This is actually difficult. I honestly think a breakup service is a potential million dollar idea
And the name wasn't edited for 4chsn it's an inside joke
What do I do biz
This is actually difficult. I honestly think a breakup service is a potential million dollar idea
And the name wasn't edited for 4chsn it's an inside joke
What do I do biz
>i have to stay strong
>i'm sorry
Yet she's the beta
This, lolwutafag
Be a man and break up with her in person you weak peice of shit
what a homo
nobody wants to hear your cringefest "i have to stay strong", this isn't one of your animes
just call her baby and fuck her in the pussy, you asshat
she hot?
I can't take it anymore anons. How do I get a gf?
If someone broke up with me like this I would fuck their dad just to show how much of a low test cuck they are.
can't even break up with someone face to face and calls it hard, top kek. you haven't really experienced difficult until you have to break up with someone you love whole heartedly due to circumstances.
>break up in person
>deal with her crying bullshit, rape threats, or her straight clawing your face
Or you could just ghost the bitch and move on
>I have to stay strong
>This is actually difficult.
Maybe the first time when you're young after that no.
Forgot image
God dammit guys. What does if feel like to have a woman actually care about you? What does it feel like knowing it will break their heart to leave. How do I get this?
What if the dad isn’t gay?
call your mother
It's already a thing. Lookup idump4u. You pay some guy to call your crazy partner and chew them out and dump them. He posts the calls on YouTube kek
i almost backed out tho so i did stay strong faggot
we don't meet as often as a 'normal couple' because we don't live in the same cities due to school. if i asked to meet up just to then dump her that would be fucked
Rape then
But i'm a hot femanon so he wouldn't say no desu
You'll look back in the future and realise what a fucking dick you were at this moment, to break up with a girl who obviously likes you a lot via text rather than doing it face to face and giving her closure.
t. 30 year old boomer who regrets a lot of his youth
These guys are all cucks. Bitches are stupid.
Most bitches don't provide anything besides a warm hole to slide in. Never dump a bitch. I keep that bitch on the back burner while i fuck other bitches. Pursue what u were made to do , and everything else will fall into place.
Whatever fuck you guys you're just memeing on me I'm trying to ask a serious question
You're a fucking idiot. I broke up with every gf I had in person, but it was rough as fuck and definitely not nice for her either.
>visit parents, gf lives very close
>she's sleeping over
>relationship going badly (semi long-distance)
>we're in bed in the morning and get talking
>tell her that we should probably break up
>she starts crying
>I have to sneak her, still crying, past my parents
>have to drive her to a friend (she still crying)
>lost whole friend circle because she started talking shit, while I was living in another town
From this breakup I learned that you never break up with a girl, while she's at your place and you have to drive her home.
>want to break up with another gf
>come to her place, because I learned from the past
>I tell her that we should break up
>she starts crying, asking why etc.
>explain as good as I can (while she's crying)
>I want to get up and leave
>she clings to me and asks me not to leave
>tell her I really better leave now (and gtfo)
>she proceeded to avoid me (up to this day, after like 5 years), even though we had a similar friend circle and were good friends before dating
tl;dr: There is no "good" way of breaking up. Breaking up via text might actually be more humane, because nobody sees her break the fuck down.
nigga you gay as hell
>But i'm a hot femanon
What is wrong with you?
OP here, yeah, I did consider if text or person was best and I concluded that in person is a boomer old school meme tv trope. We are much more connected now. Most millenial and zoomers probably communicate more at distance than in person. She can barely let me leave when we're together on a normal date, if i broke up with her she would probably want to follow me home. Anyway, I gave in, I told her I'm going to tell her everything i expect from a wife so she has no illusions and if I break up with her she knows why and can't say it comes as a surprise. Probably the wrong decision but I asked if she really wants to continue despite knowing how I feel and if that can really be what's best and she kept saying yes.
>i have to stay strong
why am i laughing my ass of at this
>literally unironically having a pajeeta girlfriend
You need to just block her mate, or stop responding. Dragging this shit out will only make it worse.
Also, I definitely think this has potential for a side-business, but not sure how you'd be advertising such a service.
What do you mean?
For me breaking up is the hardest thing to do in life, I've been stuck in shitty relationships for YEARS because I didn't have the guts to end it.
Cant believe I read something more fucking cringe than
>I have to stay strong
But holy shit your post tops it
I seriously have never understood people who've broken up via text. I've never done it.
Sometimes people prefer to not talk about it and "drift" - which I get. Just don't be desperate or whatever. But text - never have, never will.
Its actually horrible.
You likely have interpersonal issues and struggle making deep connections, but you’re likely also sensitive. You enter a relationship using your sensitive side, and it’s nice at first.
It’s a lifestyle that you have not adapted into. You weren’t built for this, and you realize that you cannot fully connect with your partner. A lifetime of solitude has conditioned into you the inability to bond like real people do. There is distance, and it’s because of you. This was supposed to be a cure for your loneliness, but it isn’t; in fact, when you’re near her, you feel more alone than ever.
At some point you realize she has placed virtually the entirety of her emotional well-being onto you. It’s heavy. But you don’t want to hurt her because you’re sensitive. After all, that’s why you got into it in the first place. So you face the choice: do you fake it to keep her happy and keep yourself occupied, or do you break her heart, give up, and go back to the comfortable loneliness you had before.
Why the fuck would you honestly want one? They aren't worth it. I've had plenty and it's been miserable every time.
All women cheat. Only a fool would date in the first place.
Be a Chad. It's the only way. You can't get a gf if you're average.
Don't listen to all these soi NPCs. If you're trying to break up with someone, then it doesn't matter if you say a bunch of cringe shit. The goal is to end it without her keying your car. You broke up with her exactly how she would break up with you.
>Giving a fuck about cheating
Are you fucking 13? Is this middle school?
Sleep with who you want, just be subtle about it.
Edgy dude. I'm glad you'd take your gf back after being Chad's cum dumpster.
Regard if it was shitty cutting it off should be easy
wew look at all these beta white knights
t. roastie
Why do you think she's Indian?
Break up through text? Nah at the least treat her like a human and meet up with her someone, like a park or something and not through some fucking texts. Breaking up is never fun but at the least if you were honest until the end she won't think of you as a waste of time or a scumbag
Dude who cares if you get cheated on. Life is short, just live for the experiences while they last...
top kek fou chan and discord, the great never drying rivers of autism
welcome to the millenial way
nigga you gay as hell too if you don't see our point, how bout I suck your dick faggot
why do you talk like a nigger
are you a black knight?
It's a character Ive been working on is it decent?
also it wasn't about black knighting the girl it's about faggots shitty romcom style greentext
Then you find god, and realize that love is self sacrifice and realize you really just needed that blow job after all and you are happy again. Rinse, Repeat.
But only Chads can get gfs.
Damn you. I'm literally going through this right now... And I had to move to another country
Then you're a Chad. Only Chads can get gfs.
He'd fuck them anyway
damn just like me!
>kick slut gf out
>cries by door with all her shit i put out there
>realize she has no car, no place, no money
>family lets her move back in
>load up her shit drive her 20 miles while shes crying
>awkwardly unload her stuff at her parents while shes crying
>sayonara bitch
I would totally break hearts for $15 an hour. Now that's a job I can really enjoy
This is how you play the game.