Current Thinkpad's motherboard short-circuited, need a new laptop? Was thinking a 2016 Macbook Pro.
Pls don't shill me to go to Jow Forums, need a Jow Forums 's opinions.
Current Thinkpad's motherboard short-circuited, need a new laptop? Was thinking a 2016 Macbook Pro.
Pls don't shill me to go to Jow Forums, need a Jow Forums 's opinions.
Lol my 10+ year old sony vaio is still going strong despite like 5 keyboard spills. Apple fapboys btfo.
this is a very good website for picking laptops:
>pic name
OP, unironically NPC
My Thinkpad lasted 8 years.
Why do /v/ NPCs have such an irrational hatred for macs? They last forever and come with an operating system that doesn’t shit the bed all the time like Windows does.
Apple products are garbage. Get get a Dell Inspiron or some other generic laptop. If you MUST have MacOS go check out the Hackintosh scene and find which Laptop has the best compatibility these days.
Hackbook'd my Thinkpad years ago. Thought of just going with a machine capable of properly running macOS.
Some cheap hp gaming laptop. I wanted to start gaming and needed a new laptop anyway, it was way cheaper than buying a desktop pc or console + a separate laptop.
Anyway it's basically like a normal low end laptop but capable of gaming/hard work. Definitely worth getting for low end gaming. If I was willing to spend more/wasn't going to play games I'd definitely have gone for a xps 15 going by what I've seen at uni. The macbooks look great but are very expensive and are just a pain in the ass for actual work cause of no ports
Because the current fucking generation of Macbooks overheat when you do anything requiring any heft. The CPU downclocks to 500mhz or so so the job takes for fucking ever. Apple has NEVER been good at handling thermal flows and their current lineup entirely dictated by form over function to the point that it detracts from the experience.
I bought a new ASUS VivoBook Pro a few months back. Just needed the laptop to run Ubuntu and it works fine.
>last forever
whats the lifespan on these newer ones?
Get a new thinkpad
how long do you plan on using it for? 4-5 years?
This is a good way to actually spot NPCs.
NPCs define themselves by following group thinking and be ridicolous loud expressing it. Everyone screaming "muh Apple fanboy trashbook " is just trying to be a edgy contrarian
thanks, will take a look
Thinkpad Extreme
I mainly bought it to handle crypto related stuff when I travel overseas. I'm hoping it will last that long without problems
Optional 4k and standard gtx 1050ti.
I have an iMac (2017 desktop)
I have macOS and windows installed on it
I have had it for a year now, and have had zero problems with macOS. But so far I have reinstalled windows once already, because it’s gotten slower despite me barely using it and not even downloading anything besides windows updates.
Just get a Mac, build a hackintosh, or install Linux/BSD. If you use Windows, you are unironically never going to make it. Within ten years, Microsoft is going to be dethroned by a company that figures out how to provide a GOOD operating system at a cheap price. My money is on Google. Microsoft has counted on their monopoly too long without improving. In fact, they’ve only gotten worse.
If you specifically look after used/refurbished Apple Computer you should look out for these.
Best bang for the buck, and performances that outperform new models
but well at least the newer models are not lasting "forever", and are inreparable, in contrast to the older 2009 or so ones, was impressed when i had to change some parts as how easy and accessible it was back then
Yeah I think it depends what you need it for. For basic stuff like Jow Forums/general home use the mac is probably the best, but if you have use it for work/uni it will get old real fast having to carry around the adaptors just to get it to work with anything.
Also if you torrent a lot the higher memory ones are extremely expensive, the lowest macbook pros are much better value.
>Was thinking a 2016 Macbook Pro.
Modern day MacBooks have the worst keyboards ive ever touched
Dont buy a laptop for gaming. That is a mistake that will cost you more in the long run.
Ideally you want to build a gaming PC, and to buy durable laptop with good battery life.
Do not buy a laptop solely on graphical performance or processing power, if it is horribly constructed like most gaming laptops and will break in a few years.
also concerning buying advice, a Jow Forums advice would be to buy the model with the best performance/price ratio, which apple certainly is not great, besides maybe used ones like in general refurbished used ones from a few years back will get you the best for the buck, see thinkpad general if you wanna go for a thinkpad again
you can replace the mobo for like $50, far cheaper than getting ass raped on a macbook
It is 2.5 years old and works absolutely fine. It costed 600 pounds, you are not getting a decent pc and a laptop for 600 pounds. A low end not total shit laptop is about 400 alone....
I don't know why so many people on Jow Forums push this stupid meme. Yeah the high end ones are clearly a rip off but the low end ones are great.
because if you want a laptop, you want portability, which stands in contrast to high gaming performance, they are big, heavy and have shitty battery live because of extensive graphics and cpu, not saying there arent decent laptops with extensive graphics, but the question is do you really need it, and if portability isnt a factor then why get a laptop at all, just stick with a pc
>Not using Linux
I'm sorry user, you're not gonna make it.
also worth like 4 months of rent
YEah I'm talking about the low end ones. I'm fairly sure this one is using the same case as the normal ones with a graphics card in it. It is no bigger, heavier or shittier battery life than a normal low end laptop.
> portability isnt a factor then why get a laptop at all, just stick with a pc
Needed a laptop for uni and didn't want to buy 2 computers. Obviously would hvae got a desktop if I didn't need a laptop.
Dell xps 13 or 15.
>need a Jow Forums 's opinions.
Go to /g.
>Was thinking a 2016 Macbook Pro.
Go fuck yourself.
late 2012 MacBook Pro i7. find one in good nick. cheap, powerful, build like a tank.
OP get an Asus Chromebook C201, libreboot it + install gentoo (or devuan)
how cheap can you get it OP?
Its on sale in my country 40% off.
Whatll the resale value be in say 5-6 years?
Earlier in the thread, someone also suggested a 2012 mbp. Whats the meme behind 2012 mbp's?
>not buying the official Jow Forums laptop the THINKCHAD
Unironically not going to make it.
I like using bash, I have linux on an HP spectre and it works great, but if I had to choose between Mac and Windows I'd go with Mac since it's closer to unix.
how long have you had your HP for? how long do you intend to keep it for?
I also have an HP Spectre, 15" 4k screen. Works perfectly.
fuck going with some specific brand. look on newegg or tigerdirect. I have more experience with tigerdirect. you can search by certain thresholds on specs and a lot of the stuff on there is one off odds and ends. I got a HP probook from tigerdirect 2 years ago for about $750 and I still see laptops now with worse specs for more money.
i shitpost from a thinkpad t410
fuck off NSA
what games can you play there
I've had it for a few years now, haven't noticed any slowdown on it at all, and it amost never heats up even though I do a lot of coding on it. Also some faggot spilled coffee on it. I had to replace the keyboard because of that, but it still works fine. One problem I have is that the CMOS battery dies if I let the battery drain 100%, so my BIOS settings get reset, which isn't a big deal I just have to change the settings about the Fn keys (I like F1 - F12 to be the default key push instead of the gay volume control and whatever else). But that has to do with a spill and not the computer itself. All in all I'd say it's a good purchase. Know a few others with it too and they all like it.
Based, I got an older model, mine's the 13" screen but has 16 gigs ram and i7 processor.
Hey dude no bullshit i have an i7 13in macbook that i need to sell, paid 1700 originally and just got a cracked screen and motherboard replaced by apple
Just got serviced at apple 2 weeks ago, ill let it go for 900, bought it this april
my gf has this but its slow as fuck. hdd dying? swap with ssd?
guessing its the 2017 model? 8gb ram? is that i7 dual or quad core? what ssd does it have? why do you wanna let it go?
Read this in a Strongbad voice, kek
Cheers, user
interested tbqh
yep. ssd makes that thing a rocket. and install new OS
Matebook X Pro
Need a good notebook for 1k$
Not for gaming, but for multimedia etc
You can buy an X200/X220 on ebay for fifty bucks. You may need new RAM/Hard Drive/Battery. You can also get a refurbished X400-X420 with an older i5 and 8GB of RAM for around $200
A used MacBook is the way to go. Before 2013 Apple still used a standard disk hard drive and upgradable RAM so you can have it repaired/upgraded down the line.
Buy a custom desktop PC. Don't pay this much money for a laptop.
>low end laptop capable of gaming/hard work
let me know whats up desu
Windows 10 is a sack of shit. That's reason enough not to buy a windows laptop. Mac no question.
>need a Jow Forums 's opinions.
Get xiaomi
T480s. The thing's a beast and extremely light too but the FHD display is average at best.
Got it from a guy in Kijiji for $700 cad (like $500 USD).
Buy cheap 2 year old laptop, load Linux mint and be happy.
Yes. I think Microsoft’s future business model is selling garbage to enterprise/government and will exit all front-facing/consumer facing cash flows. Like IBM.
Can order those with Linux. Good for OP.
I still use acer c720 4gb with linux on it
I just bot a 200$ lenovo and thats all i need for my crypto, really all i need is my s9+
Im selling the mac because i want to buy a 3k desktop, because my only few friends are getting older and if we can all get dope comps we can spend more time w eachother w o having to move around as much
Plus i grew up on cs 1.1 56k modem and this black ops 4 on ps4 is not cutting it pham
Ill check ssd when i get home
I can also provide work invoice for recent work done
x1 carbon
HP pavilion 15, nice and cheap and okay specs for the stuff I do which isn't gaymans
Get a Dell XPS. I have been an IT technician my whole life and it's easily the best combination of looks reliablility and performance
Most of the NPCs shitting on macs have never even used one, nor do they even know about almost complete linux-like customization for those who can edit a couple of files in the command line. Trying out 3 of the OS is not hard, but most of the "masterrace" have never even used anything besides windows
Lenovo G580, I recently changed its thermal paste, soon I'll replace the keyboard, works like brand new after so many years.
omg thinkpadddddd
thanks mate. why do you have a different ID btw?
OSX is just better. Mac computers shit on anything running Windows.
ultra 4k Dell gaming lappy
I post from my cell outside of my house wifi at times
T470 thinkpad w arch Linux + Manjaro
Add in your own seperate SSD.
Peak efficiency / build quality. Ignore everything else here.
2015 Macbook Pro 15"
Top of the line shit, old bigger bulkier, sturdier design. CPU doesn't overheat and throttle itself in 15 seconds.
Used to be Winfaggy, tried OSX and never went back. You just get so much work done on OSX with its UI design.
I want to do some software dev on 32" Dell Ultrasharp and also trade several stocks/check charts.
Boom, mouse gesture with my Logitech Master from one desktop to another and another.
$HIT so CA$H
This. When you use another laptop's keyboard you'll realise how good you had it with the thinkpad.
Windows is shit and I only use it to play the occasional vidya.
Linux is nice but finding good drivers is a bitch especially for laptop hardware. It's hard to find a good desktop manager that isn't laggy as fuck or buggy. 99% of the time you only want to use it for a headless server. Installed on a desktop tower PC is OK.
MacOS gives you an experience similar to Linux but with the best hardware/software integration you can get and looks pretty nice also. The main drawback is $$ but we're talking no more than 1-2k diference from a Dell and if you keep the machine for 5 years and use it every single day for your job, that amount is negligible.
Stay with refurb chinkpads. Don't even think about changing OS. Besides, Macs are a joke. Louis Rossman is right and he can back it up.
Get like a W530 if weight is no issue, and a T440P if you care about weight. The money you save you do something good with.
I know someone with a $1000 XPS laptop and it had a hardware problem 1 month out of warranty that made the thing unusable. They ended up paying over $250 for repairs which didn't end up fixing the problem. Huge waste of time and money
I have a brand new MBP with 32GB RAM
how many years do you wanna get out of it?
Now exclude all the shit budget models like the ones sold at Walmart.
Every manufacturer has budget models except Apple.
>You just get so much work done on OSX
FagOS window management its garbage. Macs are only better for productivity because of their god-tier trackpads.
>it's basically like a normal low end laptop but capable of gaming/hard work
There is no magical "gaming" switch on laptops user, if it's low end, it's low end.
GPU bro
Don't forget about the GOAT pointing device
I never touch my trackpad
if you play videogames I got a Dell Inspiron 15 7000 Gaming Series 7567 Laptop and I like it. It was cheaper back when I bought it though, I got it for like $670 and its like $950 now for some reason. The screen is shitty but thats the only downside. Also I wish I had gotten the 17 inch.
If you dont play videogames just get a used thinkpad off ebay. Corporations and government agencies buy tons of them and replace them every couple of years, so there is always lots of used ones from 2 years ago for a reasonable price. I got mine for 90 bucks and put linux on it. Thinkpads are well made. Nice keyboard, magnesium frame, etc. I know you said no Jow Forums but they really do love their thinkpads and have an entire sticky on it.
I used to work in a computer repair shop. We got HPs constantly. I never once saw someone bring in a lenovo.