I will be at the party with Sergey. What should I ask him?

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Other urls found in this thread:

what the fuck this has to be faked

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why can’t i stop masturbating?

chanlink will change fun?

ask who got him pregnant

top fucking kek! Decentralized sitcoms for everyone

Ask what he thinks of KEK and repeating digits, my dude

Attached: 1539966729778.png (640x640, 146K)

Tell him to check these digits


nice but also not so nice

So they are there drinking and fucking hookers with investor money?

Stinkies stay stinky.

Faggot this does not look real at all

Ask him if 1000 biztard suicides eoy were worth it

Also Chainlink team is giving away T-shirt and most devs in the conference are wearing it. We are not early adopters anymore. I have also spoke with Chainlink team and they are indeed browsing /biz guys. I have it confirmed.

When will it dump?


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ask him why he wears the same shirt every day

ask for his penis size measurements flaccid and erect length and girth

kde seženu lístek ?

you could have gotten that shirt at that other event earlier in the month, that's not proof

Kek just read it. Fucking autists, very bullish.

Oh fug.

I wonder how much stuff they have actually larped here.. I hope Thomas or Rory lets us know one day.

Whats the scoop OP? Are they going to drop anything new or showcase demo's?

Entrance near the restroom.

please try not to embarrass us

please buy 10 bigmacs and bring them with you, then do the retarded chainlink kid dance for extra autism


I'm genuinely jealous.
t. non-STEM fag

but THIS for the love of god OP

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it goes without saying that the way you have fun will change a lot when you are worth 9 figures

Ask him how he came across, as the domain was registered days before bitcoin's whitepaper.

Yeah, this looks expensive, wtf.

Attached: smells_like_req.png (814x425, 362K)

>When Mainnet

I'm going to follow Sergey to the toilet and film him taking a piss.

Screencap this

I just bought a ryanair flight to Prague for tomorrow.

Not even kidding

Thanks for outing yourself. I'm sitting at the other side of the canteen.
I'll smack you in your queer mouth once i'm finished this nespresso you Jow Forums nazi

Partnership with FUN confirmed

is this why we are pumping

i was just looking at flights myself
can't afford it at the moment, otherwise i would do the same

Reply to this post if you think Decentralized Fun should be a new meme frens

Ask him what happend to Jason Parser.

If I didn't have uni I'd go, good lad
Send pics x

You claim mountain kike heritage but have a pajeet accent. Have you studied shape shifting at the Mossad Institute?

Fucking based. Looks like you can stay for as low as $79 a night. Sergey knows all the deals.

those shirts are baller af. ask if they'll be selling them and if they'll make one with narrow shoulders, even small t-shirts have shoulders that are too big for me and the seam sits well below where its supposed to.

Is their spa a rub and tug you think???

>During your treatment let your therapist know if you feel any discomfort or if you would like special attention to a particular area.
>For sauna and steam room guests should wear a sheet or towel only.

Where from?


>guests will be allowed up to 1 rub of Sergeys belly. please be gentle

Better RSVP fren.

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You coming?

Zaregistruj se podle toho letaku, jdeme tam i s kamosama. Bude tam Sergey a spol.

Can someone please inquire more about white label partnerships?

From Dublin, I'm supposed to land at 15:30, if I take an Uber I should make it in time.
You have enough time though.

dá se tam vůbec zaregistrovat když nejdu na devcon?

Ask home why he’s so damn confident lately. Total chad moves and statements by our lad.

Tvl, ja vubec nevedel, ze Devcon probiha. Tocili jsme jedno video pro klienta u Korinthie, sel jsem se najist ke Kongresaku a zastavime me typek, jestli nechci Chainlink triko a ucastnist se spolecne vecere. Byl to pro me totalne wtf moment, protoze jsem vytvoril tolik memecek na Chainlink a na /biz chodim uz dva roky. Vubec jsem to nebyl schopen pochopit. Uz jsem tam registroval sebe i kamose a mame accepted invite na mailu.

It's for free, they are not selling.

Ask him how big his dick is and if his foreskin has been Jewed or not and if it has please tell him about the wonders of foreskin restoration there's still hope for him and also if he prefers to use rubber or not I prefer not. Oh and what's his favorite smell? Are you writing this down OP?

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jakože tě jen tak někdo zastavil ohledně chainlinku když si dělal něco unrelated ke kryptoměnám? To tam museli snad invitovat úplně každého koho našli na ulici ne?

Presne tak, sel jsem jen s notebookem kolem. Zvali tam devs, co byli kolem kongresu a mysleli, ze jsem jeden z nich.

You're utter embarrassment, marine.

no tak to je pěkná náhoda
jen doufám že tam omylem nepozvali nějakýho smradlavýho houmlesáka co tam zrovna žebral okolo

Zebrak ti nevyplni RSVP, kazdopadne jestli chces dorazit doraz. Link uz tu nekdo sdilel nahore, pripadne letak. Muze tam byt omezeny pocet mist, tak bych nevahal.

nice shmedium twink

checked, and the day after

Fuck off Chainlink shills and Go build something.

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everyone join, we need as many linkies there with Sergey

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haha wtf man
pls do, but get busted aswell

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put a phone in front tit pocket orsmth

Less than 30 minutes until a presentation from Jake Brukhman (Chainlink advisor) on generalized mining. Will likely have some relevant information.

OP here, yep I'm going there, instruct me.

I'm going to be a incognito bodyguard for Sergey. No one is going to harm or harass him.
I would even take a bullet for him.

Call me agent OOO

us this user

>implying this thing isn't a Jow Forums honeypot
>implying Sergey won't genocide all that come.

make sure you go to this event and stream for us user

Mainnet will be a catastrophic dump. PRL like.

what said
I would want to be there in person, it would be my dream but I really can't this time. Very sad

lmao oi Ed SOOO whats up

Ok, I'll try. Make sure you are synced to CEE time zone, I'll stream it when I'm there.

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I like to post FUD on projects that I'm not invested in aswell.

Thanks man, big

This. Entrusting your entire project to an anonymous entity is a terrible mistake. Has anyone actually seen Sergey in real life? I bet he doesn't even exist.

nice ty

can anyone here punch him in the gut to see if he's a hologram or not?

>He thinks he can penetrate the money belly
I wouldn't try that if I were you.

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I will dine with him tomorrow night

>kys faggot

Saw him at DevCon4 today

This shit is never gonna moon and you know it
Just give up you've been bagholding this shit for over a year now

Don't drink the punch ;)

gonna be at the party tomorrow too
what are you guys gonna be wearing so I can recognise you?

Sergey's shirt

just because you buy a couch on craigslist doesn't mean you're also into gay blowjobs

fuck off delphi

Not going but I think anything with cubes will do well.

Op here, i will have a blue shirt with some kind of molecules on it.

I'll look out for you and when I see you I'm going to quote carlos' speech at you.

you two niggas should get a room and periscope that

ask him why was registered literally days before the release of the bitcoin whitepaper.

Agent 3XL

just bought 10k FUN