id get weird looks if i wore this outfit to town
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They look good to me and I'm neurotypical and non-weeb.
Very /fa/ , where to cop?
maybe you are...You'd certainly be dressed like one.
nahhh, most people are just bland , so they project their mundane fashion on everyone. Notice how most wagekeks dress exactly the same
I don't always wear suits, but when I do, it's a vulgar display of bad taste.
gigantic sword
can only swing efficienently from the side or from above...
Not gonna make it
get on my level faggots
It wouldnt be a terrible looking coat if say, they ripped those $5 JCPenny pleather sleeves off it and replaced all the material of that coat with peacoat style wool, while adding sleeves bavk onto it. It would still be kinda edgelordy depending on how it was proportioned but those sleeves seal the shit deal on itat present.
buy it and cut off the sleaves, to show off your manly gunz.