Brazilian election is over

Brazilian election is over.

I dont know what to feel, a lot of older people crying, just a real shit feeling.

I dont know what is comming, we can see a civil war soon.

May God Bless us.

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>WWIII will be started by flipflop weating HUEs

The global media was against the candidate that won, Bolsonaro, even the Pope was against him.

Serious bad feeling, like I was in the side of the abyss.

We already into economical recession...

It's the bottom feeders voting for him who will suffer the most. Don't be a pleb and you will be fine.

The only problem is: how to not be a pleb when I dont have nothing.

>global media was against the candidate that won

that's when you know he's good for your country, when the entire liberal establishment is against a candidate, that means he actually gives a shit about his country and won't sell out to globalist multinational corps that own said media

Antibased and basedpilled

>dont have nothing

Well at least you have something otherwise you' d be fucked. God bless user.

wait what happend

I used to like you favelanon but now I know you don't support Jair, I've realised what a disgusting person you are.

I never said I dont support him, I'm just telling you that we have a real "shit feeling" in the air.

Fuck off, there is people fighting already.

You are a fucking retard, there were some people killed over the election.

Retard. (((They))) have both sides

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>literally shaking:the post

Get fucked


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Its a real shit feeling, I dont know how to say.

Not the election by itself, but the incoming shit of the side who loss.

This. Bolsonaro is Brazil's only chance at ever becoming a first world country. I hope he does to Brazil what Pinochet did to Chile. Commies BTFO

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>commies protest and get violent
>their violence inspires hatred for them
>Bolsonaro cleans house and kills them

So now what? What will you do?

Try to make enough money and leave this country, I'm not even joking.

There is a shitload of things that will start to happen.

Stocks boom boom pow.
Me very rich

Fuck your mother and then fuck yourself your HUEHUE faggot.


>hehe I'm a retard the reply

The commies had it coming

He is poor and lives in a fucking favela. If you have the ability to think you know how Bolosnaro's government could hurt him. Not only financially...

The (((pope))) is evil, fuck him. Be thankful the good guy won.

He is retarded, he doesnt even know reality.

To be black or even mulato here is to be followed by security guards if you go to any shopping mall, they follow you and make it clear.

We have institucional racism everywhere here, if there is 2 guys smoking weed the only to get fucked is the dark skin one.

We are into a fucking economical recession, people without job and stressed as fuck, today even for a be a drug dealer there is a huge competition.

People were already fighting in the election course, now we can easily have civil war.

The problem isnt that he won, the problem is that were almost 50x50, so there is half of the country totally pissed and that means more 4 years with social fear.

Nonwhites deserve harassment and abuse.

There's no good guy.

I'm American, it just means you're in for a good show. Enjoy it.

I thought you had a good head on your shoulders favelanon. Now I almost want to revoke my offer of helping you come to America.

The sad thing is. It's a democratic decision, guided by ignorance. People who voted for him just don't know. Democracy in Brazil is a rigged game, geared towards the healthy maintenance of old power and foreign investors, structured around it's ignorant and easily distracted people.

Much like USA really.

The guy the (((pope))) and (((media))) hate is the good guy. We just did this in my country in 2016. We started the trend of the literally shaking retards.

>unironically shilling for (((democracy)))


what happened? why is the guy that won bad?

You are fucking retarded?

I already told many times here, I'm volunteer in a NGO that help orphans and poor people (people that are starving or lost their houses).
Shit is already happening, the São Paulo Governor already cut almost every investment at the poor aid areas.

Shit is getting really fucked, do you think I would cry if was everything cool?

I'm telling you shit is incoming because people are already at their limits. Can you imagine what is to be a orphan and start to starve because they had cut the food aid?

The fucking governor told poor people dont need to eat normal food, he tried to gave in poor schools human ration (Like dog food)

I'm not talking that he is bad, I'm talking that HALF of the FUCKING COUNTRY is raged and totally PISSED, that means we will have a fucked up scenario for more 4 years atleast.

We should invest in weapons and bullets.

Poors just spawn more poors. Why continue the cycle?

Like with Trump?

The rich will get richer. The poor will get poorer.

Brazil is already a very economically unequal country.

The jews love him and he had the open support of one of the largest media companies in the country.
You don't know what you're talking about.

Well, mostly the poor are pissed. We have no power. So really there will be no war, only a one-sided pummeling.

Found this on pol
Bolso quotes
>I'm in favor of a dictatorship - 24 June 1993
>The only mistake of the dictatorship was torturing and not killing.- 7 August 2008

>The Military Police should have killed 1,000 rather than 111 prisoners in the Carandiru massacre. - 3 October 1997

>Pinochet should have killed more people. -3 December 1998

>I'm in favor of torture. You know that. And the people are too. Through the vote, you'll change nothing in this country. Nothing, absolutely nothing. We'll only get change, unfortunately, when we go into a civil war here someday and do a work the military regime didn't do, killing as much as thirty thousand people, starting with FHC. It's all right if some innocent people die. Innocent people die in many wars. - 23 May 1999

>There is no doubt. I would launch a coup on the same day. [Congress] doesn't work and I'm sure that at least 90% of the population would applaud. Congress nowadays does nothing; it votes only for what the president wants. If he's who rules, who decides and who gloats above the Congress, then let the coup be launched, let it be a dictatorship. -23 May 1999

>I defend torture. A drug dealer who acts on the streets against our children must to be immediately put on a pau-de-arara. There would be no human rights in this case. There would be pau-de-arara, beating. The same thing for kidnappers. The guy must to be broken to open his mouth. - 14 February 2000

>I think execution by firing squad is even an honorable thing to certain people. - 14 February 2000

>PSOL is party of dicks and faggots. I will respond to the senator with toilet paper. - 11 December 2014
>They lost in 1964, and now they have lost in 2016. [...] To the memory of Colonel Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra, the dread of Dilma Rousseff. - 17 April 2016

>Jesus Christ was not totally passive. He drove the money changers from the temple. If he had a firearm, he'd have used it. - 18 August 2018

>Brazil above all, God above everyone. - Campaign Slogan

Fuck you commie if you dont like a good president like bolsonaro you can go and live in venezuela as the poor monkey you are

How could you not be overjoyed a man like this won? America and European nations need a man like this to fix things.

Now you imagine what happens when the president that won already said he will start fucking the criminal organization that are currently bigger than the state law enforcement agencies..

Just you imagine the upcoming shit that can happen in a blink of an eye.

The problem is not him, the problem is that now we are already at the limit, people were killing the other side at the election, this will start a mass rage behavior that we dont know the outcome.

Much worst. all the bad side on steroids.

This is how it started on 1980, then we started the dictatorship for more than 20 years.

Oh, Brazil will become like Venezuela soon enough.

You should be a fucking retard.. let me tell you a secret

Criminal organizations got so big.. SO FUCKING BIG that they own the private transportation, not just that but many business too.

Last time we had a wannabe fight against crime it started a fight where nobody could leave their homes at home.

There is a shitload incoming tier of shit, we aint america, we already fucked.

Now imagine 50% of the country pissed and trully raged for 4 years.

Sounds like Brazil needs to purge 50% of its populace.

We need to purge 34% so no we're not as bad. Yet.

They're ignorant Favelanon. They don't know better.

How can you think a trip fag poster called "Favelanon" has any fucking clue in this god damn world about anything??? "Q_Q ppl are fighting Q_Q" fucking man up and fight however you can. Life is a fight and no one will give you the freedom to rest. Because you don't beg for freedom or fight for it and if it costs you everything you had to this point!

(Sorry for sounding a lot like some Instagramm-account for motivational posts, but I cant stand people who cry about change because they cant stand the consequeneces coming with it. Drugs from pharma also have their side effects but shit is helping in the longrun.)

>"Minorities have to bow down to the majority [...] Minorities [should] adequate themselves or simply disappear".
>"Being gay is result of lack of beating"
>"Women shouldn't have the same salary because they get pregnant", Telling a congresswoman she "doesn't deserve to be raped by him"
>"My son wouldn't date a black woman, he was well educated".
>"Pinochet did what had to be done"
>In a June 2011, interview with Playboy, Bolsonaro said that "I would be incapable of loving a gay son," and added that he would prefer any gay son of his "to die in an accident..."
>In a public speech in April 2017, Bolsonaro said that he had five children, that the first four were male and that for the fifth he produced a daughter out of "a moment of weakness"

>business & finance

Checked for based Führer digitsand stop I'm getting too jealous.

I'm not worried because he wons, I'm worried because now we can start the same shit that happened on 1960.

His electors are already xenophobic, they already started to talk shit about the north east country side, they are even creating state indepence movements to get rid of the states who voted on the other side.

Imagine 50% pissed and raged to the point they are on their limits.

We have 23million unemployed atleast, economical recession and massive shitload incoming.

Serious, is this all you could say to pretend you have some wisdom?

Its Jow Forums related as the current real/dolar ration already went down.

>no they’re ignorant
Fuck off faggot
If you’re scared of Bolsonaro you’re part of the problem. I hope he give you a free helicopter tour.

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Your OP is clearly territory faggot.

Just bought £2.5k of a Brazilian ETF. Biggest investment I've ever made.

It's going to be great lad. Don't worry.

It’s called locker room talk and normal people find it hilarious

no way there will be civil war, brazil is too important strategically, not only to the US, but to every country that imports foodstuffs
you guys produce half of the wolrds onions, relax
its probbaly jsut that the gibs are over and that social mobility for the brown classes will be zero, as it always has been

Okay after reading through this thread/your posts I hereby declare you...a faggot! I hope your death will decrease the supply of some shitcoin I hold.

I hope Brazil gets into a civil war and gets erased from the earth. Shithole country and society

much like every fucking democracy
you dont invest in the poor, you spend on education

why is bolsonaro so bad? what does he want to change? im not taking the piss its just that peple here dont know shit about brazil and it would give your argument more power if you explained. also, sorry for the cynical post before, its just so damn frustrating to have people yell "trump trump" whenever an extreme right wing candidate that supports 500 year old family owned power structures gets elected

>>I'm in favor of torture. You know that. And the people are too. Through the vote, you'll change nothing in this country. Nothing, absolutely nothing. We'll only get change, unfortunately, when we go into a civil war here someday and do a work the military regime didn't do, killing as much as thirty thousand people, starting with FHC. It's all right if some innocent people die. Innocent people die in many wars. - 23 May 1999
>>There is no doubt. I would launch a coup on the same day. [Congress] doesn't work and I'm sure that at least 90% of the population would applaud. Congress nowadays does nothing; it votes only for what the president wants. If he's who rules, who decides and who gloats above the Congress, then let the coup be launched, let it be a dictatorship. -23 May 1999
>>I defend torture. A drug dealer who acts on the streets against our children must to be immediately put on a pau-de-arara. There would be no human rights in this case. There would be pau-de-arara, beating. The same thing for kidnappers. The guy must to be broken to open his mouth. - 14 February 2000
>>I think execution by firing squad is even an honorable thing to certain people. - 14 February 2000
>>PSOL is party of dicks and faggots. I will respond to the senator with toilet paper. - 11 December 2014
>>They lost in 1964, and now they have lost in 2016. [...] To the memory of Colonel Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra, the dread of Dilma Rousseff. - 17 April 2016
>>Jesus Christ was not totally passive. He drove the money changers from the temple. If he had a firearm, he'd have used it. - 18 August 2018
>>Brazil above all, God above everyone. - Campaign Slogan

How is any of this bad?

The real problem is that this isnt like happened on Trump, the ones that didnt voted on Bolsonaro will still remain pissed with him, that means no social agreement.

People are already fighting on São Paulo

It's not its great. If I were Brazilian I would be enlisting in the military right now to help him make his dream a reality.

im going to come to brazil as soon as i can to witness whats going on in this country
i have a feeling that brazil could be sitting at the big boys table soon when it comes to economic development
where in brazil are you from

I'm only worried what this will mean for all the tgirls :(

>idiots upset the same corrupt idiots who wrecked Brazil for 15 years didn't win

Phew. Bring back the dictatorship.

We need an Army of Max Payne's to cleanse the streets

You have us, you ingrateful bastard.

Isn't almost everyone in Brazil nonwhite?

90% of the robbery gunfight videos on youtube seem to come from Brazil. Can you buy a pistol?

>"bolsonaro bad man,plz give more money to survive"

based resident LEECH making sob threads everyday

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São Paulo, Zona Leste (Guaianazes - poorest area)

He wants to sell public owned companies to private investors.

Generalize long distance education to the point of basic literacy when roughly half of the country does not have an internet connection.

Raise interest rates to bait foreign investors into brazilian agricultural economy.

Drastically reduce customs import taxes, effectively killing Brazil's national industry.

Legalize firearms carrying as a public safety policy.


Investing in brazilian commodities is definitely a good move right now. The country will implode, but it will be fucking great for the first world investor.

I know it, fren. Its sad to have that shit feeling.

Medium upper class and upper classes majority white with european ancestry.

You can get into the military even if you want, they receive low investment, the only way to get into is doing an national test and making better than 98% of the others.

>fix the economy so there are less poor people
>spiral into further debt to keep feeding the existing poor people

Pick one

>Investing in local economies and protecting national enterprises.

>another favelanigger sob story thread

Yes, he will protect national enterprises reducing the importation taxes that make the outsider products cheapears than national ones.

For sure

All right!

He was speaking at public though.

Another fuck yourself reply to you faggot again.

People don't even realize Killary and Drumpf are fucking cousins (with a direct line to british nobility or some shit). Divide and conquer in full effect

Those are some pretty disturbing quotes from him. You don't want to live in a society where the government can torture you or arrest you without due process. That's Syria level shit tier society. It will lead to ruin.

I'm in favor of law and order but you are right to be concerned if the President is a complete nutcase fascist.

I was just saying this would be the solution for Brazil's economy. I'm not saying he is doing it, since he obviously won't.

>He wants to sell public owned companies to private investors.
I hope so.

Yeah, just ignore all the other shit I said. That's the way for rhetoric victory, congratulations.

being contrarian for no reason is retarded

Without him shit is already happening.
Some user sent me $30 through western union, I had to go to the shopping mall and surprise, all security guards staring to me and following me everywhere.

He wants to sell public owned companies to private investors.
>>not a bad idea as the death spiral of ineffective state ownership of key industries made venezuela, for example, what it is now. isnt petrobras the biggest oil company in the world?
Generalize long distance education to the point of basic literacy when roughly half of the country does not have an internet connection.
>>are you saying it is the governments job to provide an internet connection? also, i dont understand the first part. generalize long distance educatioN?
Raise interest rates to bait foreign investors into brazilian agricultural economy.

Drastically reduce customs import taxes, effectively killing Brazil's national industry.
>>forcing it to become more effective and efficient, while lowering consumer prices at the same time - i dont see how this is so bad
Legalize firearms carrying as a public safety policy.
>>yes i heard that brazil is EXTREMELY unsafe - it seems to me that people voted for safety, above all, in this election, didnt they?

Bolsonaro is supported by the biggest media company in Brazil and also is a zionist little shit for no reason whatsoever. He is not contrarian, the Cambridge Analytics-like narrative his publicity team constructed says so, but it really is not the case

[email protected]
shoot me a contact so i can say hello when im in sao paulo

Is that because you are dark skinned? Are the security guards armed there? Seems like they'd have to be.

>[email protected]
[email protected]
But just stay on business area and on business area, user, you can even try some high quality hookers.

Live a experience I never had.

in south America blacks are the absolute lowest socioeconomic class and since low socioeconomic class is correlated with crime you have a vicious culture of racism

im glad im black in the U.S. instead of any other place

That's the only thing that truly matters;