>NEET for 1 year and 3 months
WHAT DO I DO?! Getting real depressed and worried. My room looks like a mess, as well as me. But I hate working, getting up early, sleeping early and all that stuff.
By chainlink now or you will regret it for the rest of your life
agree, if you have some savings you should dump them into chainlink asap or else you will have to wagecuck some day and kill yourself, you will now forever remember this post and this thread but its up to you how you want to look at it in the future, with depression or with joy that you listened and made it.
your choice. Good luck.
if you have nothing to do in this very moment in time, check out
however, long term, you need to develop a skill you enjoy. what do you like to do?
nothing but play games and watch video on my computer all day.
School was boring and no fun, same with work experience was all shitty, hatted it a lot
yes that's the easy answer, but you're gonna have to dig deeper
on a certain level, everyone enjoys just doing nothing, doesn't matter if you're jeff bezos or musk
but, there is something that you do actually enjoy doing, what is it?
I already said though not working and playing video games all day. I enjoy having freedom to do anything I want and not feeling restricted like I was in college/school where I had to wake up or do work, it felt like I was in jail
there has been a massive shilling campaing for this, wtf is going on
You're fucking 19....
You can literally fuck around doing nothing for years without consequence. I would highly recommend you travel for a year or two.
yeah but my parents dont like it, got money problems too