>NEET for 1 year and 3 months
WHAT DO I DO?! Getting real depressed and worried. My room looks like a mess, as well as me. But I hate working, getting up early, sleeping early and all that stuff.
By chainlink now or you will regret it for the rest of your life
agree, if you have some savings you should dump them into chainlink asap or else you will have to wagecuck some day and kill yourself, you will now forever remember this post and this thread but its up to you how you want to look at it in the future, with depression or with joy that you listened and made it.
your choice. Good luck.
if you have nothing to do in this very moment in time, check out
however, long term, you need to develop a skill you enjoy. what do you like to do?
nothing but play games and watch video on my computer all day.
School was boring and no fun, same with work experience was all shitty, hatted it a lot
yes that's the easy answer, but you're gonna have to dig deeper
on a certain level, everyone enjoys just doing nothing, doesn't matter if you're jeff bezos or musk
but, there is something that you do actually enjoy doing, what is it?
I already said though not working and playing video games all day. I enjoy having freedom to do anything I want and not feeling restricted like I was in college/school where I had to wake up or do work, it felt like I was in jail
there has been a massive shilling campaing for this, wtf is going on
You're fucking 19....
You can literally fuck around doing nothing for years without consequence. I would highly recommend you travel for a year or two.
yeah but my parents dont like it, got money problems too
just me posting about it, wanted to create something cool for biz crypto traders and enthusiasts to use
but today an user I don't know did make a thread about the site, so I think people are liking it, neat
Read the richest man in babylon.Start putting away some money in a couple of years you'll have more than your peers since most don't save.Also you're an adult you don't need permission from your parents to travel.Also unless you work don't expect a good life unless you're parents are loaded ofcourse you have money troubles not working.
gotta pay $600 a month, can't really save
Good on you man, neat site. You should combo it up with some of the other social data gathering sites that I've seen that give some sort of weird crypto social score.
maybe go into detail about how your algo works
I would get certified in networking and security if I were you, maybe take some community college classes. You should be able to get a good job easy.
do you have it up on github somewhere? Just started programming, and seems like an awesome and simple example to learn from.
Everyone hates working, getting up early and sleeping early. I'm eighteen and dropped out of high school @ 16 to play WoW all day. I caught up academically and started community college recently. Getting an AA will nullify my shitty high school grades and let me transfer to a state uni, 100%.
Leaving my room reintroduced me to such simple sentimentsI hadn't felt in years—I'm not a total loser, I don't actually mind not having friends and I do, in fact, have meager aspirations that are not suicide.
I also realized how many cute girls are out there.
In retrospect (and I only made the change three months ago) it's as if two years of my life were taken away from me. Didn't do anything, didn't learn anything—it was just a void.
Everyone's comfortable lounging around doing nothing. I don't mean to be rude, but, well, grow up. Part of ascending childhood is facing the reality that we have to do shit that we don't want to do. It isn't actually that bad. Something that helps me is actively killing the "I fucking hate this and don't want to be here right now" thoughts that pop into my head. Quelling negativity helps.
>lift weights
>eat right
>get laid
>gain height
Join the Coast Guard. You get to learn discipline and skills, while helping other people and not getting shot. Sure, you have to wake up early, but you'll be able to fucking insane and party in places you'd never imagine.
>Everyone hates working
>Everyone's comfortable lounging around doing nothing
Literally false statements.
Fuck off with the coast guard shills
Army is better
>lower IQ
>higher chance of dying
>other branches look down on you as a grunt
No thanks.
>Be E-5 in the Coast Guard
>Officer of the Day of the entire fucking station
>In charge of search and rescue missions
>In charge of law enforcement
>Have the same responsibility has an O-3 in other branches.
>PT whenever the fuck you want, not required.
>Sleep in a bed and eat warm meals every day.
>Can be the XO of certain units as an E5,
>Can be CO of certain units as E6 and E7.
>In charge of 10-25 people.
>There are units in the Coast Guard with no officers.
>Call people first names because it's chill as fuck
>Fuck foreign chicks and party all over the world.
>Be E-5 in the Army
>Wake up every morning to PT
>Get treated like shit by everyone
>Baby sitting fucking morons all day
>Probably a moron yourself.
>Get shot at
>Sleep in dirt
>No one knows your first name
>No one gives a fuck about you
>You're literally just a number
>No responsibilities
>Only in charge of 3-4 people
>Takes no fucking skills to excel at job.
>Get shit on by 22 year old O-1 daily
>Liberty restrictions
>Safety briefs
My bad, I thought it'd be implicit that those statements are generalizations and weren't to be taken literally.
If it helps:
- A lot of people, probably the majority, hate working as well as waking up early.
- Many people also enjoy lounging around doing nothing, because it's what's easy and comfortable, even if it's boring.
For what?And how can you pay if you don't work?Also your trying to justify not saving how can you get a head without saving?Make it a goal to have x amount iin the bank a year.Look you already recognize theres a problem don't leave it at that.Most people do .Keep looking for a solution.Not every job is horrible too.You don't have to work, be homeless if the juice is not worth the squeeze.
you need to change but don't force it when the opportunity arises be humble and take them whatever they are :)
Putting money in the bank is by far the WORST thing to do. You'd be better off putting it in a brokerage account and learning to invest it.
No point in investing almost nothing.I meant like an emergency fund first and foremost would put him ahead most his age.Honestly I don't know much about investing but I'm pretty sure most 19 don't make enough to invest.Let alone enough to lose any of it.
I made 3.5k a month when I was 19.
i'm too old to enlist, but what is USMC like? I admit i like their commercials i probably would have signed up lol