
>not even 25
>10/10 on billboard with multiple platinum records
>millions of fans
>people literally fly from other continents to see him live
>doesn't even have a high school degree
>gets away with child molestation because everyone likes him
>no one dares to mess with him

How does it make you feel that a complete degenerate has made it, while you waste all your time and effort to read business books, learn investing, do side hustles, wagecuck or be NEET?

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Other urls found in this thread:

How does it make you feel OP? I’m doing pretty good in life. Seeing other people be successful doesn’t make me feel bad at all.

You forgot the part where he sold his soul when he signed a contract in his blood
You do not reach a certain level without joining the "industy"
He's a degeneracy promoting puppet who gets to have material things in return for obeying

>You forgot the part where he sold his soul when he signed a contract in his blood
>You do not reach a certain level without joining the "industy"
>He's a degeneracy promoting puppet who gets to have material things in return for obeying

literally the same shit as wagecucking

Maybe for some top tier corporate types..maybe
Major difference you can quit a job no problem
If that dude wanted out or tried to talk about how things actually work he would suddenly die in a "car accident" or "overdose on drugs" or X Y or Z else that could be used to destroy him

who the fuck is this faggot he looks braindead

>disfigured nigger manlet pedophile with face tats

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Who the fuck is this? Another one of those lil something?

how does it make YOU feel?
you opened the thread after all
why should I care that other people have it easier than me?

I have no clue who this fucktard is but he will dead, in rebab or forgotten in 3 years, screencap this

Dunno either but he looks like a special needs clown.

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Imagine unironically growing up with shit like this as your influence

>Imagine unironically growing up with shit like this as your influence

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I’m sure most of their fans ended up as investment bankers and doctors.

im sure you understand this man is nothing on his own and is beeing used as a pawn by big corporations for their profit. he gets a small piece of the pie

69 isn`t that like a sexual position?

haha this guy must be woke af


Inshallah he'll be shot dead within 5 years/

Feels good knowing I didn’t fuck my face up 4 Life.

This guy is just being propped up by Jews to make being a pedo seem ok

At first I feel jealousy but then I remember that there is a positive side to this.
If he made it, it means others can do the same.
It means there is the possibility to "make it".
It also means that through his efforts he is earning money and others are willing to spend money, which is generally a good thing.
What I personally dislike is that I suspect his message is quite negative and it's negatively affecting those who listen to his music.

that sounds ridiculous, any proof?

yes i'm sure cleetus is doing very well in the faygo market.

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There are tons of interviews given by music industry/hollywood people talking about "ridiculous" sounding stuff that goes on
Let them in their own words convince you
Research it and you'll see people who tried to talk out and suddenly had their career destroyed or worse happen to them
Also it should be noted many celebrities and media people are MK Ultra puppets

It is about the probability of making it not the obscurity of those that have.

Dave Chappelle. DMX. Start there and enjoy the rabbit hole.

he's a pedophile and a puppet


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This sounds like something a pajeet would write.

Been down the rabbit hole for many years fren
Was determined to find the bottom...only thing I found out was that there is no bottom to it


And like every retard like him before he either ends up dead by 35 or loses all his money and shakes a tin for a living.

Chances are he'll be completely broke in 10 years.

>showing up to court like this

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All that normie fame cost him his soul tho. And his string pullers can end the ride anytime they like

Im not jealous that this fags rich or whatever, but it does make me feel weird to be so out of touch with the youth and Im only 25. I cant keep up with these hip new things that keep popping up, like this dude

Age of reason is over. Age of degeneracy is now. Just accept it and do your things to be happy.

Is this nigger a thing or just a Jow Forums meme, are zoomers actually this retarded?

Modern day Beatles.

69 jumped the shark in this video with the sand niggers.

it's all downhill from here.

warning: it's cringed AF.

Attached: 69_jump_the_shark.png (1262x708, 738K)

Can't really be happy when you know western civilization will implode into anarchy and deepest of degeneracy within our lifetimes if nothing vhanges to reintroduce order.

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Grug not like Rainbow Mayan Tribe Shaman. He help perpetuate black tribe culture and paid by long nose tribe.

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This guy his act is shock value. It's like /b/ as an artist.


makes me feel sad

He's like an actor. His image sells what ((they)) are marketing to you. He is like like the rapid fire al pachimo simulacrum for the current state of poverty-class society. His appeal is engineered. Lil pump and other sound cloud rappers like them are playing the same game.

When I make it I make. It will come all of a sudden

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(((They))) are working to separate npcs from others at a young age. Face tattoos/multi color hair will be the mark of an npc.

Imagine being as autistic as all the kids in this thread thinking there's some Illuminati shit going on

No retards. He literally walks around with thousands just for Lols. Y'all are so pathetic when you try to rationalize shit.he richer than u ever be

Nigger talk.
>muh Illuminati are the reason I'm ot succeeding and others are.

He became a go-getter at a young age after his dad was murdered

Or your family is consisting of filthy rich fucks

the fact that a complete degenerate has made it gives a partial degenerate like myself hope

what happend to real rap music?
eminem we need you once again

hes a pedophile, a sick man, pervert, degenerate, drug addict, and possibly the worst role model for kids there ever has been. he'll be dead within the decade and the damage hes done to the youth is criminal in itself. someone will kill him, it always happens with "gangster rappers" - make no mistake his life will be short just like all the others who came before him.

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Pimp C talks about the gay mafia as well check outs ome of his interviews.