All growen up

>all growen up
>live far away from family
>halloween coming
>favorite season of year but im alone
>cant really fly home just for halloween season, dad would think im weird
>family back home going to our annual pumpkin festival without me because i dont live there anymore, my favorite place in world

>send me pictures
>lots of pumpkin, food, such fun wow
>mom says i got a package coming in mail
>open package
>its candy stick, in my favorite flavor, root beer

>remember how when i was a kid i used to look forward to these sticks all year long and i buy lots of them for 15 cents each and save them to enjoy them throughout year
>me and brother and sister would talk about the sticks for weeks leading up to the festival
>standing at counter me and bro and sissy so excited, we take forever to choose the best flavors and split sticks with each other for variety

>standing at counter i always think in my brain "this is the life" back when im 12, and i meant it, this was it

>remember the innocent times when all i needed to be happy was this 15 cent candy stick
>playing in the front yard with family, soccer, riding bike with little brother

>what have i become? good job now, money obsessed career man trying to become someone, but who am i becoming it for? why am i doing this?
>stayed in late at work tonight even tho office was empty, trying to impress boss, trying to get more money? i have enough to life many lifetimes already
>who am i working for? me? i dont know really

>i forgot about the candy sticks already
>how could i forget, truly shamed
>but my mommy didnt forget
>she remember, she send me stick
>call and tell i love her
>talk about next times im coming visiting next month and shes excited

>rememer frens, its not just about the money, its about life
>love you mommy

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>cant really fly home just for halloween season, dad would think im weird

how come what’s weird about that? go see them anytime

thanks fren

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beautiful user :)

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fuck, this hit close to home. fuck this shitty, lonely adult life man, i just want to go back...

Fuck Halloween OP let's play Rust

posts like this make me feel somewhat better about being a socially retarded kid when young

dont miss childhood one bit

how many bitcoin to go back and ride bikes with my neighbour frens after school?

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I still go on bike rides with my dad, im 36.

even satoshis cold wallets dont hold enuf fren

i gave up multiple opportunities for a great career just so i could stay close to my family. I have zero regrets. I chose to follow my heart and it has lead to a great life.

You supposed go find some swamp donkey and nut inside of her so she shits out a kid; that way your brain goes into to primal child rearing/provider mode and you have a reason to being home the bacon.

Your parents felt the same sense of aimlessness until they had you and your siblings.

That’s about as good as it’s going to get.

Speaking as a dad, who has family all over the country, your dad wouldn't think your wierd based on what time if year you visit. Just say it was a good time to get away from job and you missed them they will be happy.

I had nostalgia too today. My late teens were amazing and i had a insane peak mid twenties. Of cause everything went down hill from there. Listen to me baby. We are fine. Be thankful that you were allowed to live life at least ones or twice. Personally i am ready now. Ready for the happening. See you on the battlefield.

you're gonna make it

what kind of deformed pepe is that?

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Stop looking at porn, user.

Thank you fren I guess you're probably right, I just think he might think I'm being too much of a sentimental pussy if I come home at that time for seemingly no reason. I will go to the festival next year

>swamp donkey
what the actual fuck user

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Saw this thread and just wanted to say I bought a ps1 the other day. Me and my brother spent the day looking for games, we ended up buying beyblades as well. Came back to mine and played with them and the par. Got a disc swap to work for muppets racing, one of our favourites. Probably one of the best days we've have together since we were kids since we're both in our 20s and work different times so we don't see alot of each other. Really brought back the memories and what op said, that it's all just about the time spent not making money. Also found out the ps1 was modded after he left, I've burnt like 10 of our favourites for the next time he's over.


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You guys should take your dicks together and make the letter ‘H’

At least you had a nice childhood.
My childhood was a screen. I have no connection with my father and mother. Nor do I have any friends after school. No friends at work. The Only Thing I have is money, so don't you fucking go around saying life isn't about money when money is literal happiness.

Come over and hang out. I have Mario kart and doctor pepper and my mom said we can order pizza. Then we’ll watch scrambled porn on the adult channel after they go to bed.

>its candy stick, in my favorite flavor, root beer

How does it taste? We don't have root beer here in France, but burgers seems to really enjoy it. What is it made from?

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soda with a flavor similar to licorice, except with a bitter kick to it. it is american because it can only be made from a tree growing in north america, sassafras

>flavor similar to licorice, except with a bitter kick to it

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I love root beer but a lot of people hate it for its slightly bitter taste

Fly home user, if you can afford it
Surely your family will appreciate it
Mom is the best

Stop being mean it's delicious, here's the ingredients

Roots and herbs
>Sassafras albidum – sassafras roots and bark containing the aromatic oil safrole (or an artificial substitute)
>Smilax regelii – sarsaparilla
>Smilax glyciphylla – sweet sarsaparilla
>Piper auritum – root beer plant or hoja santa
>Glycyrrhiza glabra – licorice (root)
>Aralia nudicaulis – wild sarsaparilla or "rabbit root"
>Gaultheria procumbens – wintergreen (leaves and berries)
>Betula lenta – sweet birch (sap/syrup/resin)
>Betula nigra – black birch (sap/syrup/resin)
>Prunus serotina – black cherry
>Picea rubens – red spruce
>Picea mariana – black spruce
>Picea sitchensis – Sitka spruce
>Arctium lappa – burdock (root)
>Taraxacum officinale – dandelion (root)

>Quillaja saponaria – soapbark
>Manihot esculenta – cassava, manioc, or yucca (root)

>Pimenta dioica – allspice
>Theobroma cacao – chocolate
>Trigonella foenum-graecum – fenugreek
>Myroxylon balsamum – Tolu balsam
>Abies balsamea – balsam fir
>Myristica fragrans – nutmeg
>Cinnamomum verum – cinnamon (bark)
>Cinnamomum aromaticum – cassia (bark)
>Syzygium aromaticum – clove
>Foeniculum vulgare – fennel (seed)
>Zingiber officinale – ginger (stem/rhizome)
>Illicium verum – star anise
>Pimpinella anisum – anise
>Humulus lupulus – hops
>Mentha species – mint

Other ingredients
>Hordeum vulgare – barley (malted)
>Hypericum perforatum – St. John's wort

Nothing better than a root beer float (root beer with vanilla ice cream in it)
pic fuckin related

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holy shit im going to go get a rootbeer float right now, i need this to fill my burger veins i havent had one in years (except for last week)

i-i'm not sure if i want to taste it yet, let me think about it fren.

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This. Moms are the best part of life...even the crappy moms are still pretty good.

delete this



Be me 8 years old
Teeth fucked up, huge buck teeth
One of the poorest kids in town
No friends, even mom makes fun of me with buck tooth grin when she’s mad

Honestly it was just like a kiln for success, got a bigger chip on my shoulder than anyone I know. Drive is through the roof and I know I’ll make it soon. But yeah, fuck going back to my childhood.

this is an AD for candy sticks isn't it?

Haha white people

y-you got me

i actually ordered some of these after this thead. it worked.

You're starting to take the red pill. You're breaking your conditioning.

Stop being a slave. When you're about to die you won't regret not working more, but you will regret not spending it with your family, or being happy.


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Top kek . Checked ID

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Too real

i want to hurt everyone mentally

Wait did I read that right?

> i have enough to life many lifetimes already
You already have enough money to retire and "live many lifetimes"? And yet instead of retiring and neeting it up, you continue wagecucking and even do things like:
>stayed in late at work tonight even tho office was empty

Most anons on biz could only hope to have enough "to live many lifetimes".

It's pretty good if you have a taste for it. If not it just tastes like a weird soda.

I don't understand these viewpoints at all, I've never even considered the possibility that there were people who don't like root beer

>doesn't like root beer
Never going to make it

The flavor of root beer is wintergreen

>mind explosions

What a fucking touching story user.

You see... I'm studying finance at the colleage, and right now I'm obssesed with the idea of becoming a top tier broker, so I've been investigating about apps to start using my new knowleage and habilities. I guess I'm gonna start working te next year.

But then, sometimes... I guess that dream will affect me more than good, because I'd surely become a workaholic, and I'll forget to pass a good time with friends and family.

Thank you for open my eyes, user. Sure I'll become the best goddamn broker out there, but now one, my hapiness is first than anything else

Hope you will read this sometime, someday... somewhere

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I miss my mother.

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Become the best broker you can be, and donate a portion of your earnings every year to causes that you care about. Those times when you think "fuck this world, why is it this way" your money should be used to make it not that way anymore