4M Cheesecoin floor at 3 sats

Sell me more. I dare you.

Another marine joins the ranks at 4 sats.

100 sats EOY. Screencap this.


Attached: CheeseBiz.jpg (499x499, 161K)

>Trading anything on STEX


CREX is the new Tradeogre, pussy.

>multiple random alt shill posts
We must be bull.

This is no random alt, user. This is cheesecoin.

Attached: CheeseLink2.jpg (767x800, 344K)

New paradigm coming.

Attached: Cheeselink.png (988x1140, 381K)


Attached: images.jpg (248x203, 8K)

>>"did i do that" run to 10 sats next week?

Attached: Cheesebiz3.jpg (2400x958, 310K)

come on, pansies.

Attached: Cheesebiz2.jpg (454x340, 89K)

live a little. it'll be fun.

Attached: cheesememe4.jpg (230x219, 13K)

Attached: kevin-chz.gif (600x342, 2.43M)

green ID checked.

5.4M wall at 3 sats

you're safe now, baby. i promise.

Attached: cheesememe3.jpg (279x180, 12K)


Bought 8k by selling the scam tokens I had on there.

To the moon and back baby

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8,000....cheese? that's like $1, user.... i don't even.

Scamcoin user


I'm debating sending .1 btc over

That's some cheesy shit user. I'm sorry, I will not be investing in your cheese coin.

do it. don't be a pussy. also, this isn't a scam. all community coins pump, and this one might actually go somewhere, as the dev seems like a non brainlet, so if you think this will stay under a 250-500K cap, especially with all these memes and my disposable cheese to airdrop, you got another thing coming.


No I meant I sold scam coins to buy CHEESE

Also I'd have to sell my linky

Cheesecoin is your path to 20x more Chainlink. Think about it.

Or to get dumped on into a suicidal depression

Don't get me wrong it's getting me thinking but I'm done buying people's bags

That's the beauty of this...if you had eyes, you'd see there are no bags to buy. Some pajeets got lucky with a few million at 1-2 sats, but I am positive that *ALL* of this buy order for 3 sats (5M and counting, depending on how hard PNY runs in the next week) is me, because I set it myself.

Chads have bought up the 4 sat range, and 5 sats is still a decent entry.

I won't fucking sell a sheckle until 20-30, and that's just to cover my ass.

We will have a floor of 40-50 sats by November, and100 says EOY.

Watch it happen, goyim.

don't be a pussy. LIVE A LITTLE, user.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-10-28 at 2.43.26 AM.png (2846x198, 97K)

And this is the kind of enthusiasm I needed


Attached: SRSkatmN_400x400.jpg (281x281, 15K)

5 sats