So user, when did you realize BAT was the only crypto project worth investing in?

so user, when did you realize BAT was the only crypto project worth investing in?

>Nov 2017

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Unfortunately I realized it too early and now my average buy in is too high.

Wish I would have waited for ~$.20 and lower

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How many BAT are needed to make it in 2019?

3 million

when I found out it's creator made javascript.

all you do with bat can do with any other crypto, also FIAT too

BAT is a literal meme

Lol sucess of just one of many shilled rc20 tokens bat link 0x any.. Will legitimize shitcoins printing and make ethereum win for at least next 10y.

Seriously, what is the difference between the Twitch "Bit" and the BAT? Neither use the ETH blockchain. Both handle transactions on internal company servers. Both require you to sign up with third-party services and go through KYC

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I realized it wasnt when I saw that picture

Centralized shitcoin that violates itsnown principles. Only a fool buys into it, it's literally REDIT tier

BAT is ERC20. BAT handles this internally FOR NOW to keep it feeless and simple. nothing is stopping them from doing more on chain later

>nothing is stopping them from doing more on chain later
Please tell me when is the last time you were able to set up and run an ETH node?

>muh browser plugin token
fucking lmao

like, a day ago. what's your point? that it's hard for normans? this is why BAT is holding hands

whenever you see someone say "also ___ too" you know they are a shitskin

>like, a day ago. what's your point? that it's hard for normans?
my point is that it is fucking impossible you liar. Parity doesn't work.

not long after the ICO.

comfy AF though I wish I had grabbed even more.

>der croinbase will bist it soon derrr

>what is geth

No use worrying about it now since it will never be that low again.

An co-founded Mozilla

bat has definitely risen in popularity on biz >

whats the reason behind the hype? any new announcements?

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But they actually can't. That's what happens when you design an ecosystem when the token is an axiomatic part of it. Go clean the community shitter pajeet, you've lost your posting privileges.

>MOM I posted it again!

What are everyone’s sell targets on the coinbase listing?

what is geth indeed
no point in arguing with this guy
fud debunked

>whats the reason behind the hype? any new announcements?

As of now I think it's just the obvious stuff. Brave rolled out a newer, sleeker browser. BAT is chugging along on its roadmap. Coinbase hype. Price slowly rising instead of steadily falling, occasional +5-10% moons. People talk when things look promising.

Hopefully no one is retarded enough to sell on that pump when this is going to go so much fucking higher as it becomes a major part of a future post Google internet.

35 to 40 cents. It's already gone up so much recently due to speculation.

Checked. That’s years out bro. I’m poor af, def taking some profits and lots of other people will too.

That’s pretty low man

just don't sell your whole stack

Sure feels good to be the only real coin that didn't take a shit with Bitcoin these last few days.

I could be wrong, but I don't think that BAT's pumps and dumps have been lining up with BTC's for a while now. BAT and Chainlink seem to be on their own in terms of when they rise and fall in price. I think that's a good thing.

Of course, if BTC takes a massive shit they both do too, but when BTC goes flat = BAT and Chainlink do their own thing.

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