I have 9 ETH. What do?

I have 9 ETH. What do?

Attached: 4258B79C-404A-4921-94E9-4CCE6FF0C972.jpg (918x1613, 166K)

How much is that in Bitcoin?

buy chainlink $link
go all in on link


Hold it or buy REQ. Don't buy Chainlink, it's too late. They will dump it on you.

REQ will exit scam any day now

buy linkpool shares
it's a better investment than link right now
don't listen to fudders

Might be a good time to pickup some ETH below $200 with it.

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Attached: xs.png (486x515, 20K)

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You're welcome.

pal already pumped tho no?

Hold eth sir, trade idex shitcoins to increase eth

Nope. Right now is actually the only good time to buy since it entered this board's consciousness.
It's got a lot of buzz going on in the telegram channels rn.

BAT, seriously, Brave V1 incoming in 1-2 months with hight probability on CB listing afterwards. It already pumped 30% from last Brave update.

Attached: 1540907119219.png (1920x1080, 859K)

i-is this a girl or a trap?? need to know.. quickly..

Attached: 1532687179717.jpg (400x406, 58K)

It's a girl.


girl, I don't remenber the tho.

Its a 100% verifiable grill

buy a computer

*the name tho

I guess They never miss huh

Don't listen to this doofus. Buy NTSC.

Don't listen to these boomers. Buy SECAM.

you got a boyfriend i bet he doesn't kiss ya!

Link dumbass

You have $1800

I'd say wageslave

Buy IG Token and retire in a few months.

unironically APOT.

Go in USD

wait 10 days...

checkem and kekem

Buy BAT when it dips on binance. Wait one month. It’ll be worth it ;)

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