haven't touched crypto since last year, this is what im holding - what should i dump?
haven't touched crypto since last year, this is what im holding - what should i dump?
You should have sold in Dec/Jan.
Just sell fucking everything user, I see so many absolute shitcoins in your holdings too.
its not a good tiem to dump now.
transform everything into link
>not just buying barrick gold stocks
I know, i fucked up hard
keep if you like memes
>dump TRX
this seems solid,
I had high hopes for BAT when i invested but I'm wondering if it's still the case now. Not so high hopes for ripple.
Also had high hopes for DRGN
Will keep my stinky linkys though
Don't hold now user, it's a shit time to do so.
RVN keeps mooning like hell, go with RVN, sell when its mooning and resort to BTC in the end, use alts to make some profit.
Meme coins might blow up a little bit, but all theyr gonna blow, is my whale dick.
is this dec gonna mimic last december?
Sell the rest for BTC and XMR
Are you kidding? No bull for at least a year or 2. At which point your shitcoin portfolio will be worth 0. Just dump it all into Link & Holo, unironically the best performers in the bear market.
Based and redpilled
got memed by DRGN too, but dumping now is madness
Definitely not REQ
so DRGN still got potential?
I know, i am currently holding the absolute shitcoin smorgasbord board
Everything but link
>Link & Holo
Link, stellar, req, and btc only
keep xlm, tron and xrp, they will moon in the next bullrun, ada most likely too. still, there are extremely promising coins that will definitely outperform the old ones in the future, stick to the oney that make real business or generate real revenue, not the "muh partnership" meme coins. also, avoid anything that's mentioned on this meme board, the good coins are never mentioned on here. this board if for joking about link, holochain, 0xbtc, req etc. do some research and you'll find the good stuff if you're not retarded
This. Thank you for being honest
I would hold on another year and make a decision later. Its not a good time, in case something happens soon.
whats your year of year look like,
depending on how you had weighted that spread, you probably are in the green.
at least more in the green than if bought stocks a year ago.
yeah i'm up, not as up as I was around december but shit happens, i think i might wait and see if shit booms like that one more time again and then i'll sell some of the shittiest holds
if you are up from your buyin, that's unironically a success.
but my opinion is restructure your portfolio as such:
LINK- 80%
XLM- 10%
TRON- 10%
and just keep the REQ for shits and giggles.