>all growen up
>live far away from family
>halloween coming
>favorite season of year but im alone
>cant really fly home just for halloween season, dad would think im weird
>family back home going to our annual pumpkin festival without me because i dont live there anymore, my favorite place in world
>send me pictures
>lots of pumpkin, food, such fun wow
>mom says i got a package coming in mail
>open package
>its candy stick, in my favorite flavor, root beer
>remember how when i was a kid i used to look forward to these sticks all year long and i buy lots of them for 15 cents each and save them to enjoy them throughout year
>me and brother and sister would talk about the sticks for weeks leading up to the festival
>standing at counter me and bro and sissy so excited, we take forever to choose the best flavors and split sticks with each other for variety
>standing at counter i always think in my brain "this is the life" back when im 12, and i meant it, this was it
>remember the innocent times when all i needed to be happy was this 15 cent candy stick
>playing in the front yard with family, soccer, riding bike with little brother
>what have i become? good job now, money obsessed career man trying to become someone, but who am i becoming it for? why am i doing this?
>stayed in late at work tonight even tho office was empty, trying to impress boss, trying to get more money? i have enough to life many lifetimes already
>who am i working for? me? i dont know really
>i forgot about the candy sticks already
>how could i forget, truly shamed
>but my mommy didnt forget
>she remember, she send me stick
>call and tell i love her
>talk about next times im coming visiting next month and shes excited
>rememer frens, its not just about the money, its about life
>love you mommy