XRN - Saronite - The road to 1500 sats

Node launched moved up. 8 days left. Volume tripled in 48 hours. Hits a new ATH every 24 hours. Launched at 25,000 sats. Still can't see this "moon" on the all-time chart. Still under 100K market-cap.

Only 10 nodes left on the books. Any major buy walls don't get eaten, and people market-buy due to a lack of service nodes on the books. See yesterday's failed 1 BTC buy order at 420, causing us to hit 480+. Not even on CMC yet, and only available on Tradeogre.

This may be the Raiblocks of 2018, and quite possibly the best buy of the year, even now.

If you don't still don't believe, and don't this this will cross 5,000 sats by the time service nodes roll out, you cannot be helped.

Don't forget to save a few nodes for 2019-2020. It's very possible this could be a 100x contender in a major bull.



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Also, with Nerva cooling down for a bit, where do you think that 90K sell volume on Tradeogre is going to go?

Don't be deluded. If this hit 5,000 sats, I'd say it's priced in. Until then, these books are thin as fuck, and green dildos are a daily occurrence.

Next floor is clearly 1000 sats, and that's not even one BTC yet.

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Nerva cooling? It just went from 600 to 1200. Ain't no cooling there

I dunno. I'd suspect it'll eek down to 1050 before running to 1,500-2,000.

If you are not buying this dip you are the brainlet of the year. There will be yet another giant green dildo tonight. Watch and learn.

9 nodes left on the books. 7 days remain.

How long until the impatience starts to eat at you?

0.8 BTC to 5,000 sats.

Oh boy. Nobody is selling anything significant.

You know what that means.

8 days remaining

Actually, it's 7. I didn't have my coffee. Nice purple ID. This thread is now purple only ID's.

Roll for purple ID.


Here let me ruin this shitcoin thread with a non purple

Light green-ish ID checked.

Our halfie guy is back. How long before he gets itchy? I'd say less than a day.

Wuh oh, he dropped it to .20. Will he market-buy now?

414 sats. He's getting itchy again lads.

.2 at 412. Tick. Tock.

I threw the poor guy a bone and sold him nearly enough for a node at 413. That will be my only sale until 5,000 sats.

the curry itt is off the charts ranjeet.

i wish i was poor enough to flip pajeet coins. shame one usual buy order of mine buys your whole fucking pajeet exchange. literally.

love me some XRN anons : )

Uh, user...I think you're mistaken with this one.

Buy orders filling up in the 300's. Let's hope they don't ever hit.

436 sats

Feels good to be early AF and sort of control a market for once. Please sell me more.

user i have 200 usd in this coin, you better be right about this coin

you better be right about 1000 satoshi

Of course I'm right. The volume doesn't lie.

5,000 sats by node launch. 20,000 sats EOY. Screencap this.

Done and done

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We're gonna pump again soon. I can feel it

Green ID checked. 5,000 sats run tonight? Would make sense with this halfie whale flashing. He will get impatient yet again, and was probably the guy who started the run across 480.

500 sats run*****

tradeogre is the most chad mIRC vibes exchange ever- we still aint cracking 485 sats tho

dear -twu; you said we break 400 sats in a week and we allready mooning. it's hard for me to believe this can reach it's original ''ico'' price -- I got 50K btw! and im not feeling comfy.

please keep XRN alive

if I had put those BTC in turtle I'd been doubling my money allready. but... you could not sell at 2 sats

its not on CMC how the fuck do I buy this nigger

tradeogre, no kyc

been swing trading this magnificent coin for max gains the last few days. tripled my money so far. this shit is too easy.

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do you see em 1500 sats coming forreaL?

probably in like 2 weeks

Oh shit boys!
"Service Nodes will be activated at block 5000. (In about 40 minutes) This is because we were forced to do a hard fork. This is much sooner than planned. Please remember to update your wallets. @Pool Owners Please update. "

tradeogre updated I think (?)

>coin starts off promising more than it can deliver
>original devs flake out because of the bear market
>dead coin
>couple of devs come back to revive it now that the market has seemingly bottomed out
>shilled every day on Jow Forums
>network was attack within the first couple of weeks of the relaunch
>masternode bullshit brought forward two times to piss off their miners

complete garbage. won't even sniff a 100x in satoshi price

You should feel comfy, user. There's literally nothing to worry about with 7 days to nodes and most not listening until the 450 range.



You can't do that to yourself. One project at a time, unless you have the spare $, which it sounds like you don't. Relax. This isn't even on CMC.

Buy signal.


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marketbuy allready fagot. yesterday 1 btc awaited 250 and it never came back down

fuckkk waiting on funds to arrive. About to scoop up at least 2 nodes

Post proof when you're done.

yesterday volume was 2btc at 185 satoshi, now allmost 6 btc at 420 satoshi.
what does this mean?
Imma buy all the nodes in apx 45 minutes

Mining rewards just halved. You know what that means.

TWU quit posing as multiple people.

It makes you look like a real pajeet.

I'm not. Kill yourself.

I live in China, it's not my fault the fucking internet and VPN's are garbage here.

this aint even hittin 600 sats

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Why do you live in China? I'm curious

He reminds me of TRIGanon, he would spam his own threads shilling TRIG and CHAT and then they both got delisted from binance and crashed

OP (who is TWU) id, and your Id (who responded as TWU when called out on his bullshit)


Come back in an hour. This wont be under 600. guaran-fucking-teed

Wait for it. Halfie BTC boy will get impatient again. I saw his orders earlier.

tnoight retested 270

If we re-test 270 I'll be buying it all. Good luck getting filled!

looks like its going down instead

lets see!

Doubt it. Feel free to fill my 390 buy order, though.

Market buy you faggot. If you think this is going anywhere near 1500 then why not help it get started and not worry about your stupid entry price

Because I already have 8 nodes and a bunch of BTC on the sidelines for more. Not gonna fuck my cost average because you want more gains.

420 blaze it faggot

in my opinion it will retest briefly 250 sats maybe maybe but then it will go from 390 to 820 str8 in a week

Larp harder. Enjoy your failed shitcoin pump.

Enjoy staying a poor as pajeet. Shit on yourself and then KYS

funds arrived yet?

Wrong ID, TWU.

Nice try.

Kek, not gonna happen. I have 4 BTC to catch anything in the 300's and more if we go to 200. I am very patient. Enjoy waiting for your shit to fill while we lift off.

That's not me. I do change ID's sometimes, but only because I live in China and my VPN fails often. It's never out of malice, and I always tagline myself when I change.

If you ever want proof, just ask, and I Can provide.



Tsao Ni Ma.

Ni de muqin si nu tongxinglian


I have my nodes.

I don't same-fag. Period. Trust me or not, my reputation speaks for itself. (Except for, erm, NTWK. But hey, everyone gets a mulligan, right?)

I work 8 hours a week teaching university students, live rent free on campus in the city center in Sichuan, have loads of free time and disposable income, eat dank food, see punk bands every day, and am dating a hot roastie 21 year old. Can't complain.

As I said, sometimes my ID changes, because the internet sucks here.

You can all whine and moan all you want to, but you didn't fucking listen when I called this at 180 sats, did you?

It speaks for itself.



but tell me nigaa why this shit stuck 400 satoci nigaa

I dunno, ask your crystal ball.

It's doing nothing.

Good call.

fudding and shilling your own it seems

What do you want from me? I already essentially handed you free money, and you had 3 chances.

Also, give it some time. Tripling volume and 2 new ATH's in 24 hours is good enough, IMO.

Let the nodes settle in.

This is just going down slowly, and you keep moving your buy order lower.

You've given nothing to me except shitty shilling on here and various discords.

Stop trying so hard. It's gonna hurt more when you fail.

"It's going to hurt more when you're playing with pure house money from selling the top 2 times and buying mid-to-low bottom"

Sure thing, buddy.


It's not my fault you don't know how this works, and can't time things properly. Also, it's been 72 hours.

All the best calls took 2-3 weeks to fully take off to their potential. This has the possibility to do so in less time, but due to the node times changing, the path was not as righteous as it should have been.


taking my popcorn and watching the dump rn

Please dump. I'd love to crack double digit nodes.

this does not look bad

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Uh, I didn't know XRN is going to have smart contracts. Holy shit, we are going to be fucking rich.

Juicy AF.

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