and your wealth based on their gut feelings.

Yeah do this

Then say that you feel sorry for his Dad because his son is so pathetic that he doesn't have a years wage saved to save his life.


just tell him that him being a nigger gorilla makes you uncomfortable.

>He called you not to come to his wedding
>He treated you like an animal during his wedding
Which is it? Your larp is unravelling

Literally called me and told me my disability will make him and his guests uncomfortable like I'm some animal, learn to read. I didn't go and stopped talking to him. I told him to go fuck himself anyway. Gave him a loan sharks number.

>Honestly 80k isn't much for me, but he made fun of my disability
meet him and explan him what he did to you in an objective non-emotional manner. give him the money on the condition that 1) he shatters his own leg with a sledgehammer while you watch and 2) never contacts you again
pound of flesh>monopoly money

DO NOT give that nigger a single dime white man. Instead please graciously gamble it at our indian casino and we will push the white agenda and help you fight against the Jews trying to exterminate you.

Just ghost the faggot lmao


The guy is a nigger. Niggers all think that white people have some sort of money tree or magical white privilege that will enable the white person to be better off than the black person.

The OP should politely refuse to give the nigger any money. Fucking parasites.

dude if a full blown economic depression hits, they're going to kill you for your stuff.
you know that, right?

if it's isn't much for you then help his dad

>Dark skin "friend's" dad is in the "hospital". Wants to borrow 80k USD for an "emergency surgery'
>I stopped talking to him because he called me a disgusting cripple

Just answer him: Who's the cripple now?

If you have a disability and you are white please kys to make the white gene pool superior

>I bought him dinner 3 times and he never bought me even a toothpick
story behind the toothpick?