Chainlink is about to go parabolic

Get in here faggots

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Checked and Hitler heiled

Already all in.
20K let's fucking go.

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Checked. Strap in!

Its happening tonight

I cant get funds over.
It's done for me.

I am left behind.

I'm glad my bros made it tho.

I ain't buying that shit nigga

im here waiting with my 2584 to hit 100 bucks

same bro, 20k bought in at 0.57. Almost even, and it feels so fucking good. Can't wait to see what the near future holds.

What's wrong with your funds?

Checked. Captain here. I'm not looking for a promotion anymore, let's just get this job done boys.

post the ranks

17,400 with a $0.37 avg. I have a feeling 20k is gonna be some work to hit now.

If Link gets to something like 100$ do you know how much money you’ll be able to make staking as little as 5000 link on a oracle. You think linkpool will be the only way into joining large node? You know how many people will fomo when they realize how much they can make staking?


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Sold at 8350 sats. Will i sleep good tonight? Its going back down r-right guys?


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Hey. Yikes I mean maybe it will work out for you, but I also wouldn’t want to be the guy to literally miss the singularity. People will really speak of the people who sold right as it took off and just completely missed it lol

It’s not

>He sold the golden ticket to Elysium for pocket change.

It's ok Lucifcer. Enjoy living in a hell of your own making for eternity.

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I'm just looking at this chart
I've held since preico
I remember waiting forever for those tokens
the day when they finally hit my wallet was a feeling I could never live again.
it's the type of feeling one gets when opening ocarina of time Christmas 98
or a 30 minute video finally downloading on albinoblacksheep circa 2002
that moment is gone and some of us lived it
but the rest won't understand
I watched that chart go to 120k gwei right after binance listing, only to watch it slowly bleed out back to pre ico price of .00036000 gwei
i picked up more, and I held
I watched the second ramp up
this is going to be it guys
this is singularity we said
how naive we were
and we bled
we were mocked
but we stood true to our tonight posts
1k eoy we reeeee'd
we were hit with every fud across the way
You know the ones
It's still there to this day
looking at this chart now, after all that, feels like whatching two guys break out into a fight in the intersection
you're watching it, but you can't believe this is happening
this is another feeling I get to experience that no one but linkers that held from the beginning will understand
and I'm glad to be feeling it with you anons

it is a meme, user..

one of the best

Posts like this are making me delusional

its fucking dumping again, i told you LINKIES BTFO

Is this just a meme now?

It's okay we've got each other user

just buy link
it just doesn't feel right without my link stack
it's a part of me now

i've only got 45000 LINK

am I gonna make it bros

I remember when it was 13 cents, let's hope this is the moon weve been waiting for

My guy you are gonna get absolutely rekt

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Been in since november since 25c because the memes were genuinely funny which is something shills cant really do.
I still dont believe it's that good an idea but i know 1k eoy is possible, expecting $70

In stead of blessed Aleron

- General of ChainLink: General Sergey Nazarov
- General: 500001+ LINK
- Lieutenant General: 250001-500000 LINK
- Major General: 175001-250000 LINK
- Brigadier General: 125001-175000 LINK
- Colonel: 750001-125000 LINK
- Lieutenant Colonel: 50001-75000 LINK
- Major: 35001-50000 LINK
- Captain: 25001-35000 LINK
- First Lieutenant: 20001-25000 LINK
- Second Lieutenant: 15001-20000 LINK
- Sergeant Major: 10001-15000 LINK
- Master Sergeant: 9001-10000 LINK
- Sergeant First Class: 7501-9000 LINK
- Staff Sergeant: 5001-7500 LINK
- Sergeant: 3501-5000 LINK
- Corporal: 1501-3500 LINK
- Specialist: 501-1500 LINK
- Private: 1-500 LINK

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You'll have as much as I do right now

>qeq in id
77 dubs
1000 eoy confirmed

inb4 sibos 2.0 dump

kek alone from reading this thread you can easily tell that this is the exact peak of the pump. imagine having link right now and not selling

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1LT reporting

Guys... I've been holding for so long, didn't ever sell my stack to swing, I believed in this project and put my money in repeatedly

This is happening too soon. I didn't get enough tokens, FUUUUUUUCK ME I'M NOT READY!!!!!!!

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Its back to 8350. I'll wait for 6500.

Zoom out

Stay sub 20k.

Gonna promote to corporal tonight.

zooming out just further confirms that a massive dump is coming..

It will go down, yes. But if people think this is the ATH they're delusional.

So chainlink is popular among white supremacists?

selling now is a lot wiser than buying
buying now is a stupid gamble
just trying to look out for anons, wouldn't want a repeat of the $1+ buying would they?

How did you find out about the ICO?

>selling eth at $5 is a lot wiser than buying
>buying eth at $5 is a stupid gamble
I mean sure, it's a gamble, but you have to be a fucking moron to not see the difference between all of the other shitcoins and chainlink. Link is the exception.

Just became a Colonel everyone. Thanks for everything and everyone for the memes helping me get to this point.

We are all going to make it.

Sergeant reporting in.

huur buy 0xbtc at 50c it's just like buying btc at 50c

That's not the comparison I used at all fuck wad

one night I was on biz and someone posted an address saying this is my link preico pool, throw your money in here, small amounts because cap is 300 eth
a random user posting a random address
and I was retarded/smart enough to throw eth into it

pretty much yeah

Wow, look at that, it's pumping.
>Man, sure happy I didn't gamble and buy in.


Never done crypto before. Put 20 bucks in. Lets see what happens.

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It's like a slot machine, but you can actually see all of your money disappearing in real time.

20 dollars, YOLO

diarrhea, on my street? pakeet you sonofabitch

once these nerds stop drinking alcohol and making purchases your coin finna get dabbed on back down to 42c

YFW the pump was drunk linkies market buying from their phones in prague

talk nigger to me again, i dare you


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What platform do y’all use to trade LINK?

wow look at that it can't break the resistance

136 here, all made with mining and selling on one GTX 1070!

user, I..... I'm so sorry.

I'm right there with you user. Bought my first stack on etherdelta. Now sitting on about 110k stinkies. Very grateful to share this time with you guys. Going to be a little sad when it's over and it moons.

The old days, the hard days

i sold at 2600 sats to buy other coins that fell further. i wanted to buy back when they bounced
then link outperformed them all ;_;
and i had been holding almost a whole year

buy chainlink, comrades

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Lieutenant General here. These past couple weeks have been too exciting for words. Almost feels like us Linkies are getting to experience the symptoms of the ETH bullrun or alt run of late 17 all over again by ourselves and every other crypto is being left in the dust....

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mrph partnered with link yesterday
accumulate shitcoins that are linked to link, linktards
this is eth ICOs 2.0

umm guys what does this mean

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means one guy set a huge artificial sell wall to halt price growth while he accumulates more LINK

then he'll remove the wall

yes it's the official Nazi coin among our alt-right groups

yeah yeah you guys claim every coin is your coin

They were waiting for 5500 last night.
You sure?

very last chance to get out before 0

just know that everytime you trade a LINK it's like you're trading a reichsmark

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Major, reporting in

Post the fud screencap compilation

Corporal Stink reporting as orderedSarge.

checked, also chainlink is big gay

None of you are white though, and none of you will ever reproduce.

but how much can a single neet node on aws free net a day

i'm 100% white and have a 4 year old son, so uh, ya dude, guess you got me there.

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Private NEET reporting in

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(((our alt-right groups)))
Nice try Schlomo... at least one moron believed you

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People have been saying this for the last 3 months. Back to discord faggot.

Fellow Colonel here. 101k stack. We will make it.

I want this but to be a master at the guitar. Will I make it with 1.5k user?

DEX. Stopping using centralized exchanges. And if you store your LINKs on Binance, god help your soul. Something bad will happen with that exchange eventually. It's too big of a target. If you don't hold your private keys, you don't have your LINKs.

no. its always been 10k to make it.

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What's exciting about this is that entire market has been stagnant. LINK is the exception. This is really the first time it's mooned. The last run up over a $1 was literally just bots moving the entire market in that direction. It's beyond exciting.

Have only 6k. I just want enough to buy a house without having to get a jewy mortgage.

Triple peak dump incoming fuckkkkkk

We're actually going to be making a cup