First time dating girl after few times

>first time dating girl after few times
>she wants to do it in a few days
>I've never shaved my public area before
>decide to grab the scissors and razor blade
>couldn't see the through the and accidentally cut it and begin to bleed alot.
>went to hospital and had them fix me up with a stitch and pain meds
>girl im seeing is now wondering why I won't have sex and I am too embarrassed to tell her
>she's now very angry at me and thinks I'm cheating on her. She doesn't even know I'm a Virgin.

I'm seriously so angry. What the fuck do I do? I didn't want to tell her I was a Virgin and I sure as shit don't want to say I cut my dick with scissors. Any advice guys? I'm trying to improve myself like you guy s said. I almost got there! Whatdo?

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>unironically shaving your junk
just trim it bro lmao

dumb ass you should've left your massive pubic forest. It would have made you look more intimidating.

Firstly, you should have used a beard trimmer just just trimmed in general, no point going bald eagle.
Second, just tell her you cut your dick trying to shave for your special night. Also, tell her you're a virgin and were very nervous.

That's what I do. Way better for hiding the herpes blisters as well. If they don't like it they can hop on some other dick

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haven't seen this in a while

I wish I could go back to being a young guy with women actually interested in me and not a single man surrounded by married peers with no access to anything other than aging roasties with interracial children. I fucking wish being too afraid of telling a girl that actually wants me that I can't fuck her because I accidentally cut my dick was my biggest worry.