The best performer of the bear market and you haven't seen shit yet

The best performer of the bear market and you haven't seen shit yet

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Literally and unironically, $1000 EOY

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one hundred thousand dollars end of year

>you haven't seen shit yet
You're god damn right

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That's not veritaseum.

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New target is $5000

+250% in a bear market means unironically +2500% in a bull market

mainnet is not even live yet


Strap in boys
We're in for a wild ride
Wild fucking ride

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I've been strapped in for over a year now you mother fucker let's go

Good. Me too marine.

For the record, Adelyn Zhou is hot as fuck IRL. I just had to get this off my chest. And I bet she fooks Sergey with the eye contact they've been making.

Not a bear market. But fat gains coming either way.

>15% gains
>hurr durr muh stinkularity
you linktards are really getting desperate

shoo shoo delphi

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Based and redpilled

t. Delphi

The true Delphi is ANY Jow Forumsfren who owns LINK, not some group of narcissistic discord fags who foolishly think they own the meme magic. Desecrating the true symbols (the cube and chain) with their own is sacrilegious.


based, please upload you whole stack

Why they serve meat skewers at a party? Shouldn't be something like martini and peanuts or something like that?

Anyway Sergey can do anything he wants

Sushi is the perfect party thing

I will bet 10,000 of these that we see 5k sat again.
Don't get too excited just yet.

just let the steam cool off goddamn, we the rest will pump your bags, just need some small correction. keeping buying won't get you anywhere

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What time is chainlink at devcon4 today? I want to watch the take off

can you deliver a link to the stream user?

3 hours and 45 mins