lmao do you faggots think this will keep going up?
I'm afraid LINK is going to shit when ETH shifts to bull mode.
I have 50 ETH lying around. When ETH goes bull and LINK drops Ill swap and buy LINK
when alts pump, the big boys dump and vice versa. the oldest story ever told. Sold a chunk of LINK for ETH. Oracle adoption isn't going to occur this year and after "LINKtober" we could very well see a major pull back as ETH and BTC pump.
I'm on stand by to pick up some cheap LINK.
have fun fomoing back in at 700k vitaliks, retards
Vitalik btfo
you do know eth collapsed right? that's the reason of this
kek. hope you burn in eternal hell after devcon poorfag.
The Eth killer
How can I put this...
you're a fucking pheasant. The moment LINK drops in price you're gonna be sweating because it's the only chance you have at seeing some success
>doesn't have the balls to risk off
you're gonna make a measly million of LINK and blow it on a Jeep Wrangler and a studio condo you fucking dunce
kek. that doesnt sound that bad.
precisely my point you poorfag
link is worth cents right now
who cares if it goes down
if it goes up you get a shitload
if it goes down you lost a couple bucks
>trying to escape wageslavery
>diversify into multiple projects, including link
>user points out you could make $1 million off link
>user then calls you a pheasant
how much link do you think do you need to hold to get 1m?
Sorry, but ETH is going to double digits. Not hard for LINK to improve its ratio given that unavoidable fact.
you know what?
>ETH pair
Shut the fuck up idiot.
Um no. Because ETH will hit $800k while link will be 1k EOY. All of us will make it.