I wanna live in NYC

I wanna live in NYC.
Never had a job in my life. Do have an associate's in comp sci.
What's a fool proof business I can't start to make a smooth $2.5k per month?

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Those nipples are higher than my linkies.

Why are her nipples so high?

imlpants below

That's hot.

I know het

The absolute state of this fucking plastic fake as fuck roastie SKANK

Wouldn't even throw turtlecoins at this cunt.

white women really are the best, good lord. I'd give up my left nut to magically turn white so that I could be with a white woman.

fuck off pajeet

If you want to live in nyc, live in an unmarked van.

It's a complete overpriced shithole. The one time I visited I stayed in an airbnb in flushing with a nice black lady. Flushing is chinktown central so the landlord refused to put her name on the building registry. She was extremely educated and had a stressful job in her field, yet still couldn't make rent. To do so she set up a wall divider in her living room; slept in one section, rented out the other, and rented out the bathroom. $1700 for a legit shithole.

At the end I had to dump my trash down some chute in some trash room. I have never smelt something so putrid in my life. To make things worse the chute was jammed. I tried shoving my things down it but ended up hurling everywhere and fucking bailing.

NYC is a massive shit hole full of niggers and spics had a gun pulled on me twice and I only worked there for 6 months shit commute no parking wtf you thinking nigga

A fool proof business you can’t start? Data analytics SaaS for major corporations.

Don't come here till you're making $70,000 a year MINIMUM. It's tough out here man but I'll defend NYC to the death.

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stop whoring yourself out tifa

She really ruined herself with all these surgeries.

> Got a gun pulled on me twice
Lol learn to carry yourself fuckin nerd lived there 5 years never had any problems and I was pissed drunk more times that I can count passed out on the subway woke up 4 hours later at least 3 times lol
Tough city but good fuckin city good community good food good living if you find a way to make it. You know you're in when your bodega starts giving you credit

>I wanna live in NYC
>Have an associates in comp sci

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How bout one I can start

That's not how having sex works.

>he thinks he can live in nyc on 2.5k/month

Even if you live in a shithole with 3 roommates your rent will be at least half that

Craigslist apartments in Brooklyn going for $750. 1 hour train ride to midtown.

>buy an apartment and rent out your closet for $2.5k a month
There you go!

Carrying a gun is illegal in NYC, same as Boston. People think the NRA is some huge evil corporation but really they don't even have the money to trying suing over that.